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Презентация на тему New Chinese bridge lets motorists drive down middle of river

Key words span of bridgereinforced concrete cracksrepairingsafety requirementit collapsedexternal aggressive environmentdismantlingto pour sthto accumulate=to build up=to pile up quipmentanchor rods
New Chinese bridge lets motorists drive down middle of river аnd possible Key words span of bridgereinforced concrete cracksrepairingsafety requirementit collapsedexternal aggressive environmentdismantlingto pour Purpose of building a bridgesolution to the problem of running a road The supposed problemsExperts believe that the bridge can repeat the experience of Features of this problem and solutionTypical damages can accumulate for several years, References Travel news (newspaper)http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3503086/From-China-s-highway-water-world-s-longest-tunnel-bizarre-thrilling-driving-roads-earth-revealed.html  			Novate/magazines http://www.novate.ru/blogs/190815/32628/ 				  http://www.multitran.ru
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Key words
span of bridge
reinforced concrete
safety requirement

Key words span of bridgereinforced concrete cracksrepairingsafety requirementit collapsedexternal aggressive environmentdismantlingto

external aggressive environment
to pour sth
to accumulate=to build up=to pile

anchor rods

Слайд 3 Purpose of building a bridge

solution to the problem

Purpose of building a bridgesolution to the problem of running a

of running a road through mountainous terrain.
to link the

town of Gufuzhen in Xingshan county to the main highway running between Shanghai and Chengdu in south-western China.

to cut the journey to 20 minutes (the extension of bridge is 10,5 km)

to avoid the need to build tunnels along the route, to minimise the environmental impact of the road.

Слайд 4 The supposed problems
Experts believe that the bridge can

The supposed problemsExperts believe that the bridge can repeat the experience

repeat the experience of the Bridge between San Francisco

and Auckland, as it is in the water environment.
In 2007, during the reconstruction of the Bay Bridge connecting San Francisco and Auckland, cracks were found in the protective metal frame of the eastern span of the reinforced concrete sarcophagus.
Caltrans approved the contractor's plan to pour the crevices with industrial glue. But in 2014 it was discovered that the water continued to flow into the interior, causing corrosion and provoking the appearance of microcracks in the anchor rods. US FTA recommended installing equipment that will detect corrosion processes.

Слайд 5 Features of this problem and solution
Typical damages can

Features of this problem and solutionTypical damages can accumulate for several

accumulate for several years, but fatal destruction can happen

instantly, which will lead to catastrophic consequences
The reinforced concrete sarcophagus with a wall thickness of 50 cm should ensure the stability of the structure in the event of an earthquake
This design solution was to protect the metallic elements from the action of salty sea water, which causes corrosion

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  • Количество просмотров: 127
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