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Презентация на тему Pathologic Protozoa


CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTOZOA1. Unicellular2. Chemoheterotrophs (get their energy by breaking down organic matter).3. Most ingest their food; thus, they have special structures for this.
Pathologic Protozoa CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTOZOA1. Unicellular2. Chemoheterotrophs (get their energy by breaking down organic CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTOZOA4. The vegetative form is the TROPHOZOA (tropho = movement; CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTOZOA6. Some produce cysts. These are not tissue cysts like PROTOZOA CYSTSCysts are not as resistant as a bacterial endospore. You can ClassificationDomain: EukaryotesKingdom: Protista ClassificationTraditional classification of protozoa phylae was based on mode of locomotion.MASTIGOPHORA (flagella)CILIOPHORA Modern ClassificationModern classification of protozoa is based on how they evolved and EUGLENOZOAEUGLENOZOA (older classification = Mastigophora): has flagella and its mitochondria have disc-shaped MASTIGOPHORA DISEASESTrypanosomiasisLeishmaniasis TERMSPromastigote: has single flagellaAmastigote: has no flagellaKinetoplast: round mass of circular DNA Leishmania donovaniDomain:	EukaryotaKingdom: 	ProtistaPhylum:		Mastigophora Class:		KinetoplastidaOrder:		TrypanosomatidaGenus:		LeishmaniaSpecies: 	 donovani Leishmania donovani Disease: LeishmaniasisVector-borne disease transmitted by sandflies. Leishmania Life CycleKinetoplastIt starts out as a spindle-shaped, single flagellated cell called Leishmania rosetteIn prepared slides you can see promastigotes align their nose in Leishmaniasis rosette Leishmania Life CycleIt reproduces in the gut of a female sandfly, and LeishmaniasisThese amastigotes multiply in various organs including the spleen, liver, and lymph Leishmania Life CycleThe female sandflies inject the infective stage, promastigotes, during blood Leishmaniasis Life Cycle Leishmania donovani (Promastigote)Single flagellum found in sand flies LeishmaniasisAmastogotesAmastogotes with nucleus and kinetoplastMacrophage rupturing LeishmaniaAmastigotes SandflyThis looks like a mosquito, except its body is hairy and the wings are feathery. LeishmaniasisGeographic Distribution: More than 90 percent of the world's cases of visceral LeishmaniasisThere are three forms of Leishmaniasis:CutaneousMucocutaneusVisceral Cutaneous LeishmaniasisThe disease is only at the site of the bite. This Leishmaniasis (cutaneous) Leishmaniasis (cutaneous) Leishmaniasis (cutaneous) Leishmaniasis (mucocunateous)This is when the disease located in the mucous membranes of Leishmaniasis (mucocunateous) Leishmaniasis (visceral)This is the most serious form. It occurs especially in immunocompromised Kala AzarHepatosplenomegaly Kala Azar (duodenum) Определите тип лейшманиозаАБВГVisceral leishmaniosisOld World skin leishmaniosisNew World skin and mucous leishmaniosisNew Leishmania life cycle TERMSMastigote = flagellaPromastigote: has single flagellaAmastigote: has no flagellaKinetoplast: round mass of circular DNA TrypanosomiasisAfrican Trypanosomiasis (African Sleeping Sickness)American Trypanosomiasis (Chaga’s Disease) “African Sleeping Sickness”Disease: African Tryptanosomiasis	Causal Agents: Trypanosoma brucei gambienseTrypanosoma brucei rhodesiense Geographic DistributionT. b. gambiense is found in foci in large areas of TrypanosomiasisTrypanosomiasis has a biological vector, the tsetse (pronounced “set-see”) fly.Wild animals may TrypanosomiasisThe tsetse fly bites a human and injects the trypanomastigotes into the TrypanosomiasisIt is characterized by Winterbottom’s Sign: swelling of the cervical lymph nodes TrypanosomiasisCNS symptomsShuffling gaitSlurred speechMalaise (sleeping all day)TreatmentMelarsoprol: which has dangerous side-effects like Trypanosoma bruceiTrypomastigote stages are the only form found in patients.Posterior kinetoplastCentrally located nucleusUndulating membraneAnterior flagellum Trypanosoma brucei Trypanosoma brucei gambiense trypomastigote Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense Tsetse Fly “Chaga’s Disease”Disease: American Tryptanosomiasis	A zoonotic disease (can infect animals) that can be “Chaga’s Disease”This disease is NOT found in Africa. This disease is also “Chaga’s Disease”It prefers the lips because the blood supply is close to “Chaga’s Disease”Symptoms include fever, anorexia, swollen lymph nodes, hepatosplenomegally (enlarged liver and Trypanosoma cruziInsect vector is the “kissing” bug. It takes a blood meal Trypanosoma cruziGeographic Distribution: The Americas from the southern United States to southern Trypanosoma cruzi Trypanosoma cruzi Trypanosoma cruzi large kinetoplast Trypanosoma cruziTriatomine bug, Trypanosoma cruzi vector, defecating on the wound after taking a blood meal. Kissing Bug Romana’s signSwollen eye, seen in Chagra’s disease. Trypanosoma life cycle
Слайды презентации

1. Unicellular
2. Chemoheterotrophs (get their energy

CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTOZOA1. Unicellular2. Chemoheterotrophs (get their energy by breaking down

by breaking down organic matter).
3. Most ingest their food;

thus, they have special structures for this.

4. The vegetative form is the

CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTOZOA4. The vegetative form is the TROPHOZOA (tropho =

TROPHOZOA (tropho = movement; zoite = animal; they move

like an animal). Trophozoa have special organelles for movement.
5. Capable of reproduction
A. Asexual: fission, budding, or schizogony
(produces a large number of trophozoites)
B. Sexual: conjugation

6. Some produce cysts.
These are

CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTOZOA6. Some produce cysts. These are not tissue cysts

not tissue cysts like a human gets under their

skin; protozoa cysts are cellular.
They have a thick cell wall that allows for survival in harsh environments better than the trophozoite form.

Cysts are not as resistant as a

PROTOZOA CYSTSCysts are not as resistant as a bacterial endospore. You

bacterial endospore.
You can kill cysts by boiling them.

They can live in the soil or water for months.
A cyst is no motile, so it is not trophozoic.
A cyst does not procure its nutrients or ingest food, but it can absorb nutrients.
It has no organelles to ingest food.

Слайд 6
Domain: Eukaryotes
Kingdom: Protista

ClassificationDomain: EukaryotesKingdom: Protista

Слайд 7 Classification
Traditional classification of protozoa phylae was based on

ClassificationTraditional classification of protozoa phylae was based on mode of locomotion.MASTIGOPHORA

mode of locomotion.
SARCODINA (amoebas)
SPOROZOA (spore-formers)
Apicomplexa (attachment


Слайд 8 Modern Classification
Modern classification of protozoa is based on

Modern ClassificationModern classification of protozoa is based on how they evolved

how they evolved and how closely related they are

(phylogenetic taxonomy), as determined by their ribosomal RNA. The human pathogenic protozoa may be classified as follows:
METAMONADA (multiple flagella with feeding grooves)
AMOEBOZOA (amoebas)
APICOMPLEXA (attachment organ)
EUGLENOZOA (flagella and disc-shaped cristae in mitochondria)


EUGLENOZOA (older classification = Mastigophora): has flagella and

EUGLENOZOAEUGLENOZOA (older classification = Mastigophora): has flagella and its mitochondria have

its mitochondria have disc-shaped cristae
Disease: Trypanosomiasis
Leishmania donovani
Disease: Leishmaniasis


MASTIGOPHORA DISEASESTrypanosomiasisLeishmaniasis

Слайд 11 TERMS
Promastigote: has single flagella
Amastigote: has no flagella
Kinetoplast: round

TERMSPromastigote: has single flagellaAmastigote: has no flagellaKinetoplast: round mass of circular DNA

mass of circular DNA

Слайд 12 Leishmania donovani
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum: Mastigophora
Class: Kinetoplastida
Order: Trypanosomatida
Genus: Leishmania
Species: donovani

Leishmania donovaniDomain:	EukaryotaKingdom: 	ProtistaPhylum:		Mastigophora Class:		KinetoplastidaOrder:		TrypanosomatidaGenus:		LeishmaniaSpecies: 	 donovani

Слайд 13 Leishmania donovani
Disease: Leishmaniasis
Vector-borne disease transmitted by sandflies.

Leishmania donovani Disease: LeishmaniasisVector-borne disease transmitted by sandflies.

Слайд 14 Leishmania Life Cycle
It starts out as a spindle-shaped,

Leishmania Life CycleKinetoplastIt starts out as a spindle-shaped, single flagellated cell

single flagellated cell called a promastigote (mastigote means flagella).

You can also see the nucleus and a kinetoplast (mass of circular DNA).

Слайд 15 Leishmania rosette
In prepared slides you can see promastigotes

Leishmania rosetteIn prepared slides you can see promastigotes align their nose

align their nose in a circle, called a rosette.

Слайд 16 Leishmaniasis rosette

Leishmaniasis rosette

Слайд 17 Leishmania Life Cycle
It reproduces in the gut of

Leishmania Life CycleIt reproduces in the gut of a female sandfly,

a female sandfly, and migrates to her proboscis (mouth

It is introduced into the human by her bite.
It then enters a macrophage and becomes intracellular.
Here, it loses its flagella and is now known as an amastigote.

Слайд 18 Leishmaniasis
These amastigotes multiply in various organs including the

LeishmaniasisThese amastigotes multiply in various organs including the spleen, liver, and

spleen, liver, and lymph nodes.
Symptoms include lymph adenopathy,

fever, weight loss, and a decrease in all blood cells.
The treatment is almost as bad as the disease because of the side effects. It is best to catch it early.

Слайд 19 Leishmania Life Cycle
The female sandflies inject the infective

Leishmania Life CycleThe female sandflies inject the infective stage, promastigotes, during

stage, promastigotes, during blood meals. 
Macrophages phagocytize them and

they transform into amastigotes. 
Other sandflies become infected during blood meals when they ingest infected macrophages.
In the sandfly's midgut, the parasites differentiate into promastigotes, which multiply and migrate to the proboscis.

Слайд 20

Leishmaniasis Life Cycle

Leishmaniasis Life Cycle

Слайд 21 Leishmania donovani (Promastigote)
Single flagellum found in sand flies

Leishmania donovani (Promastigote)Single flagellum found in sand flies

Слайд 22 Leishmaniasis
Amastogotes with nucleus and kinetoplast
Macrophage rupturing

LeishmaniasisAmastogotesAmastogotes with nucleus and kinetoplastMacrophage rupturing

Слайд 23 Leishmania


Слайд 24 Sandfly
This looks like a mosquito, except its body

SandflyThis looks like a mosquito, except its body is hairy and the wings are feathery.

is hairy and the wings are feathery.

Слайд 25 Leishmaniasis
Geographic Distribution: More than 90 percent of the world's

LeishmaniasisGeographic Distribution: More than 90 percent of the world's cases of

cases of visceral leishmaniasis are in India, Bangladesh, Nepal,

Sudan, and Brazil.
Leishmaniasis is also found in Mexico, Central America, and South America, southern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

Слайд 26 Leishmaniasis
There are three forms of Leishmaniasis:

LeishmaniasisThere are three forms of Leishmaniasis:CutaneousMucocutaneusVisceral

Слайд 27 Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
The disease is only at the site

Cutaneous LeishmaniasisThe disease is only at the site of the bite.

of the bite.
This form is seen in Texas,

Mexico, Asia, and the Middle East (our Iraq troops are coming down with this form).
It manifests as a large, wet sore with raised edges. It looks like a volcano with weepy serum coming out of the center.
The wound is not contagious, just the sandfly bite.
Dogs can get this disease, too.

Слайд 28 Leishmaniasis (cutaneous)

Leishmaniasis (cutaneous)

Слайд 29 Leishmaniasis (cutaneous)

Leishmaniasis (cutaneous)

Слайд 30 Leishmaniasis (cutaneous)

Leishmaniasis (cutaneous)

Слайд 31 Leishmaniasis (mucocunateous)
This is when the disease located in

Leishmaniasis (mucocunateous)This is when the disease located in the mucous membranes

the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.

most gruesome photos are of this form.

Слайд 32 Leishmaniasis (mucocunateous)

Leishmaniasis (mucocunateous)

Слайд 33 Leishmaniasis (visceral)
This is the most serious form. It

Leishmaniasis (visceral)This is the most serious form. It occurs especially in

occurs especially in immunocompromised people, especially HIV patients.
The amastagotes

reproduce inside macrophages.
Only T-cells can kill infected macrophages, but HIV is a disease that infects T-cells.
This form is known as Kala Azar.

Слайд 34 Kala Azar

Kala AzarHepatosplenomegaly

Слайд 35 Kala Azar (duodenum)

Kala Azar (duodenum)

Слайд 36 Определите тип лейшманиоза
Visceral leishmaniosis
Old World skin leishmaniosis
New World

Определите тип лейшманиозаАБВГVisceral leishmaniosisOld World skin leishmaniosisNew World skin and mucous

skin and mucous leishmaniosis
New World skin leishmaniosis (also damages


Слайд 37 Leishmania life cycle

Leishmania life cycle

Слайд 38 TERMS
Mastigote = flagella
Promastigote: has single flagella
Amastigote: has no

TERMSMastigote = flagellaPromastigote: has single flagellaAmastigote: has no flagellaKinetoplast: round mass of circular DNA

Kinetoplast: round mass of circular DNA

Слайд 39 Trypanosomiasis
African Trypanosomiasis
(African Sleeping Sickness)
American Trypanosomiasis
(Chaga’s Disease)

TrypanosomiasisAfrican Trypanosomiasis (African Sleeping Sickness)American Trypanosomiasis (Chaga’s Disease)

Слайд 40 “African Sleeping Sickness”
Disease: African Tryptanosomiasis

Causal Agents:
Trypanosoma brucei

“African Sleeping Sickness”Disease: African Tryptanosomiasis	Causal Agents: Trypanosoma brucei gambienseTrypanosoma brucei rhodesiense

Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense

Слайд 42 Geographic Distribution
T. b. gambiense is found in foci

Geographic DistributionT. b. gambiense is found in foci in large areas

in large areas of West and Central Africa. 
Humans are

the main reservoir for Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, but this species can also be found in animals.
T. b. rhodesiense is found in East and Southeast Africa.
Wild game animals are the main reservoir of T. b. rhodesiense.

Слайд 43 Trypanosomiasis
Trypanosomiasis has a biological vector, the tsetse (pronounced

TrypanosomiasisTrypanosomiasis has a biological vector, the tsetse (pronounced “set-see”) fly.Wild animals

“set-see”) fly.
Wild animals may also be a reservoir (Zooinotic

is when a disease is transmitted to animals as well as humans.)

Слайд 44 Trypanosomiasis
The tsetse fly bites a human and injects

TrypanosomiasisThe tsetse fly bites a human and injects the trypanomastigotes into

the trypanomastigotes into the skin.
This causes a chanchre (pronounced

“shanker”), which is an ulcer on the skin.
Then it enters the lymphatic system.

Слайд 45 Trypanosomiasis
It is characterized by Winterbottom’s Sign: swelling of

TrypanosomiasisIt is characterized by Winterbottom’s Sign: swelling of the cervical lymph

the cervical lymph nodes in the head and neck

CNS symptoms include a shuffling gait (like a stroke victim), slurred speech, and malaise (needing to sleep longer and longer each day).
They are also restless at night.

Слайд 46 Trypanosomiasis
CNS symptoms
Shuffling gait
Slurred speech
Malaise (sleeping all day)
Melarsoprol: which

TrypanosomiasisCNS symptomsShuffling gaitSlurred speechMalaise (sleeping all day)TreatmentMelarsoprol: which has dangerous side-effects

has dangerous side-effects like chemostherapy. This drug requires administration

with a substance called ethylene glycol, which will break down regular plastic tubing, so the drug must be administered with special plastic iv tubing.

Слайд 47 Trypanosoma brucei
Trypomastigote stages are the only form found

Trypanosoma bruceiTrypomastigote stages are the only form found in patients.Posterior kinetoplastCentrally located nucleusUndulating membraneAnterior flagellum

in patients.
Posterior kinetoplast
Centrally located nucleus
Undulating membrane
Anterior flagellum

Слайд 48 Trypanosoma brucei

Trypanosoma brucei

Слайд 49 Trypanosoma brucei gambiense

Trypanosoma brucei gambiense trypomastigote

Слайд 50 Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense

Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense

Слайд 51 Tsetse Fly

Tsetse Fly

Слайд 52 “Chaga’s Disease”
Disease: American Tryptanosomiasis
A zoonotic disease (can infect

“Chaga’s Disease”Disease: American Tryptanosomiasis	A zoonotic disease (can infect animals) that can

animals) that can be transmitted to humans by blood-sucking


Causal Agent: Trypanosoma cruzi
This organism is a little smaller than T. bruceii and has a pronounced gametoplast.

Слайд 53 “Chaga’s Disease”
This disease is NOT found in Africa.

“Chaga’s Disease”This disease is NOT found in Africa. This disease is

This disease is also zoonotic; it can infect animals

as well as humans.
The vector is a large bug called the “Kissing Bug”.
It is found in warm regions and crowded areas, especially in the cracks of adobe huts.
It comes out at night and crawls on a human while they sleep.

Слайд 54 “Chaga’s Disease”
It prefers the lips because the blood

“Chaga’s Disease”It prefers the lips because the blood supply is close

supply is close to the surface.
It sucks the

blood there, but they don’t transmit the organism this way.
When they suck the blood, they also defecate, and the organism is in the feces.  
When the human wakes up to scratch the itch, feces get into the tiny wound.
This is a fecal? blood route.

Слайд 55 “Chaga’s Disease”
Symptoms include fever, anorexia, swollen lymph nodes,

“Chaga’s Disease”Symptoms include fever, anorexia, swollen lymph nodes, hepatosplenomegally (enlarged liver

hepatosplenomegally (enlarged liver and spleen), and myocarditis (inflammation of

the heart), which usually causes death.
They also have megacolon (large colon) and megaesophagus (large esophagus).

Слайд 57 Trypanosoma cruzi
Insect vector is the “kissing” bug. It

Trypanosoma cruziInsect vector is the “kissing” bug. It takes a blood

takes a blood meal and releases trypomastigotes in its

feces near the site of the bite wound. 
Trypomastigotes enter the host through the wound or through intact mucosal membranes, such as the conjunctiva. 
Trypanosoma cruzi can also be transmitted through blood transfusions, organ transplantation, transplacentally, and in laboratory accidents.

Слайд 58 Trypanosoma cruzi
Geographic Distribution: The Americas from the southern United

Trypanosoma cruziGeographic Distribution: The Americas from the southern United States to

States to southern Argentina.  Mostly in poor, rural areas

of Central and South America.  Chronic Chagas disease is a major health problem in many Latin American countries.  With increased population movements, the possibility of transmission by blood transfusion has become more substantial in the United States.

Слайд 59 Trypanosoma cruzi

Trypanosoma cruzi

Слайд 60 Trypanosoma cruzi

Trypanosoma cruzi

Слайд 61 Trypanosoma cruzi
large kinetoplast

Trypanosoma cruzi large kinetoplast

Слайд 62 Trypanosoma cruzi
Triatomine bug, Trypanosoma cruzi vector, defecating on

Trypanosoma cruziTriatomine bug, Trypanosoma cruzi vector, defecating on the wound after taking a blood meal.

the wound after taking a blood meal.

Слайд 63 Kissing Bug

Kissing Bug

Слайд 64 Romana’s sign
Swollen eye, seen in Chagra’s disease.

Romana’s signSwollen eye, seen in Chagra’s disease.

  • Имя файла: pathologic-protozoa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 91
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