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Презентация на тему 16 most popular dances

If you will patiently dance in our round, And see our moonlight revels, go with us.   (William Shakespeare , “A Midsummer Night's Dream”)WaltzFoxtrotCharlestonTangoCha-cha-chaHustleFlamencoBallydanceBarynyaSirtakiGopakTsyganochkaQuadrilleLezginkaHip hopBreak-dance
16 MOST POPULAR dancesSchool #1694 Moscow, Russia2008\2009 school yearSalimgereyevaDzhamilya;Fetisova Aleksandra Teacher: Makhovikova Elena VyacheslavovnaE-mail:makhovikovalll@mail.ru If you will patiently dance in our round,  And see our WALTZ     The name “waltz” came from German verb FOXTROT      It is a classical ballroom dance. CHARLESTON     The Charleston is a dance named for TANGO     Tango is a modern dance and music CHA-CHA-CHA   Cha-cha-cha is a modern dance and music style of HUSTLE     Hustle is a modern pair dance based FLAMENCO         Flamenco is not BeLLYDANCE      Bellydance is a traditional form of BARYNYA   Barynya is a Russian national dance. It is a SIRTAKI   Syrtaki is a Greek dance but it is not HOPAK   Hopak is a national Ukrainian dance. It has been TSYGANOCHKA     Gipsy dance (in Russian: “Tsyganochka”) is very QUADRILLE    Quadrille is a French dance that appeared at Lezginka   Lezginka is a national dance of Caucasus mountain dwellers. HIP HOP       Hip–Hop is a street BREAK-DANCE     Break-dance is a modern street dance. It MANY THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!!Bibliography and recourses:Иванникова О.В. «Латиноамериканские танцы: румба и
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 If you will patiently dance in our round,

If you will patiently dance in our round, And see our

And see our moonlight revels, go with us.   (William

Shakespeare , “A Midsummer Night's Dream”)

Hip hop

Слайд 3 WALTZ

The name

WALTZ   The name “waltz” came from German verb “waltzen”

“waltz” came from German verb “waltzen” that means “to

be turned”. It is a pair classical dance which was popular in Austria, Czechia, Germany in the end of 18th century. At first it was more popular in Vienna. There are two main styles of waltz: slow (age-old) and fast (Viennese). Movements in the Viennese Waltz are gentle, smooth and graceful. The slow waltz (or the Waltz-Boston) was generated in England. There is a difference between classical Viennese dance and the Waltz-Boston in music and movements. Women dance it in a dress with a narrow top and a fluffy skirt. Men do it in a strict black classical suit.



FOXTROT    It is a classical ballroom dance. It

is a classical ballroom dance. It was invented by

an actor Harry Fox in America in the beginning of 20th century. After the 1st World War foxtrot became popular in Europe too. For that time this dance was more fashionable than waltz and tango. Later in the early 1950th Rock-and-Roll appeared and borrowed some of base movements of foxtrot. There are different styles of foxtrot. For example: American, English and International styles. Also there are two versions of foxtrot: slow (Foxtrot) and fast (Quickstep). Men dance it frock-coats and women dance foxtrot in a classical wide dress to their ankle.


The Charleston

CHARLESTON   The Charleston is a dance named for the

is a dance named for the city of Charleston,

South Carolina, the USA. The rhythm was popular in America in 1920s. It has Afro-American roots. At that time girls danced it together or alone to emphasize their disregard to people who supported “dry law”. Then this dance was considered provocative and amoral. Nowadays the Charleston is believed to be a classical jazz dance which is performed by one dancer or a pair.

Слайд 6 TANGO

Tango is a

TANGO   Tango is a modern dance and music style.

modern dance and music style. The word “tango” had

African roots and used to name mix of European, African and American style of music. Only at the end of 19th century it became a dance. Firstly it was well known in Argentina and Uruguay and then it became popular all over the world. Today there are lots of styles of tango. For example: Argentine, Uruguay, ballroom etc. Music and dancing elements of tango are popular in gymnastics, figure skating and other sports. Women dance it in shoes with 10 cm heel, a classic dress with open back, a narrow waist and a broadened skirt. Men’s shoes for Argentine tango must be comfortable and pretty. Usually they have a heel 2-3 cm long.


Cha-cha-cha is a modern

CHA-CHA-CHA  Cha-cha-cha is a modern dance and music style of

dance and music style of Cuban origin, which has

spread in Latin American countries and the USA where Caribbean expatriates live. It is a ballroom dance. It is also one of the five dances of Latin American program of international ballroom competitions. Cha-cha-cha can be danced to authentic Latin music, Latin Pop or Latin Rock. The basis of the modern dance was laid down in the 1950s and developed in the 1960s by top competitors of the time. For this dance Latin hip movements are typical and the weighted leg is almost always straight. Women usually dance in a short dress with open back. Men wear a close fit shirt and tight trousers. Both a man and a woman have heeled shoes.

Слайд 8 HUSTLE

Hustle is a

HUSTLE   Hustle is a modern pair dance based on

modern pair dance based on improvisation. It is a

name for various dances to the music in a disco style. The word hustle in a translation from English means turmoil. Special music is not necessary for Hustle. This dance can be performed without special preparation. Some people think hustle, appeared in Latin America. Others do not agree with them. There are no special clothes and footwear for this dance. There is just one rule: it shouldn't hinder movement. Hustle is a simple, beautiful dance which can be trained quickly. Hustle becomes more and more popular.


FLAMENCO     Flamenco is not just a dance

Flamenco is not just a dance but

a complex of arts. Flamenco includes playing the guitar, singing and dancing. Flamenco is a Spanish term and genre. It was founded in Andalusia in the south of Spain. There are many versions how flamenco appeared. According to the most popular version, it was brought to Spain by Gypsies. Later it took features of different cultures. Flamenco is thought to be a mixture of Arabian, Greek, Jewish and Spanish cultures. At present Spanish style is very popular in Europe. One of the classical women`s item for the dance is a shawl with very long tassels. A fan is a main subject of women’s costume too. A traditional men`s costume is a white shirt with wide sleeves, dark trousers and a wide belt. Short waistcoat (bolero), named “chaleko”, is sometimes put on over a shirt. This dance is full of passion. Listening to a flamenco singer, you can guess he is singing about love and his severe life.



BeLLYDANCE    Bellydance is a traditional form of dancing

is a traditional form of dancing in the Middle

East performed on holidays. Bellydance as a dancing style appeared in the Western world in the middle of the 18th century. The history of this dance numbers more than four thousand years. However it is not clear till now where this dance has arisen. There are several versions of occurrence of bellydance. Bellydance became very popular in the West too, especially nowadays. It is exotic, mysterious and feminine. This dance is performed by girls. The movements in the dance are flexible and distinguished. The costume is very important for this dance. The length of a skirt should not reach an ankle. Very wide trousers can be used instead of a skirt. At the top a dancer wears a bra adorned with gold, silver, pearls or shining stones. The base of the dance is active movements of hips.

Слайд 11 BARYNYA
Barynya is a Russian

BARYNYA  Barynya is a Russian national dance. It is a

national dance. It is a spectacular fast and merry

group dance. It is danced by a big amount of people. Usually there are 12 or 18 dancers in a group. But may be even more, up to 50 dancers. Barynya is danced in Russian national costumes. A woman wears sarafan (pinafore dress) and typical Russian shirt named kosovorotka. Also women wear kokoshnik (woman’s headdress in old Russia) . A man wears man’s kosovorotka and “porti” (typical Russian man’s trousers.)

Слайд 12 SIRTAKI
Syrtaki is a Greek

SIRTAKI  Syrtaki is a Greek dance but it is not

dance but it is not old national dance as

lots of people think. It was created in 1960s for a Greek film and was based on the Greek traditional dances, for example, the dance of Greek butchers. When the film appeared on the screens of the cinemas, it became very popular all over the world. Nowadays it is one of the symbols of Greece for the most number of people. It is presented in national costumes by a big number of people, who dance in a line or in a circle, holding each other by hands. The tempo of the dance gradually increases from slow to fast.

Слайд 13 HOPAK
Hopak is a national

HOPAK  Hopak is a national Ukrainian dance. It has been

Ukrainian dance. It has been known on the territory

of modern Ukraine since 16th century. The name “hopak” comes from a Ukrainian verb “hopaty” which means “to jump”. At first the hopak was considered to be a Cossack social dance. It was performed only by men. They were young, strong and not professional dancers. Nowadays women take park in the show too. Dancers wear a national Ukrainian costume. The base movements of hopak are squatting and a round dance as well. This festive dance is performed in a big group.

Gipsy dance (in

TSYGANOCHKA   Gipsy dance (in Russian: “Tsyganochka”) is very popular

Russian: “Tsyganochka”) is very popular in Russia as a

dance at wedding parties and street festivities. Gipsy dance has the Indian origin as gypsies themselves. Resettlement of gypsies from India began in the 5th century. Gypsies moved to the West, gradually adopting customs of other people and influencing on their traditions as well. Singing and dancing always took important place in gypsies’ life. So this dance was born somewhere on the roads of the world. The main feature of the dance is a gradually increasing tempo: from slow to fast. Gipsy dance can be divided into three parts:
1. Slow and quiet beginning
2. Dance development. Music acceleration.
3. Very fast temp, short movements.
It is danced in very wide and long skirts, usually red or bright, and a top tied on the breast.


Quadrille is a

QUADRILLE   Quadrille is a French dance that appeared at

French dance that appeared at the end of 18th

century. It was very popular in Europe and Russia up to the end of the 19th century. At first it was a village dance but later it became popular in the towns too and even used elements of the waltz. It is performed by two or four pairs standing on the quadrangle against each other. The movements in the quadrille are named “figures”. There are different styles of the quadrille in different countries, for example, the French quadrille, the Viennese quadrille, the Russian quadrille etc. As the dance was very popular in Russia, a lot of people nowadays think it is a national dance. There is their own version of quadrille in different regions of Russia. The most famous one is “Moscow quadrille”.

Слайд 16 Lezginka
Lezginka is a national

Lezginka  Lezginka is a national dance of Caucasus mountain dwellers.

dance of Caucasus mountain dwellers. Lezginka is a dance-challenge.

Men must demonstrate power and dexterity. Women show grace and fluidity. Usually Lezginka is danced to accompaniment but also it can be danced to drums and claps. The melody of the dance is fast dynamic and the tempo is rising. The movements of a woman are accurate as if she glides like a swan. A man follows her or suddenly rushes and blocks her way. In concerts women dance in black dresses embroidered with gold or silver ornaments. On holidays such as a wedding party women dance in bright clothes and men do it in tight black trousers.

Слайд 17 HIP HOP

HIP HOP    Hip–Hop is a street dance. It

Hip–Hop is a street dance. It has got a

lot of Jazz movements, because the first performers of Hip-hop were Afro–Americans. In general, Hip–Hop is a quiet dance, with the movements descending to the floor. It is easy to explain by the fact that African people believe in God of the earth. That’s why the movements of the dance are springing and dancers always have a bit relaxed knees. The first musical instruments of Afro-Americans were drums, that`s why Hip – Hop has a good rhythm. The clothes, as a rule, are simple: free, sports style: trainer and baseball caps, T–shirts and basketball vests, jackets, baggy trousers (also called «pipes») and lowered wide shorts. Hair dresses are short but African dreadlocks are also popular.


Break-dance is

BREAK-DANCE   Break-dance is a modern street dance. It is

a modern street dance. It is a base of

hip-hop culture. It was born in 1969 in New York and was named “Good Foot” in honor of the dance (“Get on the Good Foot”). It was in fashion that time. It became very popular in 1980s and spread all over the world. Break dance isn’t just a mixture of spinning, power moves (energetic movements often involving rotation) and freeze elements(acrobatic pauses in movement). It is a developing dance with its own fashion and style of live. B-boys (fans of break-dance) invent new elements like “windmills” and “back-spins” and update previous ones. They usually wear wide shirts, baggy jeans and caps. There are different types of break-dance. For example, toprock (movement while standing up) and downrock (or footwork) (movement on the ground) . Downrocks are more popular nowadays.

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