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Презентация на тему по английскому языку языку на тему Хорошо ли ты знаешь Великобританию? (7 класс)

1.Who were the first to invade Britain? a) Celts b) Vikings
Do you know Britain well ? 1.Who were the first to invade Britain?    a) Celts 2.This monarch ruled for the longest period in the British history. 3.The civil war between Yorks and Lancasters was called…a) The great Patriotic 4.Nelson defeated this fleet at the battle of Trafalgar. a) Spanish Armada 5.All the kings were crowned here:a)St. Paul’s Сathedral    b) 6.This building was designed by Sir  Christopher Wren: a)St. Paul’s Сathedral 7.This building is the political centre of the countrya)St. Paul’s Сathedral 8.Where is the Poet’ Corner? a)St. Paul’s Сathedral    b) 9.The Whispering Gallery at this building is very popular a)St. Paul’s Сathedral 10. Who of these people was not William?ShakespeareWordsworthDickensThackeray 11.Who is the most translated British author?ShakespeareWordsworthDickensThackeray 12. This is the address of the head of the British government221b, 13. Ben Nevis is : a British footballer    b) 14. The part of the UK which is not presented in the Proverbs Find the translationSilence gives consent. 5) Out of sight, out of mind.6) All is not gold that
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 1.Who were the first to invade Britain?

1.Who were the first to invade Britain?  a) Celts

a) Celts

b) Vikings

c)Romans d) Normans

Слайд 3 2.This monarch ruled for the longest period in

2.This monarch ruled for the longest period in the British history.

the British history.

a) Elizabeth I

b) Elizabeth II

c) Victoria d) (Bloody) Mary I

Слайд 4 3.The civil war between Yorks and Lancasters was

3.The civil war between Yorks and Lancasters was called…a) The great


a) The great Patriotic b)Wars

of Roses

c) 100 year war d) Black Death

Слайд 5 4.Nelson defeated this fleet at the battle of

4.Nelson defeated this fleet at the battle of Trafalgar. a) Spanish


a) Spanish Armada b)

Italian Fleet

c)French Fleet d)French-Spanish

Слайд 6 5.All the kings were crowned here:

a)St. Paul’s Сathedral

5.All the kings were crowned here:a)St. Paul’s Сathedral  b) Westminster

b) Westminster Abbey

c)Buckingham Palace

d)the Tower of London

Слайд 7 6.This building was designed by Sir Christopher Wren:

6.This building was designed by Sir Christopher Wren: a)St. Paul’s Сathedral

a)St. Paul’s Сathedral b) Westminster Abbey


Palace d)the Tower of London

Слайд 8 7.This building is the political centre of the

7.This building is the political centre of the countrya)St. Paul’s Сathedral


a)St. Paul’s Сathedral b) Westminster Abbey


Palace d)the Tower of London

Слайд 9 8.Where is the Poet’ Corner?

a)St. Paul’s Сathedral

8.Where is the Poet’ Corner? a)St. Paul’s Сathedral  b) Westminster

b) Westminster Abbey

c)Buckingham Palace

d)the Tower of London

Слайд 10 9.The Whispering Gallery at this building is very

9.The Whispering Gallery at this building is very popular a)St. Paul’s


a)St. Paul’s Сathedral b) Westminster


c)Buckingham Palace d)the Tower of London

Слайд 11 10. Who of these people was not William?


10. Who of these people was not William?ShakespeareWordsworthDickensThackeray

Слайд 12 11.Who is the most translated British author?


11.Who is the most translated British author?ShakespeareWordsworthDickensThackeray

Слайд 13 12. This is the address of the head

12. This is the address of the head of the British

of the British government

221b, Baker Street

b) 10, Downing Street

c)23, Piccadilly Circus d)15, White Hall

Слайд 14 13. Ben Nevis is :

a British footballer

13. Ben Nevis is : a British footballer  b) a

b) a sort of juice

c) a

mountain d) a sort of cheese

Слайд 15 14. The part of the UK which is

14. The part of the UK which is not presented in

not presented in the flag is:

a) England

b) Scotland

c) Wales d) Northern Ireland

Слайд 16 Proverbs Find the translation
Silence gives consent.

Proverbs Find the translationSilence gives consent.    2) No

2) No smoke without fire.
3) East

or West, home is best.
4) All is well that ends well.

a) В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

b) Молчание – знак согласия.

c) Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

d) Нет дыма без огня.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-yazyku-na-temu-horosho-li-ty-znaesh-velikobritaniyu-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 0