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Презентация на тему к уроку 5 в 4 классе. презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Our tasks:
Our tasks: [m] – 1        [n] – Repeat after me! Moscow is warmer than Africa.Elephants are bigger than dogs.February is the longest Put the necessary degree of comparison.Today the weather is (hot) than on Choose the correct words  Lions are (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than Write the words in brackets in English.1. My sister is (самая лучшая) Country and City Fill in the missing letters.ch _ rch с. 93 у. 3 (письм.) с. 86 у. 22Hometask с. 37 у. 3 (письм.) с. 30 у. 22Hometask
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Our tasks:

Our tasks:

Слайд 3 [m] – 1

[m] – 1    [n] – 2 [p] –

[n] – 2 [p] – 3

[b] – 4 [d] – 5 [t] – 6 [l] – 7 [k] – 8 [g] – 9 [r] - 10

Слайд 4 Repeat after me!

Repeat after me!

Слайд 5 Moscow is warmer than Africa.
Elephants are bigger than

Moscow is warmer than Africa.Elephants are bigger than dogs.February is the

February is the longest month of the year.
A mouse

is smaller than a rabbit.
Carabas- Barabas is funnier than Buratino.
Baba-Yaga is the prettiest.

“Yes” or “No” ?

Слайд 6 Put the necessary degree of comparison.
Today the weather

Put the necessary degree of comparison.Today the weather is (hot) than

is (hot) than on Monday.
Summer is (warm) than

Who is (happy) than my brother?
A sea is (wide) than a river.

Слайд 7 Choose the correct words
Lions are (clever, cleverer,

Choose the correct words Lions are (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than

the cleverest) than tigers.
Crocodiles are (long, longer, the longest)

than lizards.
Monkeys are (funny, funnier, the funniest) animals in the Zoo.
The goose is (big, bigger, the biggest) than the duck.
The wolf is (brave, braver, the bravest) than the hare.
The mouse is ( small, smaller, the smallest) than the rabbit.
The bear is( strong, stronger, the strongest) than the wolf.
Malvina is (good, better, the best) than Fox Alice.

Слайд 8 Write the words in brackets in English.
1. My

Write the words in brackets in English.1. My sister is (самая

sister is (самая лучшая) pupil in her class.

Are you (хуже) than my sister?

Слайд 10 Country and City

Country and City

Слайд 11 Fill in the missing letters.
ch _ rch

Fill in the missing letters.ch _ rch

ro _ d
r _ ver bri _ ge
fiel _ ca _ t
sh _ ep h _ rse
hi _ l g _ rden

Слайд 12
с. 93 у. 3 (письм.)
с. 86

с. 93 у. 3 (письм.) с. 86 у. 22Hometask

у. 22

Слайд 13
с. 37 у. 3 (письм.)
с. 30

с. 37 у. 3 (письм.) с. 30 у. 22Hometask

у. 22

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-5-v-4-klasse-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 131
  • Количество скачиваний: 0