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Презентация на тему The history of tennis in Great Britain

Tennis appeared in Britainin the 19 century.Tennis is translated fromFrench as «take, snap».Walter Wingfield invented modern tennis.He used as a basis a Frenchgame «Real tennis» whichwas popular amongFrench aristocracy.Originally French tennisplayers beat offthe ball by a
The history of tennisin Great BritainЛанкова Л.А.8 «В» класс Tennis appeared in Britainin the 19 century.Tennis is translated fromFrench as «take, Wimbledon is the most popular tennisTournament in the world. It takes place One day the lawn mowersof the cricket-tennis club was broken.They decided to Traditional colors of Wimbledon are green and purple.Tennis players must take part Strawberries with cream is traditional Wimbledon treatYou should have a ball, a Tennis is very good for your health:it develops your muscles,trains your heart, blood vessels The British are very fond of tennis. They rightly consider themselves to Thank youfor your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Tennis appeared in Britain
in the 19 century.
Tennis is

Tennis appeared in Britainin the 19 century.Tennis is translated fromFrench as

translated from
French as «take, snap».
Walter Wingfield invented
modern tennis.

used as a basis a French
game «Real tennis» which
was popular among
French aristocracy.
Originally French tennis
players beat off
the ball by a hand

Walter Wingfield

Слайд 3 Wimbledon is the most popular tennis
Tournament in the

Wimbledon is the most popular tennisTournament in the world. It takes

world. It takes place in June - July in

the British town of Wimbledon.
It was founded in 1874.
The history of this tournament is as follows

Слайд 4 One day the lawn mowers
of the cricket-tennis club

One day the lawn mowersof the cricket-tennis club was broken.They decided

was broken.
They decided to take money from the
audience for

watching tennis competitions

Слайд 5 Traditional colors of Wimbledon are green and purple.

Traditional colors of Wimbledon are green and purple.Tennis players must take

players must take part in games only white dressed.

players are always
referred to «Miss» or «Mrs»
during the match. Male
tennis players, however,
Are address only by surnames

Слайд 6 Strawberries with cream is
traditional Wimbledon treat
You should

Strawberries with cream is traditional Wimbledon treatYou should have a ball,

have a ball, a racket, a net,
comfortable clothing and

shoes to
play tennis. Men usually wear
shorts and a T-shirt, and girls wear athletic skirts and place them over

A racket consists of a handle, a circular rim and the strings

Слайд 7 Tennis is very good for your health:
it develops

Tennis is very good for your health:it develops your muscles,trains your heart, blood vessels

your muscles,
trains your heart, blood vessels

Слайд 8 The British are very fond of tennis. They

The British are very fond of tennis. They rightly consider themselves

consider themselves to be one of the pioneers

of this sport. Now the success of the British tennis
is worse than it was before. They are not despaired
and continue to train improving their tennis

  • Имя файла: the-history-of-tennis-in-great-britain.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 151
  • Количество скачиваний: 0