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Презентация на тему Project Christmas in Australia

Christmas in Australia is not like anywhere else! Australians have a great time ! Those who live near the coast go to the beach on Christmas!
Project «Christmas in Australia» Christmas in Australia is not like anywhere else! Australians have a great Santa Claus comes to Australian beaches on a surfboard! And if the As well as everywhere, families have their own traditions. In spite of Today, Carols by Candlelight is help each Christmas Eve. It involves tens Merry Christmas!!!The End
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Christmas in Australia is not like anywhere else!

Christmas in Australia is not like anywhere else! Australians have a

Australians have a great time ! Those who live

near the coast go to the beach on Christmas!

Слайд 3 Santa Claus comes to Australian beaches on a

Santa Claus comes to Australian beaches on a surfboard! And if

surfboard! And if the weather is hot he often

wears a swimsuit or funny baggy shorts.

Слайд 4 As well as everywhere, families have their own

As well as everywhere, families have their own traditions. In spite

traditions. In spite of the heat many Australians
have a

traditional hot Christmas meal. This is usually roast turkey and flaming Christmas pudding with tasty brandy sauce. Australia is also the home of Carols by Candlelight, a tradition started by Norman Banks, a radio announcer, in 1937.

Слайд 5 Today, Carols by Candlelight is help each Christmas

Today, Carols by Candlelight is help each Christmas Eve. It involves

Eve. It involves tens of thousands of people.
They spread

blankets on the ground, light their candles and sing Christmas songs together. The view is amazing with thousands of candles waving in the dark!

  • Имя файла: project-christmas-in-australia.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0