indicating tens are derived (derivatives-похідні).
The numbers from 13 to
19 are formed by adding the suffix –teen to the corresponding numbers of units.
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They have two stresses:
on the first syllable and
on the suffix.
f.E fifteen, nineteen
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The cardinal numerals indicating tens are formed by
adding the suffix – ty to the corresponding number
of units.
They have the stress on the first syllable.
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The numerals consisting of tens and units are
spelt with a hyphen.
In the composite numerals denoting numbers
greater than 100 the conjunction and is used before the tens ( or before the units if there are no tens).
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When the numerals hundred, thousand, million are preceded
by another numeral, they turn no plural ending –s.
they are not preceded by other numerals, they turn into nouns. In this case they take the plural ending –s and are following by a noun with the preposition of.