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Презентация на тему Отелло

William Shakespeare Shakespeare’s HomeWilliam Shakespeare1564 – 1616Born in Stratford – upon –Avon, EnglandKnown as Bard of AvonWrote 37 plays, 154 sonnets, various short poems
Othello by William Shakespeare“Beware of jealousy, my lord. It is the green-eyed William Shakespeare   Shakespeare’s HomeWilliam Shakespeare1564 – 1616Born in Stratford – Master of Tragedy10 of Shakespeare’s 37 plays were tragediesCreated some of the Othello and DesdemonaTheme of doomed lovers popular in Shakespeare’s workOthello fulfilled the IagoIago personifies evil in OthelloHe is considered by most critics and Shakespeare Conflict among 3 main charactersOthello appoints Cassio as his lieutenant rather than Secondary CharactersThe minor characters in Othello make important contributions to the plot Tragic EndingThe jealousy ignited in Othello by Iago’s subtle suggestions of Desdemona’s http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/search/assetDetail.cfm?guidAssetID=F612B81D-7E6A-42DC-AFAF-FE5D8A92D6C3
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s Home
William Shakespeare
1564 –

William Shakespeare  Shakespeare’s HomeWilliam Shakespeare1564 – 1616Born in Stratford –

Born in Stratford – upon –Avon, England
Known as Bard

of Avon
Wrote 37 plays, 154 sonnets, various short poems

Слайд 3 Master of Tragedy
10 of Shakespeare’s 37 plays were

Master of Tragedy10 of Shakespeare’s 37 plays were tragediesCreated some of

Created some of the most memorable characters in literature

400 yrs. after his death, his plays are still the most widely performed

Слайд 4 Othello and Desdemona
Theme of doomed lovers popular in

Othello and DesdemonaTheme of doomed lovers popular in Shakespeare’s workOthello fulfilled

Shakespeare’s work
Othello fulfilled the concept of classic Greek tragic

Desdemona represented the innocent, proper female whose power lay in her beauty

Слайд 5 Iago
Iago personifies evil in Othello
He is considered by

IagoIago personifies evil in OthelloHe is considered by most critics and

most critics and Shakespeare fans to be one of

the most interesting characters ever written

Слайд 6 Conflict among 3 main characters
Othello appoints Cassio as

Conflict among 3 main charactersOthello appoints Cassio as his lieutenant rather

his lieutenant rather than appointing Iago, but Iago feels

he deserves the honor.
This exacerbates Iago’s hatred towards Othello, a hatred Iago secretly feels because he suspects Othello has slept with his wife Emilia.
Iago’s goal is to turn Othello against his wife Desdemona and ruin his life as he believes Othello has ruined his.

Слайд 7 Secondary Characters
The minor characters in Othello make important

Secondary CharactersThe minor characters in Othello make important contributions to the

contributions to the plot and serve as pawns in

Iago’s revenge plan.

Слайд 8 Tragic Ending
The jealousy ignited in Othello by Iago’s

Tragic EndingThe jealousy ignited in Othello by Iago’s subtle suggestions of

subtle suggestions of Desdemona’s infidelity inspired Othello to take

the life of the woman he loved more than life itself
As in most traditional tragedies, the tragic hero falls to ruin because of a character flaw, in Othello’s case – jealousy.

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