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Презентации по Английскому языку


Иван III Создание единого русского государства под верховной властью одного правителяБорьба с Золотой ОрдойОсновные направления политики Ивана III Борьба с Золотой ОрдойОтказ от выплоты дани Золотой ОрдеОсвобождение от ордынского владычестваБитва на реке Угре

Australian Animals
Australian Animals

KoalaThey have got grey fur.They have got short, strong arms and legs.Did you know that…~koala means ‘no water’?~they never drink, but they get all the liquid they need from eucalyptus leaves?~they swim very well?~they sleep during the day? They have got

How does the geographical position influence the peoples live? / Как географическое положение влияет на жизненную позицию народа? (EN)
How does the geographical position influence the peoples live? / Как географическое положение влияет на жизненную позицию народа? (EN)

The frontier experience had a deep influence on the American character… Americans left their own world for the unknown world. So they were risk-takers. They were tough and self-reliant. Because they had a hard life living on the front life.Americans often

The study of the American Democracy in today's world
The study of the American Democracy in today's world

The Study of the American Democracy in Today's World To elicit the contradictions between the main principles of a democratic system and their modern realization in the USA. With this goal in

Ukrainian Culture
Ukrainian Culture

The Demographics of UkraineThe population is 45,560,255 ;The birth rate is 11.0  births/1,000 population ;The death rate is 14.5  deaths/1,000 population ;The life expectancy is 71.22 years Religion of Ukraine Eastern Orthodox (Ukrainian) (38.9%);Greek Catholicism (14.7%);Roman Catholicism (1.7%);Judaism (0.2%)

Your Emotions
Your Emotions

Are you happy today?Is your friend sad?Is your mother tired?Were you happy yesterday?Was your mother bored?Were your grandparents tired?am/is – wasare - wereAnswer the questions What feelings do people show?Bored happy sad excited angry


Flamenco is an andalusian term that refers both to a musical genre, known for its intricate rapid passages, and a dance genre characterized by its audible footwork. Flamenco embodies a complex musical and cultural tradition. Although considered a part of the

The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland is one of the smallest countries in the world. It occupies the British Isles, which lie off the north-west coast of europe.


СOUNTABLE NOUNSСOUNTABLE NOUNS are things that we can count.one dogtwo dogs A DOG IS AN ANIMAL.We can use the indefinite article a/an with countable nouns:

Impact of media on shaping the world and behavioral characteristics of adolescents
Impact of media on shaping the world and behavioral characteristics of adolescents

Everyone of us living in the modern world constantly face mass media. It occupies a very important part in our life. They affect our world outlook and very often completely develop social opinion. We get some news every day, reading magazines,


Цель урока: Познакомить учащихся с новым грамматическим материалом, активизировать использование нового грамматического времени в речи. Remember! Простое будущее время (Future Simple Tense) обозначает действия, которые

Great Britain
Great Britain

Geography Britain Great Britain,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,state in the north-west Europe, the British Isles (the largest - the island of Great Britain), north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, the island of Man, the island

Travelling to St.Petersburgh world of water
Travelling to St.Petersburgh world of water

It`s a great museum of water. Water territories of our great city.

British theatre
British theatre

Theatre was introduced from Europe to what is now the United Kingdom by the Romans and auditoriums were constructed across the country for this purpose. By the medieval period theatre had developed with the mummers' plays, a form

Законність. Правопорушення і юридична відповідальність
Законність. Правопорушення і юридична відповідальність

Законність — це багатоаспектне (принцип, метод, режим) соціально-правове явище, що характеризує організацію і функціонування суспільства і держави на правових засадах.Аспекти законності:принцип діяльності суб'єктів права.метод державного управління суспільством.режим реально діючого права, стан (атмосфера) відповідності суспільних відносин законам і підзаконним нормативно-правовим актам, які,

The Yule log
The Yule log

CHRISTMAS WORDSChristmas tree-рождественская елкаTinsel- мишураBaubles-шарики Lights-огоньки…. ….Yule log – what’s it?log-бревно, полено Yule = ChristmasРождественское поленоTHE YULE LOG БОЛЬШОЕ ПОЛЕНО, СЖИГАЕМОЕ В СОЧЕЛЬНИК At first, burning a Yule log was a celebration of the winter solstice (точка зимнего солнцестояния).

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