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April 1. April Fool's Day.Some believe that the original April 1 was celebrated in many countries as the vernal solstice. The festivities of the day accompanied by the spring solstice jokes, pranks and funny antics.There is
EnglISH holidays April 1. April Fool's Day.Some believe that the original April 1 was Then it turned into a tradition. In Scotland, this day is Everywhere you can find pictures, posters, badges with the slogan Catholic EasterIn the case of Panin found a crime? That the video The modern tradition of celebrating Easter in England is very cheerful, bright, In the morning, children ride on Easter eggs from the mountain. This Easter egg - a symbol of new life. The tradition of the Birthday of Queen Elizabeth III wonder how it is - a birthday Birthday every year is celebrated lavishly at Windsor Castle. It starts with Annual marathon in LondonThe annual London Marathon (Virgin London Marathon) - event, Walpurgis Night Walpurgis Night - is the main coven, and also one As with most people, a holiday in honor of the beginning of As elsewhere, where it reigned, the Christian church blacklisted not only the A pilgrimage to the Holy Land with his sons, Richard asked his Walburga later became abbess of the monastery in Heidenheim, a town in So once again pagan and Christian patterns woven in one painting, and
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Слайд 2 April 1. April Fool's Day.

Some believe that the

April 1. April Fool's Day.Some believe that the original April 1

original April 1 was celebrated in many countries as

the vernal solstice. The festivities of the day accompanied by the spring solstice jokes, pranks and funny antics.

There is another, more common version of the holiday. Before the 16th century, Karl Ninth reformed in France Victorian calendar to the
Gregorian, New Year was celebrated not on January 1 and the end of March.

Christmas week to start on March 25 and ended on April 1. In the New Year
it was customary to have fun in those days. News then spread very slowly, and some
did not receive the news for several years.

Some conservative (and perhaps just ignorant) people continued to celebrate the
New Year
in the old style of April 1. Others laughed and made
fun of them portrayed the wacky gifts and called the April fools (April's Fools).

Слайд 3
Then it turned into a tradition.

Then it turned into a tradition. In Scotland, this day

Scotland, this day is called High Cuckoos.
And there

was the so-called Day of Fools.

Ordinary Fool's Day pranks to - to say "you have the laces untied," put the clock. Everything ends up being the victim say, "April Fool» (April's Fool). On this day people send funny cards and presents. As a rule, this is some funny little Souvenir. Usually play jokes on friends and acquaintances.

But the media to take part in the sweepstakes. However, there is one particular
feature: the drawing is limited - only up to 12 hours of the day.

Pervasiveness holiday got in the 18th century. English, Scottish and French spread it in
their American colonies. On April 1 was accepted to make fun of each other and give
each other senseless orders, for example, to find and bring a sweet vinegar.

In Scotland, April Fools Fools Day is celebrated for two days. Deceived by April 1 is
considered the "Razin". The second day of the celebration has its own name - the Day
of the Tail (Taily Day) and specific nature: all the jokes and jokes of the day devoted
exclusively parts of the body below the waist from behind.

Very popular in the chair placing the special rubber bags, which publish under pressure
sounds that are considered indecent in society.

Слайд 4 Everywhere you can find pictures, posters, badges with

Everywhere you can find pictures, posters, badges with the slogan

the slogan "Give me a kick," which, in fact,

is the theme of the Day Tail.

In the UK, made to play each other only in the mornings. Victims of fraud called "idiots."

First April Fools Day - an unofficial holiday. April 1 is not an exit, this day do not like solemn feasts. Only laughter and jokes - around the clock! After all, they do not agree with Mark Twain: "We are grateful to fools. For it is only because of them, most of us do well. "

Would like to note: when you think about how to make fun pooriginalnee familiar, do not forget that the best joke - the one on which he laughs loudly, over whom played a joke.

Слайд 5 Catholic Easter
In the case of Panin found a

Catholic EasterIn the case of Panin found a crime? That the

crime? That the video from the cameras ...
March 31

(date for 2013)

Easter - Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrated by the Catholic Church in the first full moon after the vernal equinox Sunday between March 22 and April 25.

Easter - the most ancient and important holiday of the year. The name goes back to the Jewish holiday of "Passover": Passover dedicated deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt, was in the eyes of Christians, the prototype of the redemption of mankind from sin through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the memory of which is devoted to the Christian Easter.

At this time in the UK there are tulips, crocuses and daffodils. Schools close for 2 weeks.

Слайд 6 The modern tradition of celebrating Easter in England

The modern tradition of celebrating Easter in England is very cheerful,

is very cheerful, bright, colorful and cheerful. Easter is

one of the most important holidays of the year. On the day of the Easter dawn in churches hold religious services. In Catholic churches are organ concerts. On this day people wear new clothes to symbolize the end of the season of bad weather and the onset of spring. Easter baskets (Easter baskets), filled with eggs, bread and other food, take with you to the Easter service to consecrate the church. On Easter Monday decided to give the children in the streets of candy and toys.

The children are looking forward to Sunday, when they wake up and see what the Easter bunny left for them baskets of candy and hidden eggs they painted last week. Children all over the house looking for eggs. Performed even special events - search eggs ("Eggstravaganza» - «Eggstravaganza»), a child who gets the most, wins the prize. These festivals are held in parks and restaurants, but you can arrange a hunt for eggs and home, to the delight of the kids. For example, napryachte chocolate eggs in the house and come up with some rhyming clues, little poems, which will help to find them.

Слайд 7 In the morning, children ride on Easter eggs

In the morning, children ride on Easter eggs from the mountain.

from the mountain. This is an old game. Egg,

rolling from the mountain, symbolizing the stone rolled away from the Holy Sepulcher. In Lancashire Easter celebrations are held and "egg race": the hill drained hard-boiled eggs, and the winner is the one whose egg has come to the foot of the hill first. The British brought this tradition to America.

One of the typical Easter traditions preserved in Radley, near Oxford. Parishioners hold hands and "hug" your church - form a circle around him alive.

In England, on Easter the whole family, cook Sunday lunch: baked lamb with a variety of vegetables, baked Easter cake (simnel cake), paint eggs. A Sunday morning with tea served Phillips rolls hot cross buns.

Слайд 8 Easter egg - a symbol of new life.

Easter egg - a symbol of new life. The tradition of

The tradition of the Easter eggs may have originated

at a time when the church forbade eating them during Lent, 40 days preceding Easter.
But the custom paint eggs were laid by ancient Egyptians and Persians, who did so on
his spring holiday. But today in the UK extended another tradition with Easter eggs – to
give to friends and family are not real eggs, and chocolate, caramel, or within which any
other sweets, and various souvenirs in the form of Easter eggs.

Слайд 9 Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
I wonder how it

Birthday of Queen Elizabeth III wonder how it is - a

is - a birthday for more than 50 years,

twice a year? To be able to answer this question Queen Elizabeth II (Queen Elizabeth II), who was born April 21, 1926 in London, and for many years her birthday is celebrated all over the United Kingdom, not only on April 21, but in the third Saturday of June.

Title of Her Majesty in the United Kingdom is, "Elizabeth II, the grace of God Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other dominions and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith."

Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne on February 6, 1952, after the death of his father, King George the Sixth. Crowned on June 2, 1953 at Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth was only 25 years old when she became queen, and over the last several decades, it remains.

Слайд 10 Birthday every year is celebrated lavishly at Windsor

Birthday every year is celebrated lavishly at Windsor Castle. It starts

Castle. It starts with a walk around the city

(if this action is, of course, you can call it that). Certainly given 21-round salute, which sounds at noon.

If you want to see at the head of several organizations, charitable and not only is Elizabeth II, how many dogs, cats and other animals she received as gifts during his rule, have a look at a special website dedicated to the anniversary of the King! There you will find a detailed description of the life of this unique woman. And also, if desired, will be able to send her a personal greeting.

Слайд 11 Annual marathon in London
The annual London Marathon (Virgin

Annual marathon in LondonThe annual London Marathon (Virgin London Marathon) -

London Marathon) - event, usually held in April -

it is more than a sporting event. This is one of the longest street gatherings in the world. Thunder of drums, street, sitting in a pub and shouts of the crowd laughing - all accompanied by a street passing athletes marathon 26.2 miles.

Participate in the marathon, many famous athletes. For distinguished athletes to participate in the marathon is not only to enjoy the sport, but also to be able to contribute to the development of social programs.

For example, participants pay a fee, and the total amount of revenue from the organization of the event is 15.7 million pounds. Every year the number of participants in the marathon is about 15 thousand.

Kind of charity - a tribute to social programs - is not confined to sports celebrities. All London organizations, including the smallest bars and even a school, especially for the holiday prepare their street performance.

Слайд 12 Walpurgis Night
Walpurgis Night - is the main coven,

Walpurgis Night Walpurgis Night - is the main coven, and also

and also one of the most important pagan festivals

devoted to fertility. It is a festival to honor the attention which must every self-respecting witch. And this went from an ungodly tradition?

The Celts had eight holidays, divided the year into eight roughly equal parts:
winter (Yule) and the summer solstice. These festivals are celebrated almost all nations. Imbolc, or Groundhog Day - the day of the meeting of winter and spring. The only party that managed to get rid of a bad name. In Christianity, this day is celebrated as Candlemas. Belteyn - 30 April (Walpurgis Night) and Samhain - November 31 - Helluin.

Date of holiday Belteyn had not been so accurate - it is celebrated as overblown hawthorn. Celts days from evening to evening, not from morning to morning. The tradition continued in the two celebrations - the night of Halloween and Walpurgis Night. These holidays have been the opposite of each other - both on the calendar and in meaning. For the Celts night before May 1 marked offensive year period - a "big sun", the night before November 1 - respectively, the onset of winter. It was believed that both the holiday wide open the gates to another world, a country of elves.

Слайд 13
As with most people, a holiday in honor

As with most people, a holiday in honor of the beginning

of the beginning of the summer was dedicated to

the sun and fertility, and therefore - and male power. The memorial has come down to our times phallic symbol - the Maypole. The tradition of dancing around a pole on May 1, decorated with flowers and ribbons, kept the inhabitants of Britain and Ireland. On this day they choose and the May Queen - the only girl, which to this day are allowed to wear green, the favorite, according to legend, the elves. Queen becomes a mediator in communication between individuals and peoples of the hills.

Another symbol Belteyna were fires. The ancient Celts released on this day the cattle to pasture after wintering in the crib. Necessarily considered to drive the animals between the two series of fires - is believed, it saves them from winter ailments.

Слайд 14 As elsewhere, where it reigned, the Christian church

As elsewhere, where it reigned, the Christian church blacklisted not only

blacklisted not only the Celtic gods and festivals. However,

as the day of the year can not be eliminated, tried to impose on them a different meaning. Since November 1, All Saints' Day was the other old holidays, including New Year, also bought a Christian coloring. But in the church calendar dates mark the diverse demand and so lacking, and the celebration of May 1 good Catholics have tried to forget.

The current name of the ancient triumph gave the Germans - in honor of St. Walpurgis.

The first official mention of Walpurgis Night appeared in the records of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. Holy Walburga (it Valtpurde, Valpurgis, Vabur, Falbur, Bugge, Godurzh) - a real historical figure. This noble Briton born in Devonshire about 710 years. She was the daughter of Richard, one of the kings of West Saxony, and Vinny, Sisters of St. Boniface, the Apostle of Germany. Both her brother Willibald and Vinibald were also canonized.

Слайд 15 A pilgrimage to the Holy Land with his

A pilgrimage to the Holy Land with his sons, Richard asked

sons, Richard asked his 11-year-old daughter to the care

Uinbornskogo abbess of the monastery, known for its strict rules. She spent 26 years there. Walburga well enough to learn a language, which is described in Latin journey of his brother in Palestine, not to mention the story of the life of another brother in their native English. Therefore often St. Walburga called the first writer in England and Germany.

In 748, the uncle Walburga, Boniface, in Germany, decided to create a system of monasteries. At his request, the abbess Uinborna sends missionaries, including Walburga. The ship sailed from Britain in clear weather. But soon began a terrible storm. Nun fell on his knees on the deck - and the sea immediately calmed. Sailors on shore told about this miracle, and in Germany Walburga greeted with reverence. Since then considered the patroness saint of seafarers (also helps with rabies and in the storm).

Слайд 16
Walburga later became abbess of the monastery in

Walburga later became abbess of the monastery in Heidenheim, a town

Heidenheim, a town in Bavaria near Ayshtadta, and after

the death of his brother led even monasteries. Her virtues and many miracles have brought her fame. Walburga died February 25 777 years.

It was more than 100 years, the wonders of the nuns forgotten. But now a new bishop Ayshtadta decides to restore the monastery and church. Working desecrated grave abbess, and one night it was a terrible shadow Bishop ... Soon - namely, 1 May - remains the nuns moved to Ayshtadt, putting into the void of one of the rocks. And out of the rock began to flow healing oil, help from many diseases. Walburga was canonized, canonized. Later her remains were taken to various cities in Germany, and the days when it happened, dedicated to her (February 25, October 12, September 24). But the main day of Saint Walburga - May 1.

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