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Презентация на тему Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 4 классе по теме Неправильные глаголыThe best of times , модуль 7 по УМК Н.И.Быковой SPOTLIGHT план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

BE WAS, WERE быть, находиться
IRREGULAR VERBSНЕПРАВИЛЬНЫЕГЛАГОЛЫ BE  WAS, WERE  быть, находиться Выбери правильную форму глагола:I am/was happy when I see my friends.We are/were GO WENTидти In summer we always go/went to the seaside, but last year we COME  CAMEприходить,приезжать My grandparents often come/came to us at the weekend.Last weekend they come/came MEETMETвстречать(ся)знакомиться After school my friends and I always meet/met at the park. Yesterday SEE  SAWвидеть I see/saw my cousins very often.We went to the cinema last Sunday HAVEHADиметь Выбери правильную форму глагола:We always have/had five lessons every day but yesterday DODIDделать (домашнюю работу) I usually do/did my homework and then go for a walk. But GIVEGAVEдаватьTAKETOOKбрать, брать с собой My granny always gives/gave me yummy things when I visit her. Last WINWONвыиграть, победить Bob can run very fast. He always wins/won races at school. He THE END.  GOOD JOB!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 BE WAS, WERE быть, находиться

BE WAS, WERE быть, находиться

Слайд 3 Выбери правильную форму глагола:
I am/was happy when I

Выбери правильную форму глагола:I am/was happy when I see my friends.We

see my friends.
We are/were at the museum yesterday.
I am

happy when I see my friends.
We were at the museum yesterday.

Слайд 4



Слайд 5 In summer we always go/went to the seaside,

In summer we always go/went to the seaside, but last year

but last year we go/went camping.

Выбери правильную форму глагола:

summer we always go to the seaside, but last year we went camping.

Слайд 6


COME CAMEприходить,приезжать

Слайд 7 My grandparents often come/came to us at the

My grandparents often come/came to us at the weekend.Last weekend they

Last weekend they come/came to us with their dog.

I am/was happy!

Выбери правильную форму глагола:

My grandparents often come to us at the weekend.
Last weekend they came to us with their dog. I was happy!

Слайд 8



Слайд 9 After school my friends and I always meet/met

After school my friends and I always meet/met at the park.

at the park. Yesterday we meet/met at 5 o’clock

in the evening and go/went to the cafe.

Выбери правильную форму глагола:

After school my friends and I always meet at the park. Yesterday we met at 5 o’clock in the evening and went to the cafe.

Слайд 10 SEE SAW

SEE SAWвидеть

Слайд 11 I see/saw my cousins very often.
We went to

I see/saw my cousins very often.We went to the cinema last

the cinema last Sunday and see/saw a great 4D


Выбери правильную форму глагола:

I see my cousins very often.
We went to the cinema last Sunday and saw a great 4D film.

Слайд 12


Слайд 13 Выбери правильную форму глагола:
We always have/had five lessons

Выбери правильную форму глагола:We always have/had five lessons every day but

every day but yesterday there were only three lessons

because we have/had a school party!

We always have five lessons every day but yesterday there were only three lessons because we had a school party!

Слайд 14

делать (домашнюю работу)

DODIDделать (домашнюю работу)

Слайд 15 I usually do/did my homework and then go

I usually do/did my homework and then go for a walk.

for a walk. But yesterday I do/did my homework

and didn’t go/went outside because it was rainy.

Выбери правильную форму глагола:

I usually do my homework and then go for a walk. But yesterday I did my homework and didn’t go outside because it was rainy.

Слайд 16


брать с собой

GIVEGAVEдаватьTAKETOOKбрать, брать с собой

Слайд 17 My granny always gives/gave me yummy things when

My granny always gives/gave me yummy things when I visit her.

I visit her. Last weekend she come/came to see

us. I give/gave her flowers and she takes/took them home.

Выбери правильную форму глагола:

My granny always gives me yummy things when I visit her. Last weekend she came to see us. I gave her flowers and she took them home.

Слайд 18

выиграть, победить

WINWONвыиграть, победить

Слайд 19 Bob can run very fast.
He always wins/won

Bob can run very fast. He always wins/won races at school.

races at school.
He wins/won a race a week

ago too!

Выбери правильную форму глагола:

Bob can run very fast.
He always wins races at school.
He won a race a week ago too!

  • Имя файла: tehnologicheskaya-karta-uroka-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-4-klasse-po-teme-nepravilnye-glagolythe-best-of-times-modul-7-po-umk-nibykovoy-spotlight-plan-konspekt-uroka-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass-po-teme.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 223
  • Количество скачиваний: 2