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Презентация на тему Разработка презентации для урока английского языка Animals (3 класс)

PHONETIC DRILLFive little dogs Are playing by the door;One runs awayAnd now there are four.
ANIMALS PHONETIC DRILLFive little dogs Are playing by the door;One runs awayAnd now PHONETIC DRILLThis is a pig.It likes to dig. Its name is Pat.It LITTLE MOUSE         Little IN THE ZOO  I like going to the zoo, To I fly like a 4 10 19 FIND THE ANIMAL CROSSWORD Guess the animalIt gives us milk and butter too. It’s very kind. Guess the animalI am red and I have a fine tail, I Guess the animalIt is small, it lives in the forest and can Guess the animalIt looks like a big cat. It has got stripes -It lives in the house. It likes fish and meat. GRAMMAR  Sam __ (to have) pets.These_ (to be) a cat and THANK YOU
Слайды презентации

Five little dogs
Are playing by the

PHONETIC DRILLFive little dogs Are playing by the door;One runs awayAnd

One runs away
And now there are four.

I’ve got a pet,
It is a cat.
His name is Fred;
I love my cat.

This is a pig.
It likes to dig.

PHONETIC DRILLThis is a pig.It likes to dig. Its name is

Its name is Pat.
It is very fat.
One, one, one

– little dogs run.
Two, two, two – cats see you.
Three, three, three – birds in a tree.
Four, four, four – rats on the floor.


LITTLE MOUSE     Little mouse, little mouse,

Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?
Little cat, little cat,
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.
Little mouse, little mouse,
Come to my house.
Little cat, little cat,
I cannot do that.

Слайд 5 IN THE ZOO
I like going

IN THE ZOO I like going to the zoo, To

to the zoo,
To the zoo, to the zoo.

Come with me to the zoo!
To the zoo, to the zoo!

Слайд 6

I fly like a bird.

I fly like a bird.

I swim like a fish.

I run like a rabbit.

I climb like a monkey in the zoo.

Слайд 7



5 6

7 8 9


Слайд 8 10

10      11

11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18

Слайд 9


20 21

22 23 24

25 26 27





Слайд 12 Guess the animal
It gives us milk and butter

Guess the animalIt gives us milk and butter too. It’s very

too. It’s very kind. What is it?
- It

is brown. It has got four legs. It sleeps in winter. What is it?

- I’m little. I’m grey. My nose is short. My tail is long. I live in the house I’m a …

Слайд 13 Guess the animal
I am red and I have

Guess the animalI am red and I have a fine tail,

a fine tail, I live in the forest, I

like meat.
I am brown. I can walk, run, jump, climb. I cannot fly. I live in Africa. I like bananas What am I?

- It is green and big, it lives in the water and likes meat.

Слайд 14 Guess the animal
It is small, it lives in

Guess the animalIt is small, it lives in the forest and

the forest and can run fast. It is afraid

of everything.
It looks like a big cat, it lives in Africa, it can run very fast and it has a very long tail.

Слайд 15 Guess the animal
It looks like a big cat.

Guess the animalIt looks like a big cat. It has got

It has got stripes and a long tail. It

lives in India and it can run very fast.
It has a long neck and long legs and eats leaves from the trees.

Слайд 16
-It lives in the house.

-It lives in the house. It likes fish and

It likes fish and meat.

- It is

small, it lives in the forest and can run fast. It is afraid of everything.

Guess the animal

-It can walk. It can climb. It has got a short tail and four legs. It is brown. It likes honey.

Слайд 17 GRAMMAR
Sam __ (to have) pets.
These_ (to

GRAMMAR Sam __ (to have) pets.These_ (to be) a cat and

be) a cat and a hamster. The cat’s name

_ (to be) Blacky. The hamster’s name _ (to be) Lorrita. They_ (to be) good
friends. Sam likes his pets very
much. I also _ (to have) pets. My
kitten and puppy_ (to be) funny.

  • Имя файла: razrabotka-prezentatsii-dlya-uroka-angliyskogo-yazyka-animals-3-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 1