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Презентация на тему урока Легенды Санкт-Петербурга

Sphinxes at the Universitetskaya EmbankmentSphinxes at the Universitetskaya Embankment are located in front of the Imperial Academy of Arts. It is one of the most mysterious places in Saint Petersburg. Sphinxes were brought from Alexandria, Egypt
Legends of Saint PetersburgEvery city has some unusual magical places and Saint Sphinxes at the Universitetskaya EmbankmentSphinxes at the Universitetskaya Embankment are located in Legends, connected with the SphinxesThere are several myths about St Petersburg sphinxesAccording By the way, there is also a legend connected with the Academy Saint Michael's Castle/ Mikhailovsky zamok There is no need to say, that It was built as a residence for Russian Emperor Paul I who Places to make a wishThere are several attractions in our city, where The monument to Peter I (St. Michael's Castle) The model of this Bank Bridge GriffinsIf you want to have no problems with money, you There are some more griffins in St Petersburg and two of them
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Слайд 2 Sphinxes at the Universitetskaya Embankment
Sphinxes at the Universitetskaya

Sphinxes at the Universitetskaya EmbankmentSphinxes at the Universitetskaya Embankment are located

Embankment are located in front of the Imperial Academy

of Arts. It is one of the most mysterious places in Saint Petersburg. Sphinxes were brought from Alexandria, Egypt in 1832. They are 3500 years old and were created for the temple of the Luxor. Their faces are portraits of Amenhotep III

Слайд 3 Legends, connected with the Sphinxes
There are several myths

Legends, connected with the SphinxesThere are several myths about St Petersburg

about St Petersburg sphinxes
According to one of them, the

expression of their faces changes during the day. Since morning till noon it is calm and peaceful, and then it turns into threatening and even creepy.
- the person who disturb the rest of the Sphinxes will be inevitably dead. They say that Sphinxes should not have been taken from their motherland - the curse expects the city where they were brought to.
But there are some good legends connected with Sphinxes too:
- If you caress the Sphinx, it will become your patron and will guard you
- Many people say, if the Sphinx like you, your wishes will come true.

Слайд 4 By the way, there is also a legend

By the way, there is also a legend connected with the

connected with the Academy of arts, which is situated

just next to the Sphinxes. They say, that the ghost of one of its architects, Alexander Kokorinov, is still wandering in its hall, As the legend says he hung himself in its attic.

Слайд 5 Saint Michael's Castle/ Mikhailovsky zamok
There is no need

Saint Michael's Castle/ Mikhailovsky zamok There is no need to say,

to say, that this castle is the most famous

and creepiest ghost place in Saint Petersburg

Слайд 6 It was built as a residence for Russian

It was built as a residence for Russian Emperor Paul I

Emperor Paul I who was afraid of intrigues and

assassination plots and disliked the Winter Palace, where all other monarchs used to live. He was keen on stories about medieval knights, that’s why he ordered to build a new residence so alike the real castle with artificial canals around it.
Paul I was assassinated there only 40 nights after he moved into his newly built castle.
They say, that his shadow still can be seen in this castle. Employees of the museum say that they sometimes hear his steps, doors slams without any wind. Every time it happens, people, who work in the museum, always cheer the dead emperor

Слайд 7 Places to make a wish
There are several attractions

Places to make a wishThere are several attractions in our city,

in our city, where you can make a wish.

Usually they are connected with some bronze monuments

Слайд 8 The monument to Peter I (St. Michael's Castle)

The monument to Peter I (St. Michael's Castle) The model of

The model of this sculpture was designed by the

Italian sculptor Carlo Bartolomeo Rastrelli when Peter I was still alive. But it was made in bronze only in 1747 and in 1800 was put in front of St. Michael's Castle by the order of Paul I.
There is a relief on its base, which shows a sailor, saved by Peter the Great. There is a legend among seamen that if you don’t want to drawn, you should touch the sailor’s foot. Nowadays students touch it not to fail the exams.

Слайд 9 Bank Bridge Griffins
If you want to have no

Bank Bridge GriffinsIf you want to have no problems with money,

problems with money, you should rub griffin’s paw. You

will inevitably make a fortune.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-uroka-legendy-sankt-peterburga.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 168
  • Количество скачиваний: 0