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Презентация на тему Урок-викторина по английскому языку в 9 классе по теме Путешествие

Мир меняется через каждую сотню футов.
«TRAVELLING» Мир меняется через каждую сотню футов. Complete the Sentences 1. You make a voyage if you travel Guess the Wordsseitsuca KEYS:seitsuca (suitcase)          viontitain Make up the PoemFerry-boatsOver the river, over the bayFerry-boats travel every day.Watching Countries and CitiesCanada, Japan, India, Australia, Spain, Egypt, France, Vietnam, China, Kenya, KEYS:Canada – Ottawa, India – Delhi, Japan – Tokio, Australia – Canberra, Complete the Textare         are Complete the Text  My name is Pedro and I’m from Andorra. KEYS:1.my; 2.is;3.are;4.can; 5.watch; 6.went; 7.to buy; 8.didn’t buy; 9.are going; 10.colder; 11.at; 12.where. «At the Railway Station» single   cost «Путешествия делают нас скромными. Понимаешь, какое крошечное место занимаешь в этом мире»
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Мир меняется через каждую сотню футов.

Мир меняется через каждую сотню футов.

Слайд 3 "The world is a book and those who

do not travel read only one page” St. Augustine "Мир -

это книга, и те, кто не путешествуют, читают лишь одну ее страницу.“ Святой Августин

«A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.» – Tim Cahill
Дорогу (путешествие) лучше измерять количеством друзей, а не количеством миль. Тим Кэхилл (австралийский футболист)
«The Earth is what we all have in common.» — Wendell Berry
Земля – это то, что есть общего у нас всех. Венделл Барри (американский писатель)
«The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.» – Lao Tzu
Путь в тысячу миль начинается с одного шага. Лао-Цзы (древнекитайский философ)
«Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse.» – Thomas Fuller
Путешествия делают лучше мудреца, и хуже — глупца. Томас Фуллер (английский историк и проповедник)
«A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for» – John A. Shedd
Корабль в гавани находится в безопасности, но не для того он был построен. Джон А.Шедд (американский профессор)

Слайд 4 Complete the Sentences
1. You make a voyage

Complete the Sentences 1. You make a voyage if you

if you travel by….
2. A person in a hotel,

station or airport who carries your luggage is a….
3. Lost things can be found in the….
4. If a person goes abroad, he has to go through the….
5. The word that has nothing to do with trains is….
6. ….is a word used mostly in British English.
7. At the railway station you can live your luggage at the….
8. People usually get travel tickets at the….

lost-and-found department carriage customs sea booking office cable car porter left luggage office

Слайд 5 Guess the Words

Guess the Wordsseitsuca

promeamr endekwe
geranar tereinsingt
dahoysli maneci
lingveltra tutisiaon
nerrtpa neyurjo

Слайд 6 KEYS:
seitsuca (suitcase)

KEYS:seitsuca (suitcase)     viontitain (invitation)promeamr (programme)

viontitain (invitation)
promeamr (programme)

endekwe (weekend)
geranar (arrange) tereinsingt (interesting)
dahoysli (holidays) maneci (cinema)
lingveltra (travelling) tutisiaon (situation)
nerrtpa (partner) neyurjo (journey)

Слайд 7 Make up the Poem
Over the river, over the

Make up the PoemFerry-boatsOver the river, over the bayFerry-boats travel every

Ferry-boats travel every day.
Watching the seagulls, laughing with friends,

always sorry when the trip ends.
Over the mountains, over the plains,
Over the rivers here come trains.
Carrying passengers, carrying mail,
Over the country here come trains.

Слайд 8 Countries and Cities
Canada, Japan, India, Australia, Spain, Egypt,

Countries and CitiesCanada, Japan, India, Australia, Spain, Egypt, France, Vietnam, China,

France, Vietnam, China, Kenya, Norway.

Tokio, Madrid, Peking, Canberra, Ottawa,

Delhi, Hanoi, Cairo, Paris, Oslo, Nairobi.

Слайд 9 KEYS:
Canada – Ottawa,
India – Delhi,
Japan –

KEYS:Canada – Ottawa, India – Delhi, Japan – Tokio, Australia –

Australia – Canberra,
Spain – Madrid,
Egypt –

France – Paris,
Vietnam – Hanoi,
China – Peking,
Norway – Oslo,
Kenya – Nairobi.

Слайд 10 Complete the Text

Complete the Textare     are going

are going

at buing can
colder didn’t buy from going has
having is Mine My not buy
on to to buy very cold was
watch watching went where which

Слайд 11 Complete the Text
My name is Pedro

Complete the Text My name is Pedro and I’m from Andorra.

and I’m from Andorra. I’m studying in a language

school in England. (1)…teacher is from Scotland and she (2)…twenty-six years old. There (3)…fifteen people in my class. The students come from ten different countries. They (4)…all speak a little English. We do some grammar exercises every day. Sometimes we (5)… videos and listen to songs.
Last week (6)… to London to do some shopping. I wanted (7)… some presents for my family. But I found that some things are very expensive in London so I (8)… a lot.
Next week we (9)… to Edinburgh in Scotland. My teacher says that it is the most beautiful city in Britain, but it will probably be (10)… there than here. We are leaving (11)… five o’clock on Friday afternoon and travelling all night. We’re going to stay in a hotel in the centre of Edinburgh, (12)… there are lots of shops and things to see.

Слайд 12 KEYS:
7.to buy;
8.didn’t buy;

KEYS:1.my; 2.is;3.are;4.can; 5.watch; 6.went; 7.to buy; 8.didn’t buy; 9.are going; 10.colder; 11.at; 12.where.

9.are going;

Слайд 13 «At the Railway Station»
single cost

«At the Railway Station» single  cost  return


to play
long-distance train excess luggage
Visa Cards ticket

  • Имя файла: urok-viktorina-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-v-9-klasse-po-teme-puteshestvie.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 274
  • Количество скачиваний: 6