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Презентация на тему T H E A T R E

These two masks have come to symbolize the theater and its two major dramatic categories, comedy and tragedy. Theater, one of the oldest and most popular forms of entertainment, in which actors perform live for an audience on a stage or
T H E A T R Ethe word theater comes from the These two masks have come to symbolize the theater and its two D R A M AScene from Marat/SadeThis scene is from the Royal T R A G E D YModern Production of Oedipus RexThe National C O M E D YA Midsummer Night’s DreamFairies emerge from doorways O P E R ALa Traviata at La ScalaOpera, drama in which B A L L E TTchaikovsky's The Nutcracker P U P P E T   T H E A T R EMarionettesMarionettesMarionettesMarionettesMarionettes
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 These two masks have come to symbolize the

These two masks have come to symbolize the theater and its

theater and its two major dramatic categories, comedy and


Theater, one of the oldest and most popular forms of entertainment, in which actors perform live for an audience on a stage or in an other space designated for the performance.

Слайд 4 D R A M A
Scene from Marat/Sade
This scene

D R A M AScene from Marat/SadeThis scene is from the

is from the Royal Shakespeare Company’s 1966 production of

a play by Peter Weiss called The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade.

Слайд 5 T R A G E D Y
Modern Production

T R A G E D YModern Production of Oedipus RexThe

of Oedipus Rex

The National Theater of Greece staged this

production of the ancient Greek tragedy by Sophocles in 2000 at the Colosseum in Rome.

Слайд 6 C O M E D Y
A Midsummer Night’s

C O M E D YA Midsummer Night’s DreamFairies emerge from


Fairies emerge from doorways in space, and Bottom’s bed

hangs suspended before the moon in this 1998 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon.

Слайд 7 O P E R A
La Traviata at La

O P E R ALa Traviata at La ScalaOpera, drama in


Opera, drama in which the text is set to

music and staged. The texts of operas are sung, with singing and stage action nearly always given instrumental accompaniment.

Слайд 8 B A L L E T
Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker

B A L L E TTchaikovsky's The Nutcracker

  • Имя файла: t-h-e-a-t-r-e.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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