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Презентация на тему PAST SIMPLE презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Travel – travelledLove – lovedStop – stoppedStudy - studied
PAST SIMPLE___ V + ed/ V2Did ___ V?___ did not V Travel – travelledLove – lovedStop – stoppedStudy - studied IRREGULAR VERBSI/ you/ we/ they haveHe/she/ it has  be	  I come	-	came wear	-	worethink	-	thought write	-	wrotebuy		-	boughtknow	-	knewpay		-	paid		Take	-	tookcut	-	cut	leave	-	leftbring	-	broughttell	-	tolddrink	 -	drank	see	-	saw Заполните таблицуЗаполните таблицу She comes to the class every day.She goes to Paris for her His sister (to study) English every day. She (to study) English two
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Travel – travelled

Love – loved

Stop – stopped

Study -

Travel – travelledLove – lovedStop – stoppedStudy - studied


I/ you/ we/ they have
He/she/ it has

IRREGULAR VERBSI/ you/ we/ they haveHe/she/ it has be	 I am

be I am
You we they

He /she/ it is


you/ we/ they were
I/ he/she/ it was

Слайд 4 come - came
wear - wore
think - thought
write - wrote
buy - bought
know - knew
pay - paid

Take - took
cut - cut
leave - left
bring - brought
tell - told
drink - drank
see - saw

come	-	came wear	-	worethink	-	thought write	-	wrotebuy		-	boughtknow	-	knewpay		-	paid		Take	-	tookcut	-	cut	leave	-	leftbring	-	broughttell	-	tolddrink	 -	drank	see	-	saw

Слайд 5 Заполните таблицу
Заполните таблицу

Заполните таблицуЗаполните таблицу

Слайд 6 She comes to the class every day.
She goes

She comes to the class every day.She goes to Paris for

to Paris for her new dresses.
You do that wok

every day.
Jan thinks a lot about his work.
Pedro buys his suits in Savile Row.
I know the answer to your question.
They understand everything that we say to them.
I believe what you tell me.
I drink tea every day.

  • Имя файла: past-simple-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 167
  • Количество скачиваний: 0