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Презентация на тему Урок для 8 класса на тему Jobs

My plans for the Future -I want to have a good job. For now I am not really sure what I want to be. Maybe I will become a doctor or a lawyer. People today have
Professionsarchitect    army officer   traffic warden My plans for the Future	 -I want to have a good job. What do they want to be?1234 What do they want to be?1234 A vet helps animals.What do they do?A vet…collects special information…operates on some 1. A dentist2. A firefighter3. An economist4. A lawyer5. A policeman…controls the Guess the professionMy uncle has a full-time job. He often works overtime. Guess the professionHis father has a full-time job. He has to wear Guess the professionJack has a part-time job in summer. He works from Let’s play What skills and qualities do you need «What skills and qualities do you need to be a doctor?»Example: What skills and qualities do you need to be a teacher ? What skills and qualities do you need to be a IT specialist? What skills and qualities do you need to be a firefighter ? Before whatching the film about jobs in Britain read Match the answers and the questions:What does your mum/dad do for a ReflectionToday I have known that…..It was difficult to…..Now I can….I have learnt to…..I would like to…..
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 My plans for the Future
-I want to have

My plans for the Future	 -I want to have a good

a good job. For now I am not really

sure what I want to be. Maybe I will become a doctor or a lawyer. People today have few professions and can change them during the whole life.
-I would like my work to be connected with different countries and people. I am fond of foreign languages, English and German. I plan to visit Germany and the USA in order to practice my language skills and learn something new about the customs and traditions of these countries.
I want to get success in my life. And to get it you should be creative, intelligent, hard¬ working.
-There are plenty of different professions. Some of my friends want to be doctors, others want to be lawyers or journalists, some want to become designers, IT workers. But I’ve always had a particular interest to advertising.

Слайд 3 What do they want to be?

What do they want to be?1234

Слайд 4 What do they want to be?

What do they want to be?1234

Слайд 5 A vet helps animals.
What do they do?
A vet

A vet helps animals.What do they do?A vet…collects special information…operates on

special information

…operates on some people.

…treats sick animals.

…gives knowleges.
A doctor

helps people.

A surgent

A builder builds

A teacher

A saleswoman sells

A journalist

Слайд 6 1. A dentist
2. A firefighter
3. An economist
4. A

1. A dentist2. A firefighter3. An economist4. A lawyer5. A policeman…controls

5. A policeman
…controls the finance of companies
… takes care

of our teeth

…puts out the fire

…looks for crime

…helps people with legal problems


Слайд 7 Guess the profession
My uncle has a full-time job.

Guess the professionMy uncle has a full-time job. He often works

He often works overtime. He has to wear a

uniform. He likes to operate on.

a surgent

Слайд 8 Guess the profession
His father has a full-time job.

Guess the professionHis father has a full-time job. He has to

He has to wear a uniform at work. He

works day and night shifts. His job is very difficult and dangerous. He helps to catch the crime.

a policeman

Слайд 9 Guess the profession
Jack has a part-time job in

Guess the professionJack has a part-time job in summer. He works

summer. He works from 4 to 8 every day.

He has to wear a uniform. His salary is not high but it helps him to earn pocket money. He delivers food to people’s houses.

a pizza delivery boy

Слайд 10 Let’s play

Let’s play

Слайд 11 What skills and qualities do you need

What skills and qualities do you need   to


be a doctor ?

Слайд 12 «What skills and qualities do you need

«What skills and qualities do you need to be a

to be a doctor?»
Example: To be a _______ you

need to have good ________ skills and to be _________.
To be a doctor you need to have good interpersonal skills and you need to be physically and emotionally strong, patient, caring, clean and tidy.

Слайд 13 What skills and qualities do you need to

What skills and qualities do you need to be a teacher ?

be a teacher ?

Слайд 14 What skills and qualities do you need to

What skills and qualities do you need to be a IT specialist?

be a IT specialist?

Слайд 15 What skills and qualities do you need to

What skills and qualities do you need to be a firefighter ?

be a firefighter ?

Слайд 16 Before whatching the film about jobs in Britain

Before whatching the film about jobs in Britain read

read the questions and be ready to answer them: -how

many hours do the British work? - what jobs do they do? -Where do the British work? -How many women\men do work? -What age do they start working? -How many people are unemployment? -What age do they retire? -How many hours do men \women work a day? -Why is online working so popular? -What jobs are popular nowadays?

Слайд 18 Match the answers and the questions:
What does your

Match the answers and the questions:What does your mum/dad do for

mum/dad do for a living ?

Does he/she work part-time?


exactly does the job involve ?

What is the pay like?

Does he/she like his/her job?

No, he/she works full-time from 9 to 5 Monday to Friday.
The money is great. She/he gets over $30000 a year. He/she also gets a three-week holiday every summer.
He/she makes travel arrangements for the boss and gets in touch with clients around the country.
Yes, he/she enjoys working for the company.
He/she works as a personal assistant to the general manager of a company.

  • Имя файла: urok-dlya-8-klassa-na-temu-jobs.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 174
  • Количество скачиваний: 4