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Презентация на тему Age of conquest. Ireland from the Middle-Ages to the Early Modern Period. (Lecture 3)

The Vikings in IrelandHowthThe River LiffeyDublinMarketsCultural assimilationBrian BoruThe Battle of ClontarfThe 1-st martyr for faith and for the land
Class 3. Age of conquest:Ireland from the Middle-Ages to the Early Modern Period The Vikings in IrelandHowthThe River LiffeyDublinMarketsCultural assimilationBrian BoruThe Battle of ClontarfThe 1-st The English InvasionDermotThe Abbess of KildareThe Normans (Anglo-Normans)Henry IIWilliam the Conqueror1166The contract Outline:Ireland in the Middle AgesIreland in the XVI-th century Ireland in the Middle-AgesAthenry, Drogheda, Galway, New Ross – founded1264 – 1st Ireland in the Middle-Ages1315 – invasion of the Scots, Edward Bruce (Brother Ireland in the XVI-th centuryHenry VII (1485 – 1509)1494 Sir Edward Poynings Ireland in the XVI-th centuryHenry VIII (1509 – 1547)Head of the Irish Ireland in the XVI-th centuryEdward VI (1547 – 1553)Policy hardenedMilitary campaigns against Ireland in the XVI-th centuryMary I (1553 – 1558)1st successful plantationLaois /ˈliːʃ/ Ireland in the XVI-th century1593 – 1603 rebellion in UlsterHugh O’Neill the Extra Resources:https://www.authenticireland.com/medieval-irish-history-of-ireland/ - Medieval Irelandhttp://www.fitzgeraldclans.com/history/ - the FitzGeraldshttp://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofScotland/William-Wallace-Robert-The-Bruce/ - Robert Brucehttps://www.britroyals.com/scots.asp?id=robert1 -
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Vikings in Ireland
The River Liffey
Cultural assimilation
Brian Boru

The Vikings in IrelandHowthThe River LiffeyDublinMarketsCultural assimilationBrian BoruThe Battle of ClontarfThe

Battle of Clontarf
The 1-st martyr for faith and for

the land

Слайд 3 The English Invasion
The Abbess of Kildare
The Normans (Anglo-Normans)

The English InvasionDermotThe Abbess of KildareThe Normans (Anglo-Normans)Henry IIWilliam the Conqueror1166The

William the Conqueror
The contract between Dermot and Henry
“a civilizing

Adrian IV
Richard de Clare
1170 Waterford

Слайд 4 Outline:
Ireland in the Middle Ages
Ireland in the XVI-th

Outline:Ireland in the Middle AgesIreland in the XVI-th century


Слайд 5 Ireland in the Middle-Ages
Athenry, Drogheda, Galway, New Ross

Ireland in the Middle-AgesAthenry, Drogheda, Galway, New Ross – founded1264 –

– founded
1264 – 1st Irish Parliament (the Anglo-Irish ruling

1258 – 1260 – Brian O’Neill, rebellion
The FitzGeralds
1366 – the Statutes of Kilkenny (the Anglo-Irish vs native Irish, forbidden to marry, speak Gaelic, play hurling, wear Irish dress, ride bareback)

The game of hurling

Слайд 6 Ireland in the Middle-Ages
1315 – invasion of the

Ireland in the Middle-Ages1315 – invasion of the Scots, Edward Bruce

Scots, Edward Bruce (Brother of Robert Bruce)
Defeated in 1318

The Black Death (towns vs villages)
The Pale (fortified area around Dublin)
1394, 1399 Richard II – to regain control

Robert Bruce

Edward Bruce

Слайд 7 Ireland in the XVI-th century
Henry VII (1485 –

Ireland in the XVI-th centuryHenry VII (1485 – 1509)1494 Sir Edward

1494 Sir Edward Poynings made Lord-Deputy of Ireland
1495 “Poyning’s

Law”: the Irish Parliament – English King’s permission – laws – approved by the King of England

Henry VII

Слайд 8 Ireland in the XVI-th century
Henry VIII (1509 –

Ireland in the XVI-th centuryHenry VIII (1509 – 1547)Head of the

Head of the Irish Church
The Reformation
To make Ireland Protestant

recognized as King of Ireland by the Irish Parliament
Religious issues!

Henry VIII

Слайд 9 Ireland in the XVI-th century
Edward VI (1547 –

Ireland in the XVI-th centuryEdward VI (1547 – 1553)Policy hardenedMilitary campaigns

Policy hardened
Military campaigns against Irish chiefs
Attempt to “plant” loyal

English people in Ireland
Land confiscated -> given to English settlers
attacks from the Irish

Edward VI

Слайд 10 Ireland in the XVI-th century
Mary I (1553 –

Ireland in the XVI-th centuryMary I (1553 – 1558)1st successful plantationLaois

1st successful plantation
Laois /ˈliːʃ/ and Offally
Queen Mary I
Elisabeth I

(1558 – 1603)
1579 – 1583 Earl Desmond: rebellion
Crushed, the land confiscated, given to English colonists
1592 Trinity College founded

Queen Elisabeth I

Слайд 11 Ireland in the XVI-th century
1593 – 1603 rebellion

Ireland in the XVI-th century1593 – 1603 rebellion in UlsterHugh O’Neill

in Ulster
Hugh O’Neill the Earl of Tyrone, an Irish

Gaelic lord
Leader of the rebellion
1598 Victory at Yellow Ford
1601 the battle of Kinsale
O’Neill defeated


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