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Презентация на тему Supporting policy of Сhangan Оverseas. Independent image


目录 Contents一、独立店定义及建设标准 Definition of Independent Image showroom and construction standards二、2014年长安海外市场分类标准Classification for CHANGAN overseas markets in 2014三、2014年海外独立店建设支持政策覆盖范围Scope of supporting policy for Independent Image showroom in 2014四、支持及兑现细则Articles for supporting and fulfilling五、附件:支持及验收附属文件Appendix: support and acceptance documents六、补充说明 Supplement
2014年长安海外独立店建设支持政策 Supporting policy of CHANGAN Overseas Independent Image Showroom 2014长安 国际公司 市场运营部 目录 Contents一、独立店定义及建设标准 Definition of Independent Image showroom and construction standards二、2014年长安海外市场分类标准Classification for CHANGAN (一)长安品牌专卖店定义Definition of CHANGAN Independent Image showroom——专门经营长安自主品牌汽车产品的零售业态。Specializes in retailing CHANGAN brand products一、独立店定义及建设标准 Definition (三)内部效果图及功能、形象要求Interior sketch map and requirements for functions and image展厅布局:Exhibition hall layout形象墙:Image wall接待台:Reception 长安品牌独立店包括以下三种业态:1.Three types of CHANGAN Independent Image Showroom一、独立店定义及建设标准Definition of CHANGAN Independent Image Showroom and construction standard 2.长安汽车海外乘用车品牌独立店外观效果图Sketch Map for PV Independent Image Showroom of CHANGAN 2.1 长安汽车海外乘用车品牌独立店分级标准参考数据 Reference data of CHANGAN overseas PV Independent Image Showroom展厅面积为主要考核指标项 exhibition 3.长安汽车海外商用车品牌独立店外观效果图Sketch Map for CV Independent Image Showroom of CHANGAN 3.1长安海外商用车品牌独立店分级标准参考数据Reference data of CHANGAN overseas CV Independent Image Showroom展厅面积为主要考核指标项exhibition hall is key factor for assess 4.长安海外商乘混合品牌独立店效果图Sketch Map for PV & CV Independent Image Showroom of CHANGAN 4.1长安海外商乘混合品牌独立店分标准参考数据 Reference data of CHANGAN overseas PV& CV Independent Image Showroom 展厅面积为主要考核指标项exhibition 5. 配套服务站形象效果及要求The image and requirements for service station服务店内外形象达到长安标准。如悬挂醒目的长安汽车标识;布置文化墙等;interior and exterior of Independent 二、2014年市场分类标准Classification for CHANGAN overseas markets in 2014备注:海关出口数据(扣除非中国品牌)Remark: customs export data (Chinese brand)经公司会议讨论、审议,2014年长安海外市场分类标准如下: (一)支持条件:Supporting preconditions三、2014年海外独立店建设政策覆盖范围Scope of supporting policy for overseas Independent Image showroom in 2014 三、2014年海外独立店建设政策覆盖范围The scope of supporting policy for overseas Independent Image showroom in 2014(二)支持范围:supporting 四、支持及兑现细则Articles of the policy for supporting and fulfilling独立店支持 support物料支持material support运营支持operation support 其他支持other (一)物料支持material support长安海外乘用车独立店/商用车独立店/商乘混合独立店物料支持;Material support for overseas PV/CV/PV&CV Independent Image Showroom of CHANGAN 1.1 长安海外乘用车品牌独立店可提供物料种类Available Materials Support for PV Facilities形象物料:A级店3万美金,B级店2万美金,C级店0.5万美金Image materials support:USD30,000 for class-A Independent 1.2 长安海外商用车品牌形象店可提供物料种类Available Materials Support for CV Facilities形象物料:A级店3万美金,B级店2万美金,C级店0.5万美金Image materials support:USD30,000 for class-A Independent 1.3 海外品牌商乘店可提供的物料种类Available Materials Support for CHAGNAN Auto Supermarkets形象物料:A级店3万美金,B级店2万美金,C级店0.5万美金Image materials support:USD30,000 for class-A 1.4 海外服务标杆店可提供的物料种类Available Materials Support for CHAGNAN A/S Service Model服务店物料0.5万美金Service shop materials support USD5000总计:29900元(0.5万美金)Total: RMB 29900(USD5000) (二)运营支持——实销现金返利Operation Support-Retail cash back 2014年A级店最高支持10万美元USD100,000 at most for Class-AIndependent Image Showroom in 2014运营支持Operation support实销单车返现Retail cash back (三) 其他支持——销售/售后顾问奖励Other support ——Sales/After-sales service consultant reward销售顾问季度奖励Quarterly reward for sales consultant (三)其他支持——荣誉激励Other support----Honor Incentive年终评比:Annual Appraisal渠道建设优秀奖:年度独立店建设成果显著经销商1家;2万美金Channel developing reward: Best distributor on Independent Image Showroom (三)奖励支持——产品专卖及试乘试驾车reward support---proprietary product andtest drive/ride vehicle原则:紧销产品,优先保供。Principal: Supply the best-selling product preferentially试乘试驾新车型优惠Discount for 其他要求Other requirements独立店按要求使用DMS,每月报送相关信息齐全、完备;The Independent Image Showroom should apply DMS as required and submit 五、支持及验收附属文件 Appendix长安独立店物料需求申请表;Application form of Changan Independent Image Showroom materials requirement 长安独立店建设信息收集表;Collection form 长安品牌独立店建验收表;   Changan Independent Image Showroom Acceptance Evaluation Form服务标杆评价标准表 3. 支持费用会签表Support fee countersign form长安品牌独立店物料支持会签表;   Countersign form of Changan Independent 七、补充说明:Additional remarks 一般贸易市场适用支持政策的条件Support prerequisite for trade markets1. 对于一般贸易市场,自行建设独立店并运营DMS系统,如年度销量(发运)达到1000辆以上,可申请纳入独立店支持范围;For the ordinary trade market
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 目录 Contents

Definition of Independent Image showroom and

目录 Contents一、独立店定义及建设标准 Definition of Independent Image showroom and construction standards二、2014年长安海外市场分类标准Classification for

construction standards
Classification for CHANGAN overseas markets in 2014
Scope of

supporting policy for Independent Image showroom in 2014
Articles for supporting and fulfilling
Appendix: support and acceptance documents
六、补充说明 Supplement

Слайд 3 (一)长安品牌专卖店定义Definition of CHANGAN Independent Image showroom
Specializes in retailing

(一)长安品牌专卖店定义Definition of CHANGAN Independent Image showroom——专门经营长安自主品牌汽车产品的零售业态。Specializes in retailing CHANGAN brand products一、独立店定义及建设标准

CHANGAN brand products
一、独立店定义及建设标准 Definition of CHANGAN Independent Image showroom

and construction standards

1.独立展厅及建筑Detached building and separating exhibition
2.独立门头及店招standard door head and shop signs
店门(外侧)宽度4.6米以上;The outside of the door at a width of over 4.6 meters
The width of the shop(glass wall and door,the corner is valid) : Class-C Independent Image Showroom is no less than 10 meters, Class-B is no less than 12meters and Class-A no less than 16 meters.
3. 标准室内形象墙及展厅布置Standard layout of interior image wall and exhibition hall
4. 配套售后站点:原则上与展厅一体。如个别市场不能达到,要求距展厅20KM以内,配符合长安要求的认证服务站。
After-sales service station: In principle, the station needs to be integrated with the exhibition hall. Some certain markets which can’t meet with the requirement need to build the station at a distance to the exhibition hall within 20 km and the ancillary should conform to CHANGAN requirements.
5. 独立IT系统: 规范安装、使用独立的长安DMS系统,库存及实销数据、信息完备。Independent IT system: installing and applying independent CHANGAN DMS system conform to standards. Keep stock and sales data ,information intact.
6. 独立人员配备:专职人员负责销售、品牌推广、促销等事项.Full-time employees: full-time employees in charge of sales, brand promotion, products promotion and so on.

(二)软硬件要求 Software and hardware requirements




转角临街面宽有效the corner is valid

标准门头店招standard door head and shop signs

Слайд 4 (三)内部效果图及功能、形象要求
Interior sketch map and requirements for functions and

(三)内部效果图及功能、形象要求Interior sketch map and requirements for functions and image展厅布局:Exhibition hall layout形象墙:Image

hall layout

Image wall
Reception desk
展车区外其他功能区要求:requirements for function areas except

exhibition area

休息洽谈区Rest and discuss area

接待台及办公区 Rec
-eption and office
休息及洽谈区Rest and
discussion area
卫生间 Restroom

接待台Reception desk
休息区Rest area
洽谈区discussion area

C级 class-C



Class A must feature separating functional areas.
Class B may integrate the rest and discuss areas.

Слайд 5 长安品牌独立店包括以下三种业态:
1.Three types of CHANGAN Independent Image Showroom
Definition of

长安品牌独立店包括以下三种业态:1.Three types of CHANGAN Independent Image Showroom一、独立店定义及建设标准Definition of CHANGAN Independent Image Showroom and construction standard

CHANGAN Independent Image Showroom and construction standard

Слайд 6 2.长安汽车海外乘用车品牌独立店外观效果图
Sketch Map for PV Independent Image Showroom of

2.长安汽车海外乘用车品牌独立店外观效果图Sketch Map for PV Independent Image Showroom of CHANGAN


Слайд 7 2.1 长安汽车海外乘用车品牌独立店分级标准参考数据
Reference data of CHANGAN overseas PV

2.1 长安汽车海外乘用车品牌独立店分级标准参考数据 Reference data of CHANGAN overseas PV Independent Image Showroom展厅面积为主要考核指标项

Independent Image Showroom
展厅面积为主要考核指标项 exhibition hall is key factor for


Слайд 8 3.长安汽车海外商用车品牌独立店外观效果图
Sketch Map for CV Independent Image Showroom of

3.长安汽车海外商用车品牌独立店外观效果图Sketch Map for CV Independent Image Showroom of CHANGAN


Слайд 9 3.1长安海外商用车品牌独立店分级标准参考数据
Reference data of CHANGAN overseas CV Independent Image

3.1长安海外商用车品牌独立店分级标准参考数据Reference data of CHANGAN overseas CV Independent Image Showroom展厅面积为主要考核指标项exhibition hall is key factor for assess

展厅面积为主要考核指标项exhibition hall is key factor for assess

Слайд 10 4.长安海外商乘混合品牌独立店效果图
Sketch Map for PV & CV Independent Image

4.长安海外商乘混合品牌独立店效果图Sketch Map for PV & CV Independent Image Showroom of CHANGAN

Showroom of CHANGAN

Слайд 11 4.1长安海外商乘混合品牌独立店分标准参考数据 Reference data of CHANGAN overseas PV& CV

4.1长安海外商乘混合品牌独立店分标准参考数据 Reference data of CHANGAN overseas PV& CV Independent Image Showroom

Independent Image Showroom
展厅面积为主要考核指标项exhibition hall is key factor for


Слайд 12 5. 配套服务站形象效果及要求The image and requirements for service station

5. 配套服务站形象效果及要求The image and requirements for service station服务店内外形象达到长安标准。如悬挂醒目的长安汽车标识;布置文化墙等;interior and exterior of

and exterior of Independent Image Showroom achieve CHANGAN standards:

such as hanging CHANGAN mark,laying out CHANGAN culture wall.
独立长安备件库房,标配长安诊断仪;exclusive CHANGAN spare parts warehouse and equipped with CHANGAN diagnostic instrument
验收或抽检:服务运营管理得分达到标准800分以上(包括服务团体、工具设备、服务核心流程执行、备件销售及技术质量问题处理等方面评价)。Acceptance or spot check: the scores of service operating and managing need to achieve at least 800(including appraisal of service team, tools and equipments,core procedure implementation, spare parts sales and technical problems handling.)

Слайд 13 二、2014年市场分类标准Classification for CHANGAN overseas markets in 2014
Remark: customs

二、2014年市场分类标准Classification for CHANGAN overseas markets in 2014备注:海关出口数据(扣除非中国品牌)Remark: customs export data (Chinese

export data (Chinese brand)
经公司会议讨论、审议,2014年长安海外市场分类标准如下: The classfication is as follows:

Слайд 14 (一)支持条件:Supporting preconditions
Scope of supporting policy for overseas Independent

(一)支持条件:Supporting preconditions三、2014年海外独立店建设政策覆盖范围Scope of supporting policy for overseas Independent Image showroom in

Image showroom in 2014
适用于长安国际签订《经销商协议》的经销商;Applicable to the distributors signing

agreement with CHANGAN
申请支持的经销商,须与长安签订书面协议:承诺独立店运营3年以上,提交该店3年销量提升计划并获得长安认可。The dealers who apply for supports need to sign official agreement and promise to operate the Independent Image Showroom at least 3 years, as well as submit the sales plan which has to be accepted by CHANGAN.

Applicable for new/converted CHANGAN Independent Image Showroom, selling CHANGAN brand PV & CV exclusively.

Independent Image Showroom scale/image conforms to CHANGAN requirements, the conditions of the Independent Image Showroom need to meet with CHANGAN acceptance check standard.

Applicable to sell CHANGAN own PV、CV, except special promotion vehicles. If applicable vehicles are adjusted, CHANGAN will officially inform .
This supporting policy is available for the facilities completed and put into use from Jan.1st to Dec.31th ,2014.(including a flagship shop in Iraq built in 2013)

Слайд 15 三、2014年海外独立店建设政策覆盖范围
The scope of supporting policy for overseas Independent

三、2014年海外独立店建设政策覆盖范围The scope of supporting policy for overseas Independent Image showroom in

Image showroom in 2014
(二)支持范围:supporting scope
2014年政策覆盖范围为2014年战略市场和营销市场(3+7)。The policy cover the

strategic markets and marketing markets(3+7)

The trade markets qualified for certain requirements can apply for the supporting policy.
详见P37:六、补充说明。For details please refer to the Supplement in P37.

Слайд 16 四、支持及兑现细则
Articles of the policy for supporting and fulfilling


四、支持及兑现细则Articles of the policy for supporting and fulfilling独立店支持 support物料支持material support运营支持operation support

material support
operation support
other support
物料支持material support:形象物料image materials;
运营支持operation support :实销单车返利支持kickback

by each unit sale;
其他支持other support:紧俏产品优先保供、奖励及荣誉、销售服务技能培训、试乘试驾车。Prior to supply best-selling products、rendering honor and reward、offering sales skills training、providing test drive/ride vehicles

Слайд 17 (一)物料支持material support

Material support for overseas PV/CV/PV&CV Independent Image

(一)物料支持material support长安海外乘用车独立店/商用车独立店/商乘混合独立店物料支持;Material support for overseas PV/CV/PV&CV Independent Image Showroom of CHANGAN

Showroom of CHANGAN
1)销售展厅形象物料支持3万/2万美金/0.5万美金;Materials amount to US$30,000/US$20,000/US$5,000

for PV/CV/PV&CV respectively
2)服务店物料支持0.5万美金。Materials amount to US$5,000 for service Independent Image Showroom
支持操作方式 :How to support:
1)实物、返现两种操作方式,经销商自行选择;dealers free to choose material or cash.
Image materials (1.1-1.4)provided according to demand and the total amounts (including transportation fees) less than the up limit of basic support.
3) 其他促销物料需求长安仅提供代购,费用经销商自理。
CHANGAN can purchase other materials needed but the expense need to be paid by dealers.

US$35,000 for Class-A
US$25,000 for Class-B
US$10,000 for Class-C

Material or Cash can be chosen

Слайд 18 1.1 长安海外乘用车品牌独立店可提供物料种类Available Materials Support for PV Facilities
Image materials

1.1 长安海外乘用车品牌独立店可提供物料种类Available Materials Support for PV Facilities形象物料:A级店3万美金,B级店2万美金,C级店0.5万美金Image materials support:USD30,000 for class-A

support:USD30,000 for class-A I
ndependent Image Showroom,USD20,000for class B

USD5,000 for class C.

Maintenance service

Слайд 19 1.2 长安海外商用车品牌形象店可提供物料种类
Available Materials Support for CV Facilities
Image materials

1.2 长安海外商用车品牌形象店可提供物料种类Available Materials Support for CV Facilities形象物料:A级店3万美金,B级店2万美金,C级店0.5万美金Image materials support:USD30,000 for class-A

support:USD30,000 for class-A Independent Image Showroom,
USD20,000for class B and

USD5,000 for class C.

Слайд 20 1.3 海外品牌商乘店可提供的物料种类
Available Materials Support for CHAGNAN Auto Supermarkets

1.3 海外品牌商乘店可提供的物料种类Available Materials Support for CHAGNAN Auto Supermarkets形象物料:A级店3万美金,B级店2万美金,C级店0.5万美金Image materials support:USD30,000 for

materials support:USD30,000 for class-A Independent
Image Showroom, USD20,000for class

B and USD5,000 for class C

Maintenance service

Слайд 21 1.4 海外服务标杆店可提供的物料种类Available Materials Support for CHAGNAN A/S Service

1.4 海外服务标杆店可提供的物料种类Available Materials Support for CHAGNAN A/S Service Model服务店物料0.5万美金Service shop materials support USD5000总计:29900元(0.5万美金)Total: RMB 29900(USD5000)

Service shop materials support USD5000
总计:29900元(0.5万美金)Total: RMB 29900(USD5000)

Слайд 22 (二)运营支持——实销现金返利
Operation Support-Retail cash back

(二)运营支持——实销现金返利Operation Support-Retail cash back

Слайд 23 2014年A级店最高支持10万美元
USD100,000 at most for Class-A
Independent Image Showroom in

2014年A级店最高支持10万美元USD100,000 at most for Class-AIndependent Image Showroom in 2014运营支持Operation support实销单车返现Retail cash

Operation support
实销单车返现Retail cash back
for each unit
USD80,000 at most

for Class-B
Independent Image Showroom in 2014

兑现条件:Support prerequisite
1)独立店运营支持有效期三年,以验收通过(长安书面确认)之日起;The operation support for Changan Independent Image Showroom is valid in three years, from the date that the Independent Image Showroom is accepted by Changan (confirmed in writing)
2)依据独立店DMS实销量(限零售,不含大客户销售,DMS客户信息为准)单车返利,在下季度产品订单价格中体现;Changan will give cash back for each retail unit according to the retail amount of Changan Independent Image Showroom(only for retail, excluding the key account sales, and the customer information in DMS shall prevail) , the cash will be returned in the form of order price deduction of the next quarter.
3)未使用DMS系统的,不予支持。If DMS is not applied, there will be no support.
兑现金额:单车返现$130;Support amount: $130 cash return for each unit
兑现方式:奖励金额在后续订单价格中抵扣;Support pattern: Cash will be returned in the order price of the next quarter
1)对于二级独立店,由长安国际、总代及二级签定三方协议;For the Changan Independent Image Showroom of sub-dealer, Changan, distributor and the sub-dealer shall sign a tripartite arrangement.
2)对于二级独立店,长安在收到二级收款书面确认后,向总代兑现支持。 For the Changan Independent Image Showroom of sub-dealer, Changan will give the support to the distributor after receiving the confirmation from sub-dealer.
兑现时间:建店验收后,根据实销量,季度兑现;Support time: Quarterly realized according to the retail volume after the Independent Image Showroom is accepted.
一般贸易类市场,达到独立店建设政策支持条件的,在补签协议,验收通过后,年度兑现(按独立店DMS实销数据 )For the trade markets, after reaching the standard of Changan Independent Image Showroom, the support will be fulfilled according to the DMS retail data annually after the agreement is signed and Independent Image Showroom is accepted

2.1 兑现方式Support Pattern

2014年C级店最高支持4万美元USD40,000 at most forClass-C Independent Image Showroom in 2014

Слайд 24 (三) 其他支持——销售/售后顾问奖励Other support ——Sales/After-sales service consultant reward
销售顾问季度奖励Quarterly reward

(三) 其他支持——销售/售后顾问奖励Other support ——Sales/After-sales service consultant reward销售顾问季度奖励Quarterly reward for sales consultant

for sales consultant
依据独立店DMS实销数据,季度销量排名取前10名;According to the DMS

retail data,the top 10 sales consultant of each quarter will be rewarded.
1.季度兑现方式:奖励金额以现金为主;Quarterly reward pattern: mainly in cash
2.奖励时间:按照4月评价1、2、3月,结果作为4、5、6月季度奖励依据.reward time:Access the first quarter in Apriln and the result will be applied in the second quarter.
销售/售后顾问年度奖励(中国行培训)Annual reward for sales/After-sales service consultant (China visiting and training)
1. 销售顾问Sales consultant
独立店DMS系统,销售顾问实销排名前5名;金牌顾问“中国行”;Consultants whose retail volume rank top 5 will be arranged a China visiting
奖励时间:次年一季度。reward in the first quarter of the next year
2. 售后顾问A/S service consultant
评选方式:年度评选 “优秀售后经理”综合排名前5;Evaluation method:Select the top 5 A/S service manager
优秀售后经理 “中国行”,并参加服务技能培训Selected A/S service manager will visit China and participate the service skills training
(奖励兑现时间如有调整,另行通知)If the rewarding time is adjusted, it will be noticed

Слайд 25 (三)其他支持——荣誉激励
Other support----Honor Incentive
年终评比:Annual Appraisal
Channel developing reward: Best distributor

(三)其他支持——荣誉激励Other support----Honor Incentive年终评比:Annual Appraisal渠道建设优秀奖:年度独立店建设成果显著经销商1家;2万美金Channel developing reward: Best distributor on Independent Image

on Independent Image Showroom developing; USD20,000
运营管理优秀奖:年度运营管理最佳独立店1家; 2万美金
Operation management reward:

Best Independent Image Showroom in operation management;USD20,000
单店冠军奖:年度终端销售冠军独立店1家; 2万美金
Single shop sales champion: Independent Image Showroom of annual retail champion; USD20,000
形象店优秀奖:年度品牌形象建设最佳独立店1家; 1万美金
Image shop reward:Best Independent Image Showroom in brand image building;USD10,000
服务优秀奖:年度服务优秀独立店1家。 1万美金
A/S service reward:Best Independent Image Showroom in A/S service;USD10,000
reward pattern: rewarded in the annual commercial conference.

Detailed appraising method will be issued in June 2014 by Changan

Слайд 26 (三)奖励支持——产品专卖及试乘试驾车
reward support---proprietary product and
test drive/ride vehicle
原则:紧销产品,优先保供。Principal: Supply the

(三)奖励支持——产品专卖及试乘试驾车reward support---proprietary product andtest drive/ride vehicle原则:紧销产品,优先保供。Principal: Supply the best-selling product preferentially试乘试驾新车型优惠Discount

best-selling product preferentially
试乘试驾新车型优惠Discount for test drive/ride new vehicle
对试乘试驾新车型,独立店采取“一店一车”的支持原则,乘用车给予8折优惠支持,商用车给予85折优惠支持(俄罗斯已有专门政策,不在此列);For the

test drive/ride new vehicle, each Changan Independent Image Showroom will receive support for one vehicle:20% discount for PV and 15% discount for CV.(Russia market is not included here because of its special strategy)
兑现方式:提车时直接折让(限主力销售车型,计入运营支持总额);Support pattern: Discount of the vehicle price (only for the main model, the discount will be counted in the operation support)
长安国际不定期来访,检查试驾车使用情况;Changan will check the applying condition of the test drive/ride car irregularly
试乘试驾车使用期限1年,使用满1年必须更换,不再继续作为试乘试驾车使用。The life span of the test drive/ride car is one year, it must be replaced after one year and can not be used for test drive/ride any more.

专享支持:产品专卖 Exclusive support: proprietary product

Слайд 27 其他要求Other requirements
独立店按要求使用DMS,每月报送相关信息齐全、完备;The Independent Image Showroom should apply DMS

其他要求Other requirements独立店按要求使用DMS,每月报送相关信息齐全、完备;The Independent Image Showroom should apply DMS as required and

as required and submit corresponding information.
办事处人员进驻。办事处人员可进驻长安独立店工作,经销商应提供必要的协助及办公条件;Changan agency staff can

enter the Changan Independent Image Showroom for work. Distributors shall provide essential support and office working conditions.
办事处人员参与销售、服务、网络建设、网络运营检查等工作,与总部及经销商保持畅通交流与沟通;Changan agency staff will join in the work of sales, service, network building, network operation check and so on and keep smooth communication with headquarter and distributors
经销商切应实按照双方确认的三年销售提升计划,阶段提升单店实销能力。如实际销量与该计划出现重大偏差,长安有权终止支持;Distributor should periodically improve the sales ability of single shop as the three-year sales promoting plan agreed by both sides. If the retail sales has big difference with the plan, Changan has the right to stop supporting.
经销商须切实履行运营独立店3年以上的承诺。否则长安有权诉诸法律,索回所有支持并要求合理赔偿。Distributors should carry out the promise of operating the Changan Independent Image Showroom for more than three years. Otherwise, Changan has the right to take legal actions to withdraw all the support and claim for reasonable compensation

(以上条款列入双方/三方协议)The above provisions shall be listed in the agreement

Слайд 28 五、支持及验收附属文件 Appendix
长安独立店物料需求申请表;Application form of Changan Independent Image Showroom

五、支持及验收附属文件 Appendix长安独立店物料需求申请表;Application form of Changan Independent Image Showroom materials requirement 长安独立店建设信息收集表;Collection

materials requirement
长安独立店建设信息收集表;Collection form of Changan Independent Image Showroom

establishment information
长安专营车型申请表;Changan special vehicle model application form
试乘试驾车型申请资料;Test drive/ride application materials
服务营销活动计划表Service marketing plan schedule

1. 支持附属文件Appendix of support policy

Слайд 29 长安品牌独立店建验收表;
Changan Independent Image Showroom Acceptance

长安品牌独立店建验收表;  Changan Independent Image Showroom Acceptance Evaluation Form服务标杆评价标准表  Service

Evaluation Form

Service Model Evaluation Form
2. 验收附属文件

of Changan Independent Image Showroom acceptance

Слайд 30 3. 支持费用会签表Support fee countersign form

3. 支持费用会签表Support fee countersign form长安品牌独立店物料支持会签表;  Countersign form of Changan Independent

form of Changan Independent Image Showroom materials support


Countersign form of Changan Independent Image Showroom cash support

Слайд 31 七、补充说明:Additional remarks
一般贸易市场适用支持政策的条件Support prerequisite for trade markets
1. 对于一般贸易市场,自行建设独立店并运营DMS系统,如年度销量(发运)达到1000辆以上,可申请纳入独立店支持范围;For

七、补充说明:Additional remarks 一般贸易市场适用支持政策的条件Support prerequisite for trade markets1. 对于一般贸易市场,自行建设独立店并运营DMS系统,如年度销量(发运)达到1000辆以上,可申请纳入独立店支持范围;For the ordinary trade

the ordinary trade market which establishes Changan Independent Image

Showroom by itself, apply DMS and the annual sales reaches 1000 units, it can be included in the support range.
2. 长安将在店面验收后给予基础支持、运营支持(依据独立店DMS实销数据),(具体标准及细则同战略、营销类市场)。Changan will give the basic support and operation support(according to the DMS retail data), the detailed standard is the same with strategic market and marketing market.
伊拉克旗舰店Iraq flagship shop
参照A级店标准执行。依据2014年该店DMS实销数据予以兑现。Refer to the standard of class A Independent Image Showroom. Support will be realized according to the DMS retail data of this Independent Image Showroom in 2014.
建设计划确认时间要求 Counstrction plan confirm and deadline
1. 为保证计划精准,减少资源浪费,结合各大区年度商务谈判进度,要求在2月20日前确认。市场运营部将按照建设计划实施内部任务管理;To make the plan precise and decrease the resource waste, each market is required to confirm the construction plan before Feb, 20th. Markting Dept. will carry out the target management as planned.
2. 对开发中的新市场,如伊朗、乌克兰可适度放宽时间要求。For the markets under developing, such as Iran and Ukraine, the deadline can be reasonably extended.

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