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Презентация на тему по теме Семейные узы

Compare and contrast the pictures:What do they have in common? How different are they? Use: They (are quite similar because they) both/ all show/have/are… There are ……..in both/all of them.
Family tiesSpotlight 11 Module 1 Compare and contrast the pictures:What do they have in common? How different Family Idioms It runs in the family - an ability or talent
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Compare and contrast the pictures:
What do they have

Compare and contrast the pictures:What do they have in common? How

in common?
How different are they?

Use: They (are

quite similar because they) both/ all show/have/are…
There are ……..in both/all of them.
There are some differences. One…..but the other …..
The one on the left is/shows/has ……but the one on the right ....
The left photo …… while the right one…...

Слайд 3 Family Idioms
It runs in the family -

Family Idioms It runs in the family - an ability or

an ability or talent that is passed on through

the generations (My brothers and I have red hair. It runs in the family.)
your own flesh and blood - a member of your family, do not forget it!
blood is thicker than water - family ties are stronger than any others, despite arguments
bad blood - hostility or unfriendliness between two families or family members
black sheep of the family - the worst member of the family

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-semeynye-uzy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 137
  • Количество скачиваний: 0