of the worst disasters in the history of oil complexes.
Due to an error of technical personnel who Remember to change the 1 safety valve, there was a explosion and fire. This disaster took the lives of 167 workers at a cost of $ 3.4 billion
12 billion November 13, 2002 explosion of the oil tanker
Prestige led leakage of 77,000 tons of fuel. Its cleaning cost 12 billion dollars
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The explosion of the Space Shuttle Columbia -
$ 13 billion.
February 1, 2003 space shuttle Columbia failed. It
cost Americans $ 13 million.
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Chernobyl. $ 200 billion April 26, 1986 there was
a terrible catastrophe in human history. The explosion of the 4th
unit of Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the evacuation of people elimination of the consequences and costs amounted to pr a conservative estimate of $ 200 billion