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Презентация на тему 7 класс Раздел 1(Проект 1) Автор: Когдина Марина

Content 1. Title page. 2. Content. 3. My school.4. School rules.5. What I would like to change at school.6. The end.
My school Presentation prepared by Kogdina Marina grade 7-ATeacher: Semyantseva Marina Valeryevna Content 1. Title page. 2. Content. 3. My school.4. School rules.5. What My schoolOur school is big and beautiful. It is 7 years old. School rules 1. Wear a school uniform.2. Come to school on time.3. What I would like to change at schoolI would like to have Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Content
1. Title page.
2. Content.

Content 1. Title page. 2. Content. 3. My school.4. School rules.5.

My school.
4. School rules.
5. What I would like to

change at school.
6. The end.

Слайд 3 My school
Our school is big and beautiful. It

My schoolOur school is big and beautiful. It is 7 years

is 7 years old. In our school large corridors.

In our school there are about 500 pupils. In each class there is a computer and interactive whiteboard. Also in our school there is a large assembly hall and a dinning room.

Слайд 4 School rules
1. Wear a school uniform.
2. Come

School rules 1. Wear a school uniform.2. Come to school on

to school on time.
3. Be polite.
4.Dont leave a lesson

without permission.
5. Take care of school things and stuff.

Слайд 5 What I would like to change at school

What I would like to change at schoolI would like to

would like to have a swimming pool in our

school. Also I want lessons started later.

  • Имя файла: 7-klass-razdel-1proekt-1-avtor-kogdina-marina.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 138
  • Количество скачиваний: 0