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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Что ты делаешь по дому? по УМК English 3 Кузовлев В.П. (3 класс)

make the bed
What do you do about the house? make the bed I make the bed. My mother makes the bed. The children make the beds. wash the dishes I wash the dishes. My father washes the dishes. We wash the dishes. My cat washes the dishes. feed our pets I feed my pet. My dad feeds our pets. gather apples I gather apples. My grandmother gathers apples. clean the car My father sometimes cleans the car. set the table I set the table. My mum sets the table. My cat… sweep the path I … The sweeper sweeps the path. My cat sweeps the path. cook meals I cook meals. My Mum cooks meals. dust the furniture I dust the furniture. My sister … work in the garden I… My grandfather… Thanks for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 make the bed

make the bed

Слайд 3 I make the bed.

I make the bed.

Слайд 4 My mother makes the bed.

My mother makes the bed.

Слайд 5 The children make the beds.

The children make the beds.

Слайд 6 wash the dishes

wash the dishes

Слайд 7 I wash the dishes.

I wash the dishes.

Слайд 8 My father washes the dishes.

My father washes the dishes.

Слайд 9 We wash the dishes.

We wash the dishes.

Слайд 10 My cat washes the dishes.

My cat washes the dishes.

Слайд 11 feed our pets

feed our pets

Слайд 12 I feed my pet.

I feed my pet.

Слайд 13 My dad feeds our pets.

My dad feeds our pets.

Слайд 14 gather apples

gather apples

Слайд 15 I gather apples.

I gather apples.

Слайд 16 My grandmother gathers apples.

My grandmother gathers apples.

Слайд 17 clean the car

clean the car

Слайд 18 My father sometimes cleans the car.

My father sometimes cleans the car.

Слайд 19 set the table

set the table

Слайд 20 I set the table.

I set the table.

Слайд 21 My mum sets the table.

My mum sets the table.

Слайд 22 My cat…

My cat…

Слайд 23 sweep the path

sweep the path

Слайд 25 The sweeper sweeps the path.

The sweeper sweeps the path.

Слайд 26 My cat sweeps the path.

My cat sweeps the path.

Слайд 27 cook meals

cook meals

Слайд 28 I cook meals.

I cook meals.

Слайд 29 My Mum cooks meals.

My Mum cooks meals.

Слайд 30 dust the furniture

dust the furniture

Слайд 31 I dust the furniture.

I dust the furniture.

Слайд 32 My sister …

My sister …

Слайд 33 work in the garden

work in the garden

Слайд 35 My grandfather…

My grandfather…

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-chto-ty-delaesh-po-domu-po-umk-english-3-kuzovlev-vp-3-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 233
  • Количество скачиваний: 1