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Презентация на тему What are you going to be (Кем ты собираешься стать)

a doctor a reporter a model a vet a sportsmana pilot a singer an actor a teacher a police officer a farmer a writer
What are you going to be? a doctor a reporter a model a vet a sportsmana pilot a WHO?Works in a hospital and helps people?Works in a theatre?Works in a WELL DONE!!! amisare What ___you going to be?I ___ going to be an actor.Emily Champion!!! Ann likes music. She is going to be…David likes animals. He is SUPER!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 a doctor
a reporter
a model
a vet

a doctor a reporter a model a vet a sportsmana pilot

a sportsman
a pilot
a singer
an actor
a teacher

a police officer

a farmer

a writer

Слайд 3 WHO?
Works in a hospital and helps people?
Works in

WHO?Works in a hospital and helps people?Works in a theatre?Works in

a theatre?
Works in a school?
Looks after animals?
Flies a plane?

on a farm?

Makes reports?

Sings and play music?

Writes books?

Слайд 4 WELL DONE!!!


Слайд 5 am
What ___you going to be?

I ___ going

amisare What ___you going to be?I ___ going to be an

to be an actor.

Emily ___ going to acts in

plays and films.

We ___ going to be vets.

I ___ not going to be famous.

Слайд 6 Champion!!!


Слайд 7 Ann likes music. She is going to be…

Ann likes music. She is going to be…David likes animals. He

likes animals. He is going to be…
Sarah likes children.

She is going to be…

Bob likes gardening. He is going to be…

Jack and Jane like helping people. They are going to be…

I like writing stories. I am going to be…

My friend likes sport. He is going to be…

  • Имя файла: what-are-you-going-to-be-kem-ty-sobiraeshsya-stat.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
  • Количество скачиваний: 0