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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему: Пути и способы формирования сленга в русском и английском языках

The Mad Hunter:-Have I gone Mad?Alice:- Im afraid so. Youre entirely bonkers. But Iltell you a secret-All the best people are mad.
Hello Dear    Friends! The Mad Hunter:-Have I gone Mad?Alice:- Im afraid so. Youre entirely bonkers. The modes and sources of formation the slang in Russian and English The purpose of our work is to  research the topic of The object of the research is the slang, as part of the Chapter I The slang as the object of the research work.1. So, all words are divided into two main groups:  1) words In Russian language the meaning of slang and jargon are not the . I.2. The meaning of slang, jargon , in modern linguistic. Slang Slang is divided into General slang and Special slang. And it depends Conclusion of the Chapter I.All words are divided into two main groups: I.1	The modes and sources of formation the slang in Russian language .1) Conclusion of the Chapter II  Slang expressions are created by the Conclusion of the research work  1.The language is not a dead
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Mad Hunter:
-Have I gone Mad?
- Im afraid

The Mad Hunter:-Have I gone Mad?Alice:- Im afraid so. Youre entirely

so. Youre entirely bonkers. But Il
tell you a secret-All

the best people are mad.

Слайд 3 The modes and sources of formation the slang

The modes and sources of formation the slang in Russian and

in Russian and English languages
Сараева Диана, ученица 10 класса

МАОУ « Гимназия № 4»

Слайд 4 The purpose of our work is to

The purpose of our work is to research the topic of

research the topic of formation the slang in Russian

and English languages.
The given purpose specified the performance of the following tasks:
1) To find out the meaning of the word the slang in system of modern linguistic terminology;
2) To set the main reasons of origin and use of slang in today's youth speech;
3) To find out the modes and sources of formation the slang in Russian and English languages;
4) To show the relations between the Russian speech of the youth and the English one;

Слайд 5 The object of the research is the slang,

The object of the research is the slang, as part of

as part of the today's youth speech.
The subject

is the formation and functioning of the slang in the Russian and the English languages.

Слайд 6 Chapter I The slang as the object

Chapter I The slang as the object of the research

of the research work.
1. Stylistic stratification of English and

Russian words
The main characteristics of the language are traditionally considered:1) handles language;
2) oral and written implementation;
3)сommon used;
4) standart;

Слайд 7 So, all words are divided into two main

So, all words are divided into two main groups: 1) words

groups: 1) words of the formal style and 2)

words of the informal style. Besides, one more group is constituted by basic vocabulary units, which do not belong to any of the above-mentioned groups.

Слайд 8 In Russian language the meaning of slang and

In Russian language the meaning of slang and jargon are not

jargon are not the same.

slang is opposite to literary

language ,its as the outside of literary colloquial language, and the jargon belongs to the world of «bad»people.

Слайд 9 . I.2. The meaning of slang, jargon ,

. I.2. The meaning of slang, jargon , in modern linguistic.

in modern linguistic.
Slang words.
All or most slang words

are metaphors rooted in a joke:
nuts (for "heads"),
mugs (for "faces"),
flippers (ласты) (for "hands"), etc.

Slang is mainly used by the young and uneducated and helps the speakers dissociate themselves from others.

In the course of time slang words either disappear or become neutral lexical units (slang is colorful, humorous and catching and may be accepted by all the groups of speakers).

Слайд 10 Slang is divided into General slang and Special

Slang is divided into General slang and Special slang. And it

slang. And it depends on sphere of use the

slang. There are main characteristics of the today's youth slang:

1. -Emotionality
- ( cool, yes, ok, super; ништяк, потрясно, клево нехило
Damn, she is good! (Чёрт возьми, как она хороша!)
- Indignation
shit, That's bullshit! Это чушь собачья! shoot, ежкин кот
I don't believe that crap. Я не верю этой чепухе.
- Surprise
Holy shit! (Ни фига себе!)

2.The play of the words.
All young people try to show themselves.This phenomenon occurs in Russion language only.
- Phonetic
mimicry-степа-стипендия, валя-валюта;
футли-туфли, футы-ноги;
- Epenesa
-тачанка –тачка; контробальная работа;
- Contamination-
таскотека-таски=хорошо; драконат-дракон и деканат.

Слайд 11 Conclusion of the Chapter I.

All words are divided

Conclusion of the Chapter I.All words are divided into two main

into two main groups: 1) words of the formal

style and 2) words of the informal style. Besides, one more group is constituted by basic vocabulary units, which do not belong to any of the above-mentioned groups.

In modern literary language there are words slang and jargon.

3. There are some features of slang such as emotionality and the play of the words.

Слайд 12 I.1 The modes and sources of formation the slang

I.1	The modes and sources of formation the slang in Russian language

in Russian language .

1) The borrowing from another language

-pум сингер
2) Use the resource of Russian language:
1) affixation- оттяг , прикалываться
2) Using the suffix ов-брэндовый
3) Metaphors- баскетболист «человек маленького роста»
4) Argot-срубить,сорваться
About 22 % of argots had built the words which were famous in XIX-XX centuries –хавать-to eat , стрем,стремный-awful; When argots are used by the youth they transfer into another words and their meanings :
- polysemy-кинуть, заводить, париться.
- antonomasia-Машка, гнать муму, слушать мендельсона.
- apocope-транк-транквилизатор,маг-магнитофон, универ-университет.
- contamination-стипенсия-стипендия=стип+пенсия.
- concretion-академка, автомат, дипломка.
- abbreviation-чмо,гзм, ГИБДД(гони инспектору бабки и двигай дальше).
- punning substitution-бухарест-молодежная вечеринка со спиртным,чайковский-чай, белинский-белый хлеб.

II.2. The modes and sources of formation the slang in English language .

- The borrowings from other foreign languages –chalkie-the teacher in Britain since 1930, the influence of Australian cartoon in which the main hero was named-Old Chalky; swilge-swiggle-cofee whith enough sugar to make it tasteless.
- Metaphors-birdcage
- Metonymy- visit lady Perriam
- Affixal type of word formation-homers from homework
- The truncation of words- soph=sophomore-cтудент –второкурсник, pre sci=preliminary science examination -предварительное изучеие науки; ret=tobacco cigarette-сигареты.
-- Abbreviation-B.F.- best friend-лучший друг.
Most of all these words came from the Internet. For example: YOLO- You Only Live Once; TBN- To Be Honest;
There are a lot of slang words from mobile.
SMS TXT Abbreviations- btw-by the way, cam-camera, cnt-cannot, fyi- for your information,g2g-got to go, gj-good job, np- no problem, ty-Thank you, tmr-tomorrow, tc-take care, yw-you're welcome.
-Concretion- boylogy- исскуство привлекать мужчин.
-Conversion-shake up-gym-тренировочный зал от трясти, шевелить.
-Composition-blue+ stocking=-bluestocking-синий чулок.

Chapter II. The modes and sources of formation the slang in Russian and English languages.

Слайд 13 Conclusion of the Chapter II Slang expressions are created

Conclusion of the Chapter II Slang expressions are created by the

by the same processes that affect ordinary speech. Expressions

may take form as metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech. Words may acquire new meanings (cool, cat). A narrow meaning may become generalized. Words may be clipped, or abbreviated . A foreign suffix may be added . Some words in slang have the same equivalents in both languages. Russian young people tell words from English language in Russian manner of speech and sometimes cannot express the same words in Russian language.

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