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Презентация на тему New York City

History of New York City New York City was discovered in 1524 by Giovanni da Verrazzano, an Italian explorer. Europeans started to settle there once a Dutch fur trading settlement was founded, and they gave
New York CityBy: Skorokhvatova Liza 11-A History of New York City  New York City was discovered in History of New York City  From the mid to late 1780’s Facts about New York CityIt is the largest city in the United Facts about New York CityNew York City is home to over 1700 Things to do in New York CityTake a ferry to the Statue Things to do in New York CityWalk through Times SquareTake a night
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Слайд 2 History of New York City
New York

History of New York City New York City was discovered in

City was discovered in 1524 by Giovanni da Verrazzano,

an Italian explorer. Europeans started to settle there once a Dutch fur trading settlement was founded, and they gave it the name "New Amsterdam“. Some time after, the island of Manhattan was purchased by Peter Minuit for what would be $1000 today. After it was purchased by him, the English conquered it in 1664 and finally gave it it’s name as of today, “New York. It became the largest U.S. city by 1790.

Слайд 3 History of New York City
From the

History of New York City From the mid to late 1780’s

mid to late 1780’s to 1790, NYC spent a

brief time as the capital of the U.S., and it was also the state capital of New York until 1790. In 1898, a charter was adopted that said the New York City would not only be Manhattan, but the four surrounding counties as well, which were the counties of Richmond, New York, Queens, and Brooklyn. This is where the five districts, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens, and the Bronx, come from. In the years to come after that, the city saw some tough times as the Great Depression hit, crimes rates rose, and the September 11th attacks happened. Eventually though, the economy went back up, the crime rates went back down, and everyone came together to re-build after accident in September.

Слайд 4 Facts about New York City
It is the largest

Facts about New York CityIt is the largest city in the

city in the United States, with a population of

over 8 million people
Contrary to popular belief, Brooklyn is actually the most populated district of New York City, and Queens is the second, Manhattan is third

As of 2005, over 170 languages were spoken in the city, and 36% of it’s population was born outside of the U.S.

Слайд 5 Facts about New York City
New York City is

Facts about New York CityNew York City is home to over

home to over 1700 parks, and the biggest is

actually Pelham Bay Park located in the Bronx, not Central Park in Manhattan
NYC has had the lowest crime rate of the 25 largest U.S. cities since 2005

Слайд 6 Things to do in New York City
Take a

Things to do in New York CityTake a ferry to the

ferry to the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island
Visit the Empire

State Building
Go see the World Trade Center Memorial
Buy buss passes and see all the different Manhattan neighborhoods by double decker bus
See a Broadway play

  • Имя файла: new-york-city.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 151
  • Количество скачиваний: 0