At the heart of any royal court stands a ruler, more often male than female. The ruler is accompanied by close relatives, friends, and servants in various capacities.
is accompanied by close relatives, friends, and servants in various capacities.
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The Hierarhical pre-eminence of a single family or
clan, continuing it's hold on power over generations, led
to the de velopment of dynasties.
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Servants changed charfcter if they not only served
the head of they household, but also acted as
administrators of his – and sometimes her – extended domains. These included the household organization itself as well as its temporary or permanent abode.
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Even the artefacts chosen to Hightlight the supremacy
of the ruler – thrones and daises ; canopies,
parasols, pendantas, standards and fans; headgear , jewellery, rings; drums and trumpets.
well the ruler's higher-ranking intimates: as Often courtiers are viewed domestics as well as state servants. primarily in Castiglione's literary perspective, as suave elite characters orbiting the court, forming as well as broadcasting its manners.