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Презентация на тему The Language of the British Isles

Celtic and Germanic
The Language of the British Isles Celtic and Germanic The Roman period in Britain lasted until 440. In 449 – as Scandinavian From the 8th century, both England and Ireland were subject to incursions Manx The Manx language is a Celtic language of the Goidelic subdivision, and Welsh Welsh emerged in the 6th century from Common Brittonic.Four periods are identified Irish Gaelic Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge nah Eireann)  is a Celtic language spoken mainly in Ireland. There
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Слайд 2 Celtic and Germanic

Celtic and Germanic

Слайд 3 The Roman period in Britain lasted until 440.

The Roman period in Britain lasted until 440. In 449 –

In 449 – as we are informed by the

Venerable Bede in his ‘A church history of the English people’ – Germanic tribes arrived in Britain). With their coming the seed of the later English language in Britain was laid. There are not many loan words from Brythonic in Old English – dry ‘magic’ is one of them – but there was nonetheless an influence of the former on the latter, most probably as a result of long, low-level contact between Celts and Germanic tribes, chiefly in south and central England where they were in continuous contact over many centuries. Some syntactic features in modern English may well be traced back to this contact, for instance, the use of possessive pronouns with parts of the body, e.g. my leg, my teeth (cf. Irish mo chos, mo fhiacla) and the use of progressive forms to express a continuous verbal action, e.g. I’m reading a book (cf. Irish Tá mé ag léamh leabhair).

Слайд 4 Scandinavian


Слайд 5 From the 8th century, both England and Ireland

From the 8th century, both England and Ireland were subject to

were subject to incursions by Scandinavians. The Scandinavian settlements

in England are chiefly in the north-east of the country and in Ireland the main settlements were at the estuaries of major rivers, such as the Liffey (Dublin) or the Suir (Waterford). A Norn – survived until a few centuries ago in the north of Scotland. The linguistic impact of the Scandinavians on both English and Irish was considerable. There are many loanwords in both languages which can be clearly traced to the contact with these people. In English, the plural pronoun forms in initial th-, i.e. they, them, their, are of Scandinavian origin as is the plural form of ‘to be’, are.

Слайд 7 The Manx language is a Celtic language of

The Manx language is a Celtic language of the Goidelic subdivision,

the Goidelic subdivision, and descendant of Old Irish. It

is sometimes called Manx Gaelic to distinguish it from the local variety of English.
The language was historically the dominant one on the island, but fell out of use during the twentieth century, and is considered to have become extinct in 1974. At the present time, less than one hundred children receive their education exclusively in Manx.

Слайд 8 Welsh


Слайд 9 Welsh emerged in the 6th century from Common

Welsh emerged in the 6th century from Common Brittonic.Four periods are

Four periods are identified in the history of Welsh,

with rather indistinct boundaries: The period immediately following the language's emergence from Brittonic is sometimes referred to as Primitive Welsh;this was followed by the Old Welsh period, considered to stretch from the beginning of the 9th century to the 12th century. The Middle Welsh period is considered to have lasted from then until the 14th century, when the Modern Welsh period began, which in turn divided into Early and Late Modern Welsh.
The name Welsh originated as an exonym given to its speakers by the Anglo-Saxons, meaning "foreign speech". The native term for the language is Cymraeg and Cymru for "Wales".

Слайд 10 Irish Gaelic

Irish Gaelic

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