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Презентация на тему Principles of European construction


Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble III – Review of the EUWhat is the EU ?EU in the world
Bachelor 1International School of Economics & Politics, SPbSUEUniversité Grenoble II-Pierre Mendés-FranceAutumn 2015Principles Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble III – Review of the EUWhat Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIPlaying – to be European?geographyculturereligioneconomypolicieshistorydemography Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIFor begin...Union European = Europe ? Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IISome figures... 49 countriesAlbania, Germany, Andorra, Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIGeography of the EU Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IISome figures... 28 countries Population : Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IISome dateshttp://europa.eu/abc/history/index_en.htm1951 - Treaty of Paris Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIEnlargments1957 – Federal Republic of Germany, Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIGeography of the EU Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIOther European countriesSwitzerland Iceland Norway Liechtenstein Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIEU Future EnlargementsTurkey ? CIS / Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIWhat is a border?The notion of Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IINatural BorderA natural border is a Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIGeographical BorderBorders define geographic boundaries of Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIPolitical BorderInside the EU border, some Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IILegislative BorderLegislative power is spread out Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIEconomical BorderLargest single economic area in Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IICultural BorderSeries of overlapping cultures:Languages: latin, Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IILimitsDespite the decrease of all the Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIII – Regional integration in the Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIStages of the international economic integrationPreferential Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIDifferent types Minilateralism Multilateralism Strategies of integration Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIGlobalisation ?	Regional integration & globalisation – Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIExamples of integrationsALENA (Association de Libre-échange Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIQuestions?Thank you!Next meeting – Wednesday, the Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIStudents’ presentationsThe 01 Mar – list Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIUseful sourcesec.europa.eueuropa.eu www.europarl.europa.eunews.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3583801.stm
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
I –

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble III – Review of the

Review of the EU
What is the EU ?
EU in

the world

Слайд 3 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Playing –

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIPlaying – to be European?geographyculturereligioneconomypolicieshistorydemography

to be European?



Слайд 4 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
For begin...

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIFor begin...Union European = Europe ?

European = Europe ?

Слайд 5 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II

Слайд 6 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Some figures...

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IISome figures... 49 countriesAlbania, Germany,

49 countries
Albania, Germany, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaïdjan, Belarus, Belgium,

Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Danemark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Irland, Iceland, Italy,
Kazakhstan, Lettonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxembourg,
Former Yougoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malte, Moldavia, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Tchec Republic, Rumania, United Kingdom, Russia,
San-Marinp, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukrain, Vatican

Population : 733 millions inhabitants (2007)

Area : 10,180,000. km2

GDP : 10 300 bln Euros (2006)

Part in the world trade : 21%

Слайд 7 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Geography of

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIGeography of the EU

the EU

Слайд 8 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Some figures...

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IISome figures... 28 countries Population

28 countries

Population : 500 millions inhabitants

Area :

10,180,000 km2

GDP : 10 280 milliards of euros

Part of world trade : 20%

Слайд 9 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Some dates

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IISome dateshttp://europa.eu/abc/history/index_en.htm1951 - Treaty of

- Treaty of Paris is signed
European Coal and Steel


1952-54 – European Community of Defense (CED)
Cold war

1957 - Treaty of Roma is signed
European Economic Community (EEC), or ‘Common Market’.

1986 - Single European Acte (SEA)
Although customs duties disappeared in 1968, trade is not flowing freely across EU borders.
The Single European Act (SEA) revises the Treaties of Rome in order to add new momentum to European integration and to complete the internal market. It amends the rules governing the operation of the European institutions and expands Community powers, notably in the field of research and development, the environment and common foreign policy.

1992 - Maastricht Treaty signed
European Union

2004 – European Constitution signed (non ratified)

Dec.2007, Dec.2009 – Lisbon Treaty
signed and ratified

Слайд 10

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II

Слайд 11 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
1957 –

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIEnlargments1957 – Federal Republic of

Federal Republic of Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands

- Algeria gains the independence of France and leaves EEC.
1973 - Danemark, United Kingdom, Ireland
1975 - Greenland (part of Denmark) leaves EEC.
1982 - Greece
1986 - Spain and Portugal
1990 – German Democratic Republic joined the FRG
1995 - Austria, Finland, Sweden
2004 - Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic
2007 – Bulgaria, Romania

Слайд 12 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Geography of

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIGeography of the EU

the EU

Слайд 13 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Other European

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIOther European countriesSwitzerland Iceland Norway


San Marino

City State

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Acceding country

No – since 1 Jul 2013

Iceland – 2009

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – 2000

Montenegro – 2006

Serbia – 2008

Turkey - 1963 the Ankara Association Agreement


Candidate countries


Слайд 14 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
EU Future

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIEU Future EnlargementsTurkey ? CIS

Turkey ?

CIS / Russia ?

Maghreb? (Northern Africa)

Israël ?

Middle East?

Слайд 15 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
What is

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIWhat is a border?The notion

a border?
The notion of "borders" has many meanings,

of related terms
frontier (limit)
borderland ?

Border: the line or frontier area separating
political divisions or
geographic regions,
also knowed as boundary

? a fixed line of demarcation

Слайд 16 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Natural Border

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IINatural BorderA natural border is

natural border is a border between states which is

composed of natural formations:
Seas and Oceans
Mountains ranges

Слайд 17 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Geographical Border

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIGeographical BorderBorders define geographic boundaries

define geographic boundaries of political entities or legal jurisdictions,

sovereign states
federated states
open and completely unguarded
state's internal administrative borders,
inter-state borders within the Schengen Area
partially or fully controlled
To cross legally only at designated border checkpoints

Слайд 18 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Political Border

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIPolitical BorderInside the EU border,

the EU border, some notions must be operated:
Democracy: all

countries inside EU have to be democratic state
Human Rights
Asylum : applying for visa
thanks to Schengen Agreement

Слайд 19 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Legislative Border

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IILegislative BorderLegislative power is spread

power is spread out among the Institutions of the

Council of EU /Council of Ministers
European Parliament
European Commission
European Court of Justice

Rules and Laws:
Europeans Laws: established by treaties
National Laws: established by the State

?Supremacy of the European Laws over the Nationals ones

Слайд 20 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Economical Border

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIEconomical BorderLargest single economic area

single economic area in the world:
Common budget for EU

currency for 16 countries: €
Common fiscal policy: growth and stability pact

Inside the UE, free circulation of the factors of production:
Labour: via outsourcing to other european countries
Goods and Services: inter regional competition
Capital: investment and capital movement

Слайд 21 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Cultural Border

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IICultural BorderSeries of overlapping cultures:Languages:

of overlapping cultures:
Languages: latin, germanic, slavic, baltic and celtic

Christianity (catholism, orthodoxism, protestantism)
Values and Norms:
principle of unity in diversity : collective political and cultural practices
UE identity has emerged from common movements in philosophy, politics, sciences and arts
identity of UE predominantly defined politically:
EU founded on the principles of liberty, democraty, respect for human rights and fundamental freedom

Слайд 22 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Despite the

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IILimitsDespite the decrease of all

decrease of all the borders inside the EU (Schengen

area), there is still strong external border

Not a perfect unity between all EU countries:
Schengen Zone
Monetary Integration
Divergences of point of view
Not yet European identity

Слайд 23 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
II –

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIII – Regional integration in

Regional integration in the world economy
The regions in the

globalised world

Слайд 24 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Stages of

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIStages of the international economic

the international economic integration
Preferential Trade Area
a trading bloc which

gives preferential access to certain products from certain countries. This is done by reducing tariffs, but does not abolish them completely.
Free-trade area (zone)
countries have agreed to eliminate tariffs, quotas and preferences on most (if not all) goods between them
Customs union
+ trade agreement by which a group of countries charges a common set of tariffs to the rest of the world while granting free trade among themselves.
Common market
+ common policies on product regulation, and freedom of movement of all the three factors of production (land, capital and labour) and of enterprise. The goal is that movement of capital, labour, goods and services between the members is as easy as within them
Economic and monetary Union
+ a common currency, economic and moneraty policies

Слайд 25 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Different types

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIDifferent types Minilateralism Multilateralism Strategies of integration

Strategies of integration

Слайд 26 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Globalisation ?

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIGlobalisation ?	Regional integration & globalisation

integration & globalisation – are they incompatible?

Regional integration

as a stage of the globalisation

Regional integration & globalisation are they opposite ?

Слайд 27 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Examples of

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIExamples of integrationsALENA (Association de

ALENA (Association de Libre-échange nord américain)
NAFTA (North American Free-Trade

ANASE (Association des nations de l’Asie du Sud-Est)
ASEAN (Association of the South-East Asia’ Nations)
APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
COMESA (Marché de l’Afrique de l’Est et de l’Afrique australe)
EEA (European Economic Area)
MERCOSUR (Mercado Commun del Sur)
Pacte Andin
SADC (Southern African Devt. Community)
TAFTA (Transatlantic Free Trade Association)

Слайд 28 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Thank you!


Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIQuestions?Thank you!Next meeting – Wednesday,

meeting –
Wednesday, the 2nd of Dec, 16:10
Friday, the

4th of Dec, 16:10
Don’t forget to make your presentations
Attention! Presentations – in PPT 2003 !!
No Vista!

Слайд 29 Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble II
Students’ presentations

Construction européenne - Licence 2, ФИНЭК/Grenoble IIStudents’ presentationsThe 01 Mar –

01 Mar – list of topics of students’ presentations

meeting – Wd, 2 Dec – Political integration
History of the European idea
Non ratified Constitution
Lisbon Treaty
Relationship with international organisations – WTO, NATO...
Authority structure in EU
Social regulation in EU
Shengen zone
3rd meeting – Fr, 4 Dec– Social-economic integration
European Enterprise
European Competition policy
Customs Union
4 freedoms – free circulation:
persons (and labour)
Energy policy in EU
European Monetary system
European Central Bank
European Budget and financial limits for national economies

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