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1. -Emotionality
- ( cool, yes, ok, super; ништяк, потрясно, клево нехило
Damn, she is good! (Чёрт возьми, как она хороша!)
- Indignation
shit, That's bullshit! Это чушь собачья! shoot, ежкин кот
I don't believe that crap. Я не верю этой чепухе.
- Surprise
Holy shit! (Ни фига себе!)
2.The play of the words.
All young people try to show themselves.This phenomenon occurs in Russion language only.
- Phonetic
mimicry-степа-стипендия, валя-валюта;
футли-туфли, футы-ноги;
- Epenesa
-тачанка –тачка; контробальная работа;
- Contamination-
таскотека-таски=хорошо; драконат-дракон и деканат.
II.2. The modes and sources of formation the slang in English language .
- The borrowings from other foreign languages –chalkie-the teacher in Britain since 1930, the influence of Australian cartoon in which the main hero was named-Old Chalky; swilge-swiggle-cofee whith enough sugar to make it tasteless.
- Metaphors-birdcage
- Metonymy- visit lady Perriam
- Affixal type of word formation-homers from homework
- The truncation of words- soph=sophomore-cтудент –второкурсник, pre sci=preliminary science examination -предварительное изучеие науки; ret=tobacco cigarette-сигареты.
-- Abbreviation-B.F.- best friend-лучший друг.
Most of all these words came from the Internet. For example: YOLO- You Only Live Once; TBN- To Be Honest;
There are a lot of slang words from mobile.
SMS TXT Abbreviations- btw-by the way, cam-camera, cnt-cannot, fyi- for your information,g2g-got to go, gj-good job, np- no problem, ty-Thank you, tmr-tomorrow, tc-take care, yw-you're welcome.
-Concretion- boylogy- исскуство привлекать мужчин.
-Conversion-shake up-gym-тренировочный зал от трясти, шевелить.
-Composition-blue+ stocking=-bluestocking-синий чулок.
Chapter II. The modes and sources of formation the slang in Russian and English languages.