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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Learning more about the UK

Present SimplePresent Continuous
Learning more about the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland Present SimplePresent Continuous New Year New quiz thrilling post experience connect protect    website comment progress Traveller’s stories     We are glad to introduce the [ʤ] – project, manage, message [r] – experience, represent, introduce, practise, r_pre_ent intern_t_onal pro_ect thr_ll_ng m_ss_ge m_n_ge parti_ip_nt conne_t   qu_z exp_r_en_e World weather In Antarctica it’s 1. r_pre_ent    2. intern_t_onal 3. thr_ll_ng 4. m_ss_ge 5. East or West home is best.  There is no place like [ʤ] – agency, language, bridge, Cambridge, large, suggest [ ʃ ] – industrial a conference an exhibition I think … is worth visiting because … it is … (there … is a large / big / small city / town. It’s It stands on two rivers (the Amur and the Zeya). - Hello! I would like to spend my spring holidays in England. … is situated …  The capital of … The symbol … Scotland is … (is situated in the…) of GB. There are three especially – особенно was tired – устал(а) sit alone - сидеть в died down – погас was worried – был обеспокоен was surprised - Возвратные местоимения используются, когда лицо или предмет производят действие, направленное на само себя. Famous British people Famous British people My favourite person is … . She / he is a - Do you have a favourite person? - Yes, she / he - Do you have a favourite person? - Yes, she / he proud of - гордиться чем-то, tired of – устать от чего-то, full Есть у меня шестёрка слуг… Есть у меня шестёрка слуг, Проворных, удалых, I enjoy (like) … and … in my free time.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Present Simple
Present Continuous

Present SimplePresent Continuous

Слайд 6 New Year New

New Year New things to learn,

things to learn, New friends to meet, New songs to sing,

New books to read. New things to see, New things to hear, New things to do, In this happy New Year.

Слайд 7 quiz thrilling post experience connect protect website comment progress interview Internet participant

quiz thrilling post experience connect protect  website comment progress interview Internet participant

Слайд 8 Traveller’s stories We are glad to

Traveller’s stories   We are glad to introduce the website

introduce the website “Traveller’s stories. Here you can find

articles about the most thrilling travellers’ stories and useful tips for people who like adventure. There is a lot of information about the most interesting sights, unusual traditions from different countries. People all over the world can share photos, post comments, make new friends and practise foreign language here.

Слайд 9 [ʤ] – project, manage, message [r] – experience, represent,

[ʤ] – project, manage, message [r] – experience, represent, introduce,

introduce, practise, interesting, creation, [t] – participant, connect, tradition, comment,

post [ɵ] – thrilling, nothing (special), worth [w] – world, weather, website, wildlife

Слайд 10

The United Kingdom
Great Britain

Слайд 11 r_pre_ent intern_t_onal pro_ect thr_ll_ng m_ss_ge m_n_ge parti_ip_nt conne_t qu_z exp_r_en_e _nter_iew d_sc_ss am_zing sh_re r_c_pes unus_al pra_ti_e

r_pre_ent intern_t_onal pro_ect thr_ll_ng m_ss_ge m_n_ge parti_ip_nt conne_t  qu_z exp_r_en_e

Слайд 12 World

World weather In Antarctica it’s snowing, And

weather In Antarctica it’s snowing, And in Africa it’s hot, In Japan

the wind is blowing, And in Italy it’s not. In Brazil the sun is shining, And in Spain the sky is blue, In Great Britain it is raining, And in France it’s raining, too.

Слайд 13 1. r_pre_ent 2. intern_t_onal 3. thr_ll_ng 4. m_ss_ge 5.

1. r_pre_ent  2. intern_t_onal 3. thr_ll_ng 4. m_ss_ge 5. parti_ip_nt

parti_ip_nt 6. conne_t 7. qu_z 8. exp_r_en_e 9. _nter_iew 10. am_zing 11. unus_al 12. pra_ti_e 1. получать

опыт 2. оставлять сообщения 3. удивительная викторина 4. практиковать английский 5. захватывающие соревнование 6. необычная традиция 7. оставлять (на сайте) комментарии 8. обменяться фотографиями 9. связываться с друзьями по переписке

Слайд 14 East or West home is best. There is no

East or West home is best. There is no place like

place like home. So many countries, so many customs.

Слайд 15 [ʤ] – agency, language, bridge, Cambridge, large, suggest [

[ʤ] – agency, language, bridge, Cambridge, large, suggest [ ʃ ]

ʃ ] – national, traditional, educational, official, population, information [

ŋ ] – long, traveling, interesting, boring, thrilling, English-speaking

Слайд 16 industrial a conference an exhibition

industrial a conference an exhibition

Слайд 17 I think … is worth visiting because …

I think … is worth visiting because … it is …

it is … (there is /there are) …

Слайд 18 … is a large / big / small

… is a large / big / small city / town.

city / town. It’s situated … It was founded in … …

is rich in … It is famous for … It is really worth visiting because …

Слайд 19 It stands on two rivers (the Amur and

It stands on two rivers (the Amur and the Zeya).

the Zeya). It’s situated on the border with China.

… is rich in lovely parks and squares. There are a lot of cafes with traditional Chinese food.

Слайд 20 - Hello! I would like to spend my

- Hello! I would like to spend my spring holidays in

spring holidays in England. What can you suggest? - You

should visit … first of all. - Why is it worth visiting? - Because it’s … - Are there any … ? - Yes, of course. There is / are … You could … - What other … can I … ?

Слайд 21 … is situated … The capital of … The

… is situated … The capital of … The symbol …

symbol … The national day is on the … I

think it’s worth visiting because … It is full of … … is famous for … The national game … The natural wonders…

Слайд 22 Scotland is … (is situated in the…) of

Scotland is … (is situated in the…) of GB. There are

GB. There are three regions in … . You can see

… in the Highlands. The highest mountain is … . The capital and … of … is … . It is full of … . The most well-known … I think … is worth visiting because it is famous for … On the national day … The industrial region of … is … Glasgow is … Aberdeen is …

Слайд 23 especially – особенно was tired – устал(а) sit alone -

especially – особенно was tired – устал(а) sit alone - сидеть

сидеть в одиночестве I don’t care – мне всё

равно used to be – раньше бывало while – в то время как jar – кувшин empty – пустой

Слайд 24 died down – погас was worried – был обеспокоен was

died down – погас was worried – был обеспокоен was surprised

surprised - был удивлён play a joke – пошутить quick –

быстрый accidentally – случайно aloud – вслух request - просьба

Слайд 25 Возвратные местоимения используются, когда лицо или предмет производят действие,

Возвратные местоимения используются, когда лицо или предмет производят действие, направленное на само

направленное на само себя. В русском языке они соответствуют

частице -ся или местоимению себя. Little Timmy fell and hurt himself. Малыш Тимми упал и ушибся.

Слайд 27 Famous British people

Famous British people

Слайд 28 Famous British people

Famous British people

Слайд 30 My favourite person is … . She / he

My favourite person is … . She / he is

is a well-known (famous, talented) … . She / he

has … (taken part, won, starred, written, got) … .

Слайд 31 - Do you have a favourite person? - Yes,

- Do you have a favourite person? - Yes, she /

she / he is a well-known … . - What

is he famous for? - She / he has … (taken part, won, starred, written, got) … . - Has she / he got any awards? - Of course, she / he has got … .

Слайд 32 - Do you have a favourite person? - Yes,

- Do you have a favourite person? - Yes, she /

she / he is a well-known … . - Why

do you like her / him? - She / he is a … . - What is he famous for? - Has she / he got any awards? - Of course, she / he has got … .

Слайд 33 proud of - гордиться чем-то,
tired of –

proud of - гордиться чем-то, tired of – устать от чего-то,

устать от чего-то,
full of – быть наполненным чем-то,

famous for – быть знаменитым за что-то,
rich in - быть богатым чем-то.
scared of – быть испуганным
afraid of – бояться
interested in - интересоваться

to be

Слайд 34 Есть у меня шестёрка слуг… Есть у меня шестёрка

Есть у меня шестёрка слуг… Есть у меня шестёрка слуг, Проворных,

Проворных, удалых,
И всё, что вижу я вокруг,

Всё знаю я от них.

Они по знаку моему
Являются в нужде.
Зовут их: Как и Почему,
Кто, Что, Когда и Где.

Я по морям и по лесам
Гоняю верных слуг.
Потом работаю я сам,
А им даю досуг.

Я по утрам, когда встаю,
Всегда берусь за труд,
А им свободу я даю –
Пускай едят и пьют.

Но у меня есть милый друг,
Особа юных лет.
Ей служат сотни тысяч слуг –
И всем покоя нет.

Она гоняет, как собак,
В ненастье, дождь и тьму
Пять тысяч Где, семь тысяч
Как Сто тысяч Почему!

Перевод Я.С. Маршака.

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