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Презентация на тему What is a settlement

Recap! Settlement patternsSettlements come in many shapes and sizes depending on the situation. There are some common patterns that emerge and these can be seen in the diagram beside. Nucleated settlements are ones that have buildings packed
What is a settlement?  A settlement is any form Recap! Settlement patternsSettlements come in many shapes and sizes depending on the NUCLEATEDThis nucleated settlement centres on a road junction LINEARThis linear settlement follows a road and a shoreline (can you spot DISPERSEDThis dispersed settlement has its houses spread out over a wide area. Factors affecting the location of settlementsWe call the place where a settlement Can you think of any more reasons? Building suppliesBuilding supplies are needed Can you think of any reasons why you wouldn’t want to build CAUSES OF DISPERSED SETTLEMENTSMountainous areas that are hard to build on and CAUSES OF A NUCLEATED SETTLEMENTGood transport links (road, rail, river)Good fertile land CAUSES OF A LINEAR SETTLEMENTIn the case of settlements built along a QUICK QUESTIONS…What is a Nucleated settlement?What is a Linear settlement?What is a
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Слайд 2 Recap! Settlement patterns
Settlements come in many shapes and

Recap! Settlement patternsSettlements come in many shapes and sizes depending on

sizes depending on the situation. There are some common

patterns that emerge and these can be seen in the diagram beside. 
Nucleated settlements are ones that have buildings packed close together. 
Linear settlements will follow a road, coastline or river and have their buildings in a long line. 
Dispersed settlements are ones that have their buildings spread out over a large area.

This nucleated settlement centres on a road junction

NUCLEATEDThis nucleated settlement centres on a road junction

Слайд 4 LINEAR
This linear settlement follows a road and a

LINEARThis linear settlement follows a road and a shoreline (can you

shoreline (can you spot which way the line is


This dispersed settlement has its houses spread out

DISPERSEDThis dispersed settlement has its houses spread out over a wide area.

over a wide area.

Слайд 6 Factors affecting the location of settlements
We call the

Factors affecting the location of settlementsWe call the place where a

place where a settlement starts the site of a settlement and

settlement sites are chosen because they have lots of good reasons for locating a settlement there.
Flat land is a good reason for locating a settlement in a particular place.

Flat land is easier to build on and it is good for growing crops.

Слайд 7 Can you think of any more reasons?
Building supplies

Can you think of any more reasons? Building suppliesBuilding supplies are

supplies are needed for homes but they are also

needed to build farm buildings. A good supply of wood and stone helps

Water supplies
Water is essential as it is needed for cooking, washing, cleaning and drinking. It is also heavy to move around so you want a water supply close by to your house.

Flat land
Flat land is good for crowing crops such as wheat and vegetables. It is also easier to build houses on flat land and it is easier to travel around

Villages a long time ago were sometimes attacked by invaders. Being on a hill made the settlement easier to defend and see your enemies coming

Bridging point
It is hard to imagine now with our modern wide bridges crossing rivers wherever we want but many years ago, rivers proved to be huge obstacles preventing easy movement of goods and people. Where rivers were easier to cross, many people met there which made it a good place to have a market.

Слайд 8 Can you think of any reasons why you

Can you think of any reasons why you wouldn’t want to

wouldn’t want to build a settlement?
Land that floods
Flat land

is great but if it is next to a river and floods every year, it is no good. 

Marshy land
Marshy land is bad for two reasons. It is difficult to build on and it is difficult to grow crops on.

Poor quality farmland
When we are hungry, we want to eat but if we haven't grown much food through the year, come winter time, we will starve. Placing a settlement near poor farmland isn't going to help the settlement to grow.

No water supply
Cooking, washing, cleaning and drinking all become much more difficult without water. Similarly, we cannot irrigate our crops during any dry periods. So locate your village near a river, stream or spring.

Mountainous areas that are hard

CAUSES OF DISPERSED SETTLEMENTSMountainous areas that are hard to build on

to build on and hard to build good transport

links to.

Severe weather conditions e.g. extremely hot or cold or wet.

Mainly farm land

Floodplain or coastal area that is vulnerable to flooding

No entertainment

Only limited natural resources

No job prospects

No nearby schools and hospitals

No electricity supply

Good transport links (road,

CAUSES OF A NUCLEATED SETTLEMENTGood transport links (road, rail, river)Good fertile

rail, river)

Good fertile land nearby to grow food.

Flat land,

that is easy to build on

Stable weather that is good for growing.

Nearby natural resources e.g. fuel

Good job prospects

Good schools and hospitals

Good and reliable supply of electricity, gas and water.

Varied entertainment

In the case of

CAUSES OF A LINEAR SETTLEMENTIn the case of settlements built along

settlements built along a route, the route was probably

there before the settlement and then the settlement grew up at some way station or feature, growing along the transport route.

Often, it is only a single street with houses on either side of the road.

Later development may add side turnings and districts away from the original main street.

  • Имя файла: what-is-a-settlement.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
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