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Презентация на тему по английскому языку для 5 класса по теме Enimal World

A tiger
Animal worldЖивотный мир A tiger A frog A puma A snake dolphins A pinguin A tortoise A guinea pig Dinosaurs Dinosaurs is very big, strong and dangerous. It has a «The sun was hot»The sun was hot, It rained a lot, The sun was hot, It rained a lot, My name is… .I am … months old.I am … (colour). I Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 A tiger

A tiger

Слайд 4 A frog

A frog

Слайд 5 A puma

A puma

Слайд 6 A snake

A snake

Слайд 7 dolphins


Слайд 8 A pinguin

A pinguin

Слайд 9 A tortoise

A tortoise

Слайд 10 A guinea pig

A guinea pig

Слайд 11 Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs is very big, strong and dangerous.

Dinosaurs Dinosaurs is very big, strong and dangerous. It has

It has a very big head a long neck,

short arms and sixty sharp teeth. It walks on its two long legs and can run fast. It hunts small animals. Dinosaurs ate meat. It lived 110 million years ago. It is not a very beautiful animal.

Do you know?

Слайд 12 «The sun was hot»
The sun was hot,

«The sun was hot»The sun was hot, It rained a lot,

rained a lot,

Huge dinosaurs walked on the Earth.

This dinosaurs had a huge head,
And this dinosaurs had sharp teeth,
It didn’t eat leaves, it ate meat.
It could swim fast.
It lived in the past.

Слайд 13 The sun was hot,
It rained a lot,

The sun was hot, It rained a lot,

Huge dinosaurs

walked on the Earth.

This dinosaur had a small head,
This dinosaur had a long neck.
It didn’t eat meat, it ate leaves.
It couldn’t run fast.
It lived in the past.

Слайд 14 My name is… .
I am … months old.

My name is… .I am … months old.I am … (colour).

am … (colour).
I have got … ears,

… legs and … eyes.
I can … .
I like … .

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-dlya-5-klassa-po-teme-enimal-world.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 137
  • Количество скачиваний: 0