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Презентация на тему MY HOUSE! методическая разработка по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Check your answers1. There is a glass on the table.2. There are two sandwiches in the lunch box.3. There are two shelves in the bedroom.4. There are three boxes over there.5. There are four dishes in
MY HOUSE! Check your answers1. There is a glass on the table.2. There are Answer the questions1. Where is the glass?2. Where is the book?3. Where Complete the sentences1. There is a glass in the cupboard.2. There is Let’s playS1: In my house, there are four. They are brown. They Answer the questions Какая была тема урока? Что мы делали на уроке? Homework Сборник упражнений:
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 5 Check your answers
1. There is a glass on

Check your answers1. There is a glass on the table.2. There

the table.
2. There are two sandwiches in the lunch

3. There are two shelves in the bedroom.
4. There are three boxes over there.
5. There are four dishes in the cupboard.
6. There is a mirror next to the sofa.

Слайд 6 Answer the questions
1. Where is the glass?
2. Where

Answer the questions1. Where is the glass?2. Where is the book?3.

is the book?
3. Where is the vase?
4. Where is

the doll?
5. Where is the box?
6. Where is the radio?

1. It’s in the cupboard.
2. It’s on the T.V.
3. It’s on the table.
4. It’s under the table.
5. It’s on the cooker.
6. It’s on the bed.

Слайд 7 Complete the sentences
1. There is a glass in

Complete the sentences1. There is a glass in the cupboard.2. There

the cupboard.
2. There is a book on the T.V.

There is a vase on the table.
4. There is a doll under the table.
5. There is a box on the cooker.
6. There is a radio on the bed.

Слайд 8 Let’s play
S1: In my house, there are four.

Let’s playS1: In my house, there are four. They are brown.

They are brown. They are in the kitchen.
S2: Cupboards.


Слайд 9 Answer the questions
Какая была тема урока?

Answer the questions Какая была тема урока? Что мы делали на

мы делали на уроке?
Чему научились на уроке?

было трудно?
Что получилось хорошо?
Нарисуйте в тетради своё настроение

Слайд 10 Homework
Сборник упражнений:

Homework Сборник упражнений:        стр.

стр. 80, № 6; стр. 82, № 10.

  • Имя файла: my-house-metodicheskaya-razrabotka-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-3-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 158
  • Количество скачиваний: 1