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Презентация на тему к открытому уроку по английскому языку по теме Шотландия

Where is Scotland situated? On the British Isles
Scotland the beautiful Where is Scotland situated? On the British Isles What is the capital of this country? Edinburgh What is the national symbol of the country? A thistle Who is its patron Saint? St. Andrew What does the flag of Scotland look like? A Blue flag with a white cross What is the nationality of the people living there? (Scots/British) What is the official language of the country? English Loch Ness monsterKilt Bagpipe Scotland the beautiful ? Wh -questionsWhIs/are/amWas/wereHave/hasWill/shallCan/may/must…Do/does/did? Edinburgh Castle Edinburgh Military Tattoo The Monument to Bobby Princes Street
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Where is Scotland situated?
On the British Isles

Where is Scotland situated? On the British Isles

Слайд 3 What is the capital of this country?

What is the capital of this country? Edinburgh

Слайд 4 What is the national symbol of the country?

What is the national symbol of the country? A thistle

A thistle

Слайд 5 Who is its patron Saint?
St. Andrew

Who is its patron Saint? St. Andrew

Слайд 6 What does the flag of Scotland look like?

What does the flag of Scotland look like? A Blue flag with a white cross

A Blue flag with a white cross

Слайд 7 What is the nationality of the people living

What is the nationality of the people living there? (Scots/British)


Слайд 8 What is the official language of the country?

What is the official language of the country? English


Слайд 9 Loch Ness monster

Loch Ness monsterKilt Bagpipe

Слайд 12 Scotland the beautiful ?

Scotland the beautiful ?

Слайд 15 Wh -questions

Wh -questionsWhIs/are/amWas/wereHave/hasWill/shallCan/may/must…Do/does/did?

Слайд 16 Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Слайд 17 Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Слайд 18 The Monument to Bobby

The Monument to Bobby

Слайд 19 Princes Street

Princes Street

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-otkrytomu-uroku-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-po-teme-shotlandiya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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