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Презентация на тему Playing with English

Stating the problemPeople have always been thought about how can they study English with help of the toys. The answer seems quite simple. But it doesn’t so…
“Playing with English”The project was made by Natalia Vagabova,Ekaterina Lanshakova 6th form Stating the problemPeople have always been thought about how can they study First we need to start thinking about what kind of toys we would like for ourselves… …and then we have to make a decision what we need to The aim of the project is to prove that our toys can …The game is the way to become skills that have the adults.Children’s kinds of toyswood dolltransport toyBarbie dollrag dollLego toymitten doll -->doll [dɔl] I  1. сущ.  1) а) кукла (детская What should we do to study to speak English?We can say about ConclusionChildren like to play with dolls.Any toy the doll or the car NataliaEkATERINaGalina Feodorovna Linkshttp://www.karapundel.com/item.php?id=1779http://vzrosliedeti.ru/index.php?productID=23091&ukey=product&did=36http://www.tetyamotya.ru/show_good.php?idtov=90780http://www.shop4mama.ru/shop/soft_advance_toys/glove_dolls/volk_zaya.htmlАнгло-русский словарь Фотографии детей используются с письменного согласия родителей.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Stating the problem

People have always been thought about

Stating the problemPeople have always been thought about how can they

how can they study English with help of the

toys. The answer seems quite simple. But it doesn’t so…

Слайд 3 First we need to start thinking about what

First we need to start thinking about what kind of toys we would like for ourselves…

kind of toys we would like for ourselves…

Слайд 4 …and then we have to make a decision

…and then we have to make a decision what we need

what we need to do today that will give

the best result in the English studying .

Слайд 5 The aim of the project is to prove

The aim of the project is to prove that our toys

that our toys can help us to be the

good English students.

Слайд 6 …The game is the way to become skills

…The game is the way to become skills that have the

that have the adults.
Children’s games can be working and


Brett Doris

Слайд 7 kinds of toys
wood doll
transport toy
Barbie doll
rag doll
Lego toy

kinds of toyswood dolltransport toyBarbie dollrag dollLego toymitten doll


Слайд 8 -->doll [dɔl] I 1. сущ. 1) а) кукла (детская

-->doll [dɔl] I 1. сущ. 1) а) кукла (детская игрушка)

игрушка) a paper doll ≈ картонная кукла a rag

doll ≈ тряпичная кукла б) кукла (фигура человека или животного в специальных театральных представлениях) 2) кукла, куколка; нарядная, хорошенькая девочка, девушка или женщина (обычно не слишком умная и легкомысленная) doll's face ≈ кукольное личико 2. гл.; разг. наряжать(ся) dolled up ≈ разряженный He was all dolled up in fancy togs. ≈ Весь он был модно разодет. Syn : doll up, dress up II сущ. 1) барьер в скачках, на бегах 2) ж.-д. мачта сигнальная низкая кукла - stuffed /rag/ * тряпичная кукла - Dutch /wooden/ * деревянная кукла - Paris * манекен - *'s house кукольный домик (тж. перен.) - *'s face кукольное личико (разговорное) куколка; пустая женщина с кукольным личиком хорошенький ребенок (американизм) (разговорное) девушка, женщина (сленг) любовница (обыкн. * up) (разговорное) наряжать (разговорное) нарядиться, вырядиться, прифрантиться doll кукла; Paris doll манекен ~ куколка, хорошенькая пустоголовая девушка или женщина ~ разг. наряжать(ся) (обыкн. doll up); dolled up разряженный ~ разг. наряжать(ся) (обыкн. doll up); dolled up разряженный doll кукла; Paris doll манекен Paris ~ манекен; кукла, на которой демонстрируется модель одежды

->English-Russian full dictionary

Слайд 9 What should we do to study to speak

What should we do to study to speak English?We can say


We can say about
parts of the body

how does Barbie look like

about what clothers does Barbie wear

about Barbie’s family

about his favourite activities

about character traits

Слайд 10 Conclusion

Children like to play with dolls.
Any toy the

ConclusionChildren like to play with dolls.Any toy the doll or the

doll or the car can help in studying English.

Слайд 11 Natalia
Galina Feodorovna

NataliaEkATERINaGalina Feodorovna

  • Имя файла: playing-with-english.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 104
  • Количество скачиваний: 0