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Презентация на тему Hamlet

William Shakespeare's tragedy in five acts, one of his most famous plays, and one of the most famous plays in the world of drama. Painted in 1600-1601, respectively. It is the longest Shakespeare play - in
HamletPresentation made ​​pupil 11A class Askerov Orhan William Shakespeare's tragedy in five acts, one of his most famous plays, StoryNear Elsinore , Denmark, the royal palace , the soldiers repeatedly seen TranslationsInto Russian tragedy repeatedly translated from the XVIII century. The first versions PerformancesThe most likely date is the first production years 1600-01 . (theater Modern textThe text, which is printed in modern editions of Sources of informationhttp://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82 Thank you for your attention
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Слайд 2 William Shakespeare's tragedy in five acts, one of

William Shakespeare's tragedy in five acts, one of his most famous

his most famous plays, and one of the most

famous plays in the world of drama. Painted in 1600-1601, respectively. It is the longest Shakespeare play - in her 4042 lines and 29,551 words.

Слайд 3 Story
Near Elsinore , Denmark, the royal palace ,

StoryNear Elsinore , Denmark, the royal palace , the soldiers repeatedly

the soldiers repeatedly seen a ghost , is remarkably

similar to the recently deceased king. The news comes to the Danish Prince Hamlet , and he decides to see the ghost. Meeting him Hamlet horrifies and confusion - the ghost told him that his uncle , the current king, killed him , and bequeathed to his son revenge. Hamlet is amazed and confused so that decides to pretend to be mad. He tries to get irrefutable proof of guilt of Claudius. King , guessing that "Hamlet is not crazy , and pretending for a purpose ", sends to him his friends - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that they for adequate remuneration to find out what is really on the mind of Hamlet. But Hamlet , realizing the true purpose of their visit , they did not open , answering meaningless monologues to their questions . At this time, the group arrives Elsinore busker . Hamlet asks them to produce the play "Murder Gonzaga " by inserting a few lines there of his work . Thus "Murder Gonzaga " will portray the murder of the former king with the words of the ghost. King closely watching the action of the play and goes after the play Hamlet is killed . After that Hamlet goes to the chamber of the Queen, before the conversation accidentally kills lurking behind carpet royal adviser - Polonius. Next he talks to his mother, accusing her that marrying Claudia, she had insulted former husband . King , realizing that Hamlet for him dangerous, sends him to England to be immediately executed upon arrival . Prince is saved from this fate and returned to Denmark. Uncle resorted to already tested reception - poison. Hamlet dies before his death by killing the king. Danish throne passes to Fortinbras , the Norwegian governor.

Слайд 4 Translations
Into Russian tragedy repeatedly translated from the XVIII

TranslationsInto Russian tragedy repeatedly translated from the XVIII century. The first

century. The first versions were based on alterations Hamlet

translation into French and German, but already in the XIX century translations appear neat song from the original text.
Currently, the best known translations mid XX century - translated by M. Lozinski , which is considered more accurate ( probably because , on declaration translator, it exactly the same lines as in the original) , and translation of Boris Pasternak , which exists in several options and more interesting from an artistic point of view, although sometimes quite strongly deviates from the original. For example , the phrase in the version of Hamlet of Pasternak's translation, which is used in the film "Hamlet" (" torn thread of days ... How can I connect them scraps ? ") Shall, unless collate literally very little in common with the original. However, it is more common and Lozinski , while the second line is almost literally : "The Age of cranky - and polluted everything that I was born to restore it ! "

Слайд 5 Performances
The most likely date is the first production

PerformancesThe most likely date is the first production years 1600-01 .

years 1600-01 . (theater "Globe" , London). The first

artist title role - R. Burbage , Shakespeare played shadow of Hamlet's father . After Burbage renowned performer as Hamlet in the 17th century . Betterton was ( for the first time - in 1661 , Lincoln 's Inn Fields Theatre , London , for the last time - in 1709 , Drury Lane Theatre , ibid.)
Outside England , particularly in Germany and Austria , the play was originally imported in the 17th century . British comedians who played the tragedy in English in distant from the original alterations . The first presentation of the German language - January 16 . In 1773 at the Vienna Court Theatre (alteration Heyfelda ; Hamlet - Lange, Ophelia - Toytsher ) Sep 20 . 1776 - at the Hamburg theater, and in January next year at the Hanover Theatre was post . alteration LF Schroeder

Слайд 6 Modern text
The text, which is printed in modern

Modern textThe text, which is printed in modern editions of

editions of "Hamlet" is a consolidated text which reproduces

all that is given in Q2 and F1. In other words , the reader of our time was faced with a much more full text than the one on which learned about the " Hamlet " of Shakespeare's contemporaries . They read in the best case, one of two issues - or the second quarto , or folio , or heard from the stage abridged text .
The modern reader is in a much better position . He is available to a text containing all that is written about the history of Shakespeare Danish prince . The only thing that science can not tell the reader - this is exactly the form in which the play was on the scene of Shakespeare's theater.

Eugene Delacroix . Hamlet and Horatio in the cemetery
Dividing the text of the play into acts and scenes does not belong to Shakespeare . Both lifetime quarto , 1603 and 1604 , do not contain any divisions. This was due to the practice of English theater at the end XVI- early XVII century, when the performance was continuously.
The first attempt on the part of the division of actions carried out in the folio 1623 . At this time, the custom arose already if not in practice, the theater , the plays when printing to divide them into five acts , according to the theory of classical dramatic . This strongly inculcated contemporary of Shakespeare , Ben Johnson. Publishers folio 1623 in this regard are inconsistent . In some plays, they made ​​a complete separation into acts and scenes in other partial separation , and in others all left without any whatsoever division into separate parts. In "Hamlet ", as it is printed in folio , the division was held just before the start of the second act. Further text is no indication of acts and scenes.
First division of the entire text of "Hamlet" at the acts was made 60 years after Shakespeare's death in the so-called " acting quarto " "Hamlet" in 1676 . Adopted in modern editions tragedies division into five acts , followed by division into separate acts scene was set N.Rou editor of Shakespeare's works in his edition of 1709.
Thus , although we reserve has become a traditional division of the text of "Hamlet" at the acts and scenes , the reader should remember that it does not belong to Shakespeare and is not applied in the formulation of the tragedy , as it was during his lifetime on the stage of his theater . It is therefore not necessary in the formulation of the tragedy on the modern stage.

Слайд 7 Sources of information

Sources of informationhttp://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82

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