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Презентация на тему Стихийные бедствия

Выполнила: Власова Светлана АнатольевнаУчитель английского языкаМОУ «СОШ №97»г.Новокузнецк2011
Использование ИКТ на уроках Выполнила: Власова Светлана АнатольевнаУчитель английского языкаМОУ «СОШ №97»г.Новокузнецк2011 Tornadoes are storms with rapidly rotating winds that form a funnel cloud. Also known as Tornadoes are also known as    Post-Reading Questions1) How fast 3) Which  of the following statements is true? A. Eighty-students Choose the 4 main consequences of a tornado: heat Интернет-ресурсы:http://www.mirvetrov.ru/images/280636.jpghttp://images.google.ru/imgres?q=%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%BE+%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE&hl=ru&newwindow=1&biw=1350&bih=501&tbs=isz:m&tbm=isch&tbnid=cMMmHbNrXwy7uM:&imgrefurl=http://sayfuck.net/tornado/&docid=G-jqNlFOeejYeM&w=640&h=427&ei=-W1CTtXkHcOOswbBupXMBw&zoom=
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Власова Светлана Анатольевна
Учитель английского языка
МОУ «СОШ №97»

Выполнила: Власова Светлана АнатольевнаУчитель английского языкаМОУ «СОШ №97»г.Новокузнецк2011

Слайд 3

Tornadoes are storms with rapidly rotating winds that

Tornadoes are storms with rapidly rotating winds that form a funnel cloud.

form a funnel cloud.

Слайд 4

Also known as "twisters," they extend downward from

Also known as

the huge clouds of a severe thunderstorm. The winds

that rotate within a tornado usually reach a speed of almost 300 miles per hour! A tornado often sweeps through an area quickly, but it can cause considerable destruction. There have been a number of remarkable reports of tornadoes. In one instance, a schoolhouse was demolished while the 85 students originally inside it were carried more than 400 feet with none killed. There was also a case of five railway coaches, each weighing 70 tons, lifted from their tracks.

Слайд 5
Tornadoes are also known as

Tornadoes are also known as  Post-Reading Questions1) How fast do

Post-Reading Questions
1) How fast do the winds rotate within

a tornado?

a. 85 miles per hour
b. 400 miles per hour
c. 300 miles per hour
d. 70 miles per hour


a. thunderstorms
b. typhoons
c. tempests
d. twisters

Слайд 6 3) Which of the following statements

3) Which of the following statements is true? A. Eighty-students

is true?
A. Eighty-students died when a tornado struck their

B. A tornado lifted five heavy railroad coaches from their tracks.

Слайд 7 Choose the 4 main consequences of a tornado:

Choose the 4 main consequences of a tornado: heat

cold pollution

extinction freezing air wind waves noise lightning

  • Имя файла: stihiynye-bedstviya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 0