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Презентация на тему Saratov презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

LondonGreat BritainJanuary, 25th 2018 Dear Friend, I’d like to be your pen friend. I live in London. I go to school here. I have been to Moscow this month. I have visited
SARATOVWriting a letter LondonGreat BritainJanuary, 25th 2018		  	    Dear Friend,		I’d like What is it like?OldLargeBeautifulModernBusy (a lot of cars) SymbolsConservatoryThe Bridge over the Volga river Sights of SaratovMuseums:Local History Museum, Radishchev Art museum... Sights of SaratovTheatres:The Opera and Ballet theatreThe Children’s theatreThe Puppet theatreThe Drama theatre Sights of SaratovParks:The Lipky ParkThe City parkThe Kumissnaya glade (the wild land)The Churches ( Trinity Cathedral)StadiumsLibrariesShopping centresCinemas
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 London
Great Britain
January, 25th 2018

LondonGreat BritainJanuary, 25th 2018		 	  Dear Friend,		I’d like to be

Dear Friend,
I’d like to be your pen friend.

I live in London. I go to school here. I have been to Moscow this month. I have visited a lot of interesting places and took a lot of pictures. I liked Red Square and the Kremlin very much! It took me the whole day to look at the paintings of the Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow is wonderful!
By the way, what city do you live? Where is it? What is it like? What places of interest are there in your city?
That’s all for now. Write me back.
Best wishes,

Слайд 3 What is it like?
Busy (a lot of cars)

What is it like?OldLargeBeautifulModernBusy (a lot of cars)

Слайд 4 Symbols
The Bridge over the Volga river

SymbolsConservatoryThe Bridge over the Volga river

Слайд 5 Sights of Saratov
Local History Museum,
Radishchev Art museum

Sights of SaratovMuseums:Local History Museum, Radishchev Art museum...

Слайд 6 Sights of Saratov
The Opera and Ballet theatre
The Children’s

Sights of SaratovTheatres:The Opera and Ballet theatreThe Children’s theatreThe Puppet theatreThe Drama theatre

The Puppet theatre
The Drama theatre

Слайд 7 Sights of Saratov
The Lipky Park
The City park
The Kumissnaya

Sights of SaratovParks:The Lipky ParkThe City parkThe Kumissnaya glade (the wild

glade (the wild land)
The Victory Park (with open air

museum of the Great Patriotic war)

  • Имя файла: saratov-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 0