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Презентация на тему для внеурочного занятия по английскому языку Let's clean the ocean!

Read the questions carefully and think about the answers to them: What is the ocean? Do we need the ocean? Why / why not? Does the ocean need people? Is the ocean big?
Let's clean up the ocean!Extracurricular activity in grades 9-11 (the federal state Read the questions carefully and think about the answers to them: The unique Nature is Speaking projectThe ocean reminds us that people need 1.If humans want to … in nature with me and off of World Oceans Day helps to draw the attention of humanity to environmental issues Boyan Slat is an innovator who inspired the creation and use of Watch a short animated video about Boyan Slat — in a minute Choose the right answers:What did he see when he went diving? How How about paying a visit to a beach near you and having Боян Слат http://www.earthdecks.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Boyan-Slat.jpgФон https://i.sunhome.ru/journal/26/mirovoi-okean-v2.orig.jpg Видео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn_vzZwVJNY&list=PLoWUpvyGxABVqvupOTu64zBC39O9wyLHz&index=25 World oceans day https://www.artistboat.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/world-oceans-day-1.jpg Промо-ролик https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM6txLtoaoc&list=PLoWUpvyGxABVqvupOTu64zBC39O9wyLHz&index=2
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Read the questions carefully and think about the

Read the questions carefully and think about the answers to them:

answers to them: What is the ocean? Do we need

the ocean? Why / why not? Does the ocean need people? Is the ocean big? How big is the ocean? Is the ocean old? How old is the ocean? Does the ocean help people? How? Do people help the ocean? How?

Слайд 3 The unique Nature is Speaking project
The ocean reminds

The unique Nature is Speaking projectThe ocean reminds us that people

us that people need it, not the other way


Compare your ideas with the ideas voiced in the video
2.03 min

click here

Слайд 4 1.If humans want to … in nature with

1.If humans want to … in nature with me and off

me and off of me I suggest they listen

close. 2.Is nature isn’t kept …, humans won’t survive. 3.Me, I could give a damn, with or … humans. 4.Nature doesn’t … people.

Insert the missing words of the ocean from the video

Слайд 5 World Oceans Day helps to draw the attention

World Oceans Day helps to draw the attention of humanity to environmental issues

of humanity to environmental issues

Слайд 6 Boyan Slat is an innovator who inspired the

Boyan Slat is an innovator who inspired the creation and use

creation and use of new technologies in ocean purification

and leads millions of people.

Слайд 7 Watch a short animated video about Boyan Slat

Watch a short animated video about Boyan Slat — in a

— in a minute and a half you will

learn about his path and the creation of the Ocean Cleanup foundation.

1.35 min

click here

Слайд 8 Choose the right answers:

What did he see when

Choose the right answers:What did he see when he went diving?

he went diving?
How does plastic travel to the


How old was Boyan when he presented his plan?

Who supported his project?

What’s the name of the organization he founded?

How often does the ship come to pick up the trash?

How much money did he need to make his first ‘platform’?


Through the rivers

Every 6 weeks

A lot of plastic/ more plastic than fish

2 mln dollars


Hundreds of engineers, scientists, volunteers

Слайд 9 How about paying a visit to a beach

How about paying a visit to a beach near you and

near you and having a beach clean-up day? Every

little bit helps.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-dlya-vneurochnogo-zanyatiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-lets-clean-the-ocean.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 124
  • Количество скачиваний: 0