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Презентация на тему Общение на английском

Read the descriptions and fill in the correct character adjectives Use: shy, easy-going, bossy, patient, sociable, stubborn, selfish, optimistic, caring.1. Claire is always calm in difficult situations. She is… .2. Sue always wants to do
SOCIALISINGПрезентация выполненапо УМК «Spotlight» 8 классучителем английского языка МОУ гимназии №15 им.Н.Н. Белоусова Пискуновой Татьяной Григорьевной Read the descriptions and fill in the correct character adjectives Use: shy, Idioms To speak one’s mind - выражать свое мнение To hold one’s tongue-замолчать, прекратить разговор To drive someone crazy-сводить с ума, злитьTo break the ice-нарушить молчание, разрядить обстановку To  be a pain in the neck-быть назойливымTo get on someone’s nerves-доводить, действовать на нервы 1. I don’t trust her. She can’t….. her…2. My brother is a Choose from the list.What feelings do the actions in the pictures suggest?Nervous Everyday English Complete the exchanges.A. Please to meet  you. I’m… B… A. How’s it going?B. …A. Thanks for coming. B. … A. Can I offer you something?B. …A. What a nice day!B. … A. Make yourself at home. B. …B. Don’t mention it. A. … B. No, please sit down.B. O.K. I’ll see you after school. A. …A. …9.10. Ссылки на презентацию:УМК « Spotlight» для 8 класса (авторы: Ю.Е.Ваулина, Дж. Дули,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Read the descriptions and fill in the correct

Read the descriptions and fill in the correct character adjectives Use:

character adjectives
Use: shy, easy-going, bossy, patient, sociable,

stubborn, selfish, optimistic, caring.
1. Claire is always calm in difficult situations. She is… .
2. Sue always wants to do her own way. She is… .
3. Bob rarely gets upset and he likes meeting people. He… and… .
4. Tony doesn’t care about other people’s feelings. He is… .
5. Bill doesn’t feel comfortable with people. He is… .
6. Helen always looks on the bright side of life. She is… .
7. Fred always understands how others feel, always stays calm and doesn’t get annoyed with people easily. He worries a lot about what others think of him. He is… and…
8. John is so … . He likes telling people what to do.

Слайд 3 Idioms

To speak one’s mind - выражать

Idioms To speak one’s mind - выражать свое мнение To hold one’s tongue-замолчать, прекратить разговор

свое мнение
To hold one’s tongue-замолчать, прекратить разговор

Слайд 4

To drive someone crazy-сводить с ума, злить
To break

To drive someone crazy-сводить с ума, злитьTo break the ice-нарушить молчание, разрядить обстановку

the ice-нарушить молчание, разрядить обстановку

Слайд 5

To be a pain in the neck-быть

To be a pain in the neck-быть назойливымTo get on someone’s nerves-доводить, действовать на нервы

To get on someone’s nerves-доводить, действовать на нервы

Слайд 6 1. I don’t trust her. She can’t….. her…

1. I don’t trust her. She can’t….. her…2. My brother is

My brother is a real… in the… .

He is always causing so much trouble.
3. Please turn this loud music down .It’s….me… .
4. My friend is so bossy. She really …on my… .
5. I’m shy and I find it difficult to…the… .
6. Kim is optimistic and easy-going.
She is never afraid to…her … .

Use the idioms to complete the sentences.

keep tongue

pain in the neck

driving crazy

gets on my nerves

break the ice

speak …mind

Слайд 7 Choose from the list.
What feelings do the actions

Choose from the list.What feelings do the actions in the pictures

in the pictures suggest?
Nervous Furious Bored Puzzled Worried
Make sentences, as in

the example. Nick’s palms are sweating. He seems to be nervous/ He looks nervous.

Слайд 9 Everyday English
Complete the exchanges.
A. Please to meet

Everyday English Complete the exchanges.A. Please to meet you. I’m… B…

you. I’m…

Слайд 10 A. How’s
it going?
B. …
A. Thanks for coming.

A. How’s it going?B. …A. Thanks for coming. B. …

B. …

Слайд 11
A. Can I offer you something?

B. …
A. What

A. Can I offer you something?B. …A. What a nice day!B. …

a nice day!
B. …

Слайд 12 A. Make yourself at home.
B. …
B. Don’t

A. Make yourself at home. B. …B. Don’t mention it. A. …

mention it.
A. …

Слайд 13 B. No, please sit down.
B. O.K. I’ll see

B. No, please sit down.B. O.K. I’ll see you after school. A. …A. …9.10.

you after school.
A. …
A. …

  • Имя файла: obshchenie-na-angliyskom.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 170
  • Количество скачиваний: 1