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Презентация на тему Reading Lesson Plan

While-ReadingGoals: help students to understand specific content and main ideas of the text, promote active engagement with the text rather than passive reading. Activities: - students may be provided with questions to answer about the text-
Reading Lesson PlanPre-ReadingGoals: activate students background knowledge, provide language preparation, motivate students While-ReadingGoals: help students to understand specific content and main ideas of the Post-readingGoals: review content, work on bottom up concerns, consolidate what has been READING ACTIVITIES IN THE CLASSROOM TEN THINGS TO DO BEFORE READING:Ask students to brainstorm for answers to After looking at the title, pictures and so on, brainstorm the specific Pre-reading activities:ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONSlocate a medium length article that might include K-W-L CHART-  before reading a story or article about a TELL A TALE OF GUESSWORK- teacher will share with students the main While reading activitiesQUICK SKIM- students will all be given the same reading- LEA (Language Experience Approach)- beginning students will dictate texts to each other Post-reading activitiesUNIVERSAL QUESTIONSThe following questions may be used when reporting on various READ AND DRAW- teacher will divide a story into different parts and FIND A SENTENCEStudents will read a story or paragraph and teacher will Now you will watch a video sequence devoted to the reading. But Lesson PlanDate:Group:Subject:Theme:Level:Instructor:I. Aims:II. Objectives:Equipment:Literature: Procedure of the lessonActivity descriptions III. Main stage1) Working on the text (pre, while and post-reading tasks)2) IV. Conclusion. Making final comments.EvaluationGiving the home assignment (describe in detail tasks Prac teaching survival tipsBelow you will see 15 steps to a successful 9) The teaching relationship is based on trust and respect (discover which 13) Learning from experience (after each day’s practice you should complete a
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Слайд 2 While-Reading
Goals: help students to understand specific content and

While-ReadingGoals: help students to understand specific content and main ideas of

main ideas of the text, promote active engagement with

the text rather than passive reading.
- students may be provided with questions to answer about the text
- providing students with outline\diagram\flowchart for them to complete while reading the text.

Слайд 3 Post-reading
Goals: review content, work on bottom up concerns,

Post-readingGoals: review content, work on bottom up concerns, consolidate what has

consolidate what has been read by relating the new

information to the learners’ knowledge, interest and opinions.
- place students in pairs or small groups for discussion
- review main ideas
- discuss discrete points
- writing assignment
- discussion
- debate
- role-play
- project work




Ask students to

TEN THINGS TO DO BEFORE READING:Ask students to brainstorm for answers

brainstorm for answers to the following questions, then write

ideas on the board.
Look at the title and the headings for each section. What do you think this passage is going to be about?
Look at the pictures. What do you think this passage is going to be about?
Read the first and last paragraphs and the first sentence of each paragraph. What do you think this passage is going to be about?
Read the title. Now quickly scan the passage and circle all the words that have a connection to the title.
Scan the passage and cross out all the words you don’t know. After you read the passage again carefully, look up the words in a dictionary.

Слайд 6 After looking at the title, pictures and so

After looking at the title, pictures and so on, brainstorm the

on, brainstorm the specific words you expect to see

in the passage.
After looking at the title, pictures , make up some questions you think this passage might answer.
What kind of passage is this? Why would somebody read this? For information? Pleasure?
Summarize the passage and ask students to take notes or draw a picture of the story as you speak.
Have everyone read the passage.

Слайд 7 Pre-reading activities:

locate a medium length

Pre-reading activities:ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONSlocate a medium length article that might

article that might include some graphs or pictures
from one

copy of the article, cut out titles, subtitles, graphics, the first paragraph and the last paragraph
divide class into small groups and have them survey these items
ask students to write down a list of at least 5 questions that they think the article will answer
ask groups to share their questions with the class. Discuss questions and why they think the article will or won’t answer the questions
have students read a copy of the article and then answer their own questions.

Слайд 8 K-W-L CHART
- before reading a story

K-W-L CHART- before reading a story or article about a

or article about a particular subject, ask students to

share as a group what they KNOW about the subject
teacher will write this down in a column under the word “Know”
teacher will ask students what they “WANT TO KNOW” about the given topic and will write down what students say under “Want to know” on the board
class will read the story or article
after testing for comprehension teacher will interview students and ask them what they “LEARNED” about the topic and write that under “Learned” on the board


- teacher will share

TELL A TALE OF GUESSWORK- teacher will share with students the

with students the main characters in a story and

a bit about them
- the students will make up their own imaginary story about these characters-they will do this in 1 minute’s time
- the students will tell their story to each other in groups and groups will vote on the best story

Слайд 10 While reading activities

- students will all be

While reading activitiesQUICK SKIM- students will all be given the same

given the same reading
- they will drag their finger

down the middle of the page for about 15 seconds, until the teacher says stop
- students can get in groups and discuss what they read, the words they saw
- the group with the most ideas wins
- it’s often surprising for students to see how much they can take from a passage after only briefly skimming

Слайд 11 LEA (Language Experience Approach)

- beginning students will dictate

LEA (Language Experience Approach)- beginning students will dictate texts to each

texts to each other in their own words
- partners

will write down what the students have said and the students will read the text
- partners ask the questions about the text and students will answer them
- partners will retell the text in brief to each other

Слайд 12 Post-reading activities

The following questions may be used

Post-reading activitiesUNIVERSAL QUESTIONSThe following questions may be used when reporting on

when reporting on various extensive reading activities.

- What is

the topic of your article?
- What was the author’s purpose in writing the article?
- Give at least two examples or pieces of evidence from the text which support the author’s main idea?
- Write an outline of the article.
- What new fact or idea did you learn from this article?
- Is the author mainly objective or subjective? What clues you to your conclusion?


- teacher will divide a story

READ AND DRAW- teacher will divide a story into different parts

into different parts and distribute them to small groups

or pairs of students
- students will read their part of the story and draw a picture representing what happened in their part of the story
- students will tape pictures to the wall in order and will present their part of the story in order


Students will read a story or

FIND A SENTENCEStudents will read a story or paragraph and teacher

paragraph and teacher will ask students to find one

sentence and write it down to share with the class or in small groups. Offer students one of the following options:

a beautiful sentence
a very interesting sentence
a surprising sentence
a sentence that contains the main idea
a sentence the student doesn’t understand
a sentence that reminds the student of smth
a sentence that makes great sense to student
a sentence the student agrees or disagrees with
a sentence that upsets the student

Слайд 15 Now you will watch a video sequence devoted

Now you will watch a video sequence devoted to the reading.

to the reading. But before watching answer the following


What types of reading do you know?
How do you motivate your students to read?
What is the purpose of reading?
What are the roles of pre, while and post reading tasks?
What reading activities do you take in your classroom?
Do you work on language material when you work with reading text? Why\why not?

Слайд 16 Lesson Plan

I. Aims:
II. Objectives:

Lesson PlanDate:Group:Subject:Theme:Level:Instructor:I. Aims:II. Objectives:Equipment:Literature:

Слайд 17 Procedure of the lesson

Activity descriptions

Procedure of the lessonActivity descriptions

1. Organization moment
a) Greeting
b) Talking about the objectives of the lesson

Warming up
(tongue twisters, proverbs or sayings, quotations, songs, question-answer, games, descriptions, etc. according to the language material, pictures, prediction, discussion, role-play, guessing games, word association tasks, semantic mapping, previewing\surveying)

Слайд 18 III. Main stage

1) Working on the text (pre,

III. Main stage1) Working on the text (pre, while and post-reading

while and post-reading tasks)
2) Watching the film (pre, while

and post-watching tasks)
3) Speaking activity (stage1, 2, 3)
4) Listening activity (pre, while and post-listening tasks)
5) Game technology (description, stages to play)
6) Project modelling (description, stages to present)

Any activity you plan include to your main stage

Слайд 19 IV. Conclusion. Making final comments.

Giving the home assignment

IV. Conclusion. Making final comments.EvaluationGiving the home assignment (describe in detail

(describe in detail tasks to do or stages to


Слайд 20 Prac teaching survival tips
Below you will see 15

Prac teaching survival tipsBelow you will see 15 steps to a

steps to a successful student teaching experience:
1) Use the

school or college library (methodology issues)
2) Come up early to class (jump on topics for teaching, highlight vocabulary, revise)
3) Review the curriculum (ask for a teacher editions, unit plans or workbooks to gather facts and ideas)
4) Prepare a speech introducing yourself (it should stress your appreciation and availability to students)
5) Adjust your schedule to your teacher of your academic group or mentor
6) Set up an observation schedule
7) Help to grade papers
8) The office is the hub of the school (be friendly and smile)

Слайд 21 9) The teaching relationship is based on trust

9) The teaching relationship is based on trust and respect (discover

and respect (discover which students have behavioral or learning

difficulties, be organized and methodical, start with tight control, use a clear speaking voice with sufficient volume to be heard at the back of the class, but do not speak more loudly than in necessary, praise, encourage your students than to criticize, if you cannot resolve problems ask one of the members of the teaching staff)
10) Personal presentation (eccentric mode of dress, casual appearance)
11) Lesson notes (structure and content of the lesson, plan of implementation)
12) Audio\Visual Equipment (prepare in advance, avoid equipment failure, be prepared for the unexpected in case you are unable to give the planned lesson because of sudden unabailability of equipment or change of room)

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