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Презентация на тему Mountains

About half of the US territory is covered by plateaus and mountains
Mountains About half of the US territory is covered by plateaus and mountains The Eastern part of the country is occupied the Appalachian Mountains, which West to the Appalachians stretch to the Central plains in the West The Western part of the country is made up of High Mountain West of the Rockies lies vast plateaus and tablelands:The Colombia plateau The Vegetation and wild life In the North East of the country and the region Great Plateaus In the Great Basin there are desserts and semi desserts. The vegetation
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 About half of the US territory is covered

About half of the US territory is covered by plateaus and mountains

by plateaus and mountains

Слайд 3 The Eastern part of the country is occupied

The Eastern part of the country is occupied the Appalachian Mountains,

the Appalachian Mountains, which is in the North come

close to the Atlantic coast and in the South are separated from it by the Atlantic lowland.

Слайд 4 West to the Appalachians stretch to the Central

West to the Appalachians stretch to the Central plains in the

plains in the West and the Mexican Lowland in

the South. This region is situated in the central part of the USA and considered to be the heart of the USA having good soil.

Слайд 6 The Western part of the country is made

The Western part of the country is made up of High

up of High Mountain Ranges, tablelands and plateaus of

the Cordilleras system, which accounts for 1/3 of the USA.

Слайд 7 West of the Rockies lies vast plateaus and

West of the Rockies lies vast plateaus and tablelands:The Colombia plateau

The Colombia plateau
The Colorado plateau
The Great Basin

A Dessert tablelands

Слайд 8 Vegetation and wild life

Vegetation and wild life

Слайд 9 In the North East of the country and

In the North East of the country and the region Great

the region Great Plateaus there are mixed forests of

pine, lime, ash. Further south they are replaced by broadleaf forests of oak and maple; still further south there appear magnolia, laurel. In the Central Plains the tall-grass prairie vegetation can be found in the East, while in the West the soil is rather dry.

Слайд 11 In the Great Basin there are desserts and

In the Great Basin there are desserts and semi desserts. The

semi desserts. The vegetation in the Cordilleras is represented

by coniferous forests and at the height meters are alpine meadows.
In the North-West Coast there are forests of huge sequoia.
The mixed forest zone is the home of the brown bear, lynx, glutton, marten. In the forests of the Appalachians various Virginia deer, chipmunk, mole, bats.
The South-East is represented by alligator, turtle, opossum, coyote and many kinds of gopher and badgers.
The semi dessert zones are inhabited by different rodents and reptiles. In the Cordillera region there is Rocky Mountain goat, Rocky Mountain Sheep, grizzly bear and further south jaguar and armadillo.

  • Имя файла: mountains.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
  • Количество скачиваний: 0