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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Правила поведения для туристов (10 класс)

You can not photograph people without their consent, as well as objects of the army!
Prepared by Lyapina S.S.Rules of conduct for tourists ! You can not photograph people without their consent, as well as objects of the army! Smoking is prohibited in public places! Do not drink tap water! Bathing in the sea and in the pool is allowed only in the daytime! It is strictly forbidden to break corals and shells! Children are allowed to be on the beach , to swim in In no case can not destroy the monuments of history! Keep expensive things to yourself! Do not conflict with people! Do not transport prohibited items! Respect people! Thank you!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 You can not photograph people without their consent,

You can not photograph people without their consent, as well as objects of the army!

as well as objects of the army!

Слайд 3 Smoking is prohibited in public places!

Smoking is prohibited in public places!

Слайд 4 Do not drink tap water!

Do not drink tap water!

Слайд 5 Bathing in the sea and in the pool

Bathing in the sea and in the pool is allowed only in the daytime!

is allowed only in the daytime!

Слайд 6 It is strictly forbidden to break corals and

It is strictly forbidden to break corals and shells!


Слайд 7 Children are allowed to be on the beach

Children are allowed to be on the beach , to swim

, to swim in the sea and in the

pool only under the supervision of their parents!

Слайд 8 In no case can not destroy the monuments

In no case can not destroy the monuments of history!

of history!

Слайд 9 Keep expensive things to yourself!

Keep expensive things to yourself!

Слайд 10 Do not conflict with people!

Do not conflict with people!

Слайд 11 Do not transport prohibited items!

Do not transport prohibited items!

Слайд 12 Respect people!

Respect people!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-pravila-povedeniya-dlya-turistov-10-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 155
  • Количество скачиваний: 3