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Презентация на тему Первый день в школе!/Снова в школу!. 5 класс


Good morning children! Are you ready for today’s lesson?What date is it today? What day of the week is it? How are you today?Ok. Let’s start.I’d like to check your homework for today.What was it?
First day! Good morning children! Are you ready for today’s lesson?What date is it Open your books at page 28, please. Share your ideas about the Look at the title of the lesson and try to guess the topic Complete the sentencesThe first school day is…It is important because...On this day Look at the pictures. How many boys and girls can you see?  We meet new people almost every day. Let’s learn how to introduce ourselves. Ex.4 p.28the first exchange — первый обмен фразами (в диалоге)true — правильныйfalse — неправильныйRead the task before FFTF Ex.5 p.28Read the students’ names and say how old they are ExampleA: Excuse me, where is the Maths lesson?B: It’s in room E. Let’s read the wordspersonal pronouns — личные местоимения singular — единственное число plural — множественное число affirmative — утвердительный negative — отрицательный interrogative — вопросительный sheHeTheyWeYouIt Let’s read the affirmative and the negative forms in the box ‘s‘s‘m‘re‘s‘re Let’s read the interrogative forms and the short answers in the box Isn’tI’m notAren’tIsn’tAren’t Arethey areAreI’m notIsIt isAre we aren’tIshe isn’t Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the student’s age. Is it an eraser? Are you twelve? Are they pencils?Are you in Year seven? Let’s learn how to make a fact file. It is a short Answer the questionsWhat’s the boy’s name? What’s his surname?How old is Damien?What class Can you use personal pronouns?Can you use the verb to be?Do you know
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Good morning children! Are you ready for today’s

Good morning children! Are you ready for today’s lesson?What date is

What date is it today? What day of the

week is it? How are you today?
Ok. Let’s start.
I’d like to check your homework for today.
What was it?

Слайд 3 Open your books at page 28, please. Share

Open your books at page 28, please. Share your ideas about

your ideas about the first school day. You can

see some beginnings of the sentences on the board. They can help you.

Слайд 4 Look at the title of the lesson and

Look at the title of the lesson and try to guess the topic

try to guess the topic

Слайд 5 Complete the sentences
The first school day is…
It is

Complete the sentencesThe first school day is…It is important because...On this

important because...
On this day I/we...
The first class on the

first of September was...

Let’s remember how to count from 11 to 20.

Слайд 8 Look at the pictures. How many boys and

Look at the pictures. How many boys and girls can you

girls can you see?  What are their names? Work in pairs.

Ask and answer how old the students are.

Find out how old your partner is

Слайд 9 We meet new people almost every day. Let’s

We meet new people almost every day. Let’s learn how to introduce ourselves.

learn how to introduce ourselves.

Слайд 10 Ex.4 p.28
the first exchange — первый обмен фразами (в диалоге)
true — правильный
false —

Ex.4 p.28the first exchange — первый обмен фразами (в диалоге)true — правильныйfalse — неправильныйRead the task

Read the task before the dialogue to yourself. The

words on the board can help you. How did you understand the task?

Слайд 12 Ex.5 p.28
Read the students’ names and say how

Ex.5 p.28Read the students’ names and say how old they are

old they are

Слайд 13 Example
A: Excuse me, where is the Maths lesson?

ExampleA: Excuse me, where is the Maths lesson?B: It’s in room

It’s in room E. Are you new to the

A: Yes, I am. My name’s Ivan.
B: Nice to meet you, Ivan. Your name is strange.
How do you spell it?
A: It’s IVAN.
B: I see. How old are you?
A: I’m fourteen. And you?
B: I’m thirteen. Are you in class 2D?
A: No, I’m not.

Слайд 14 Let’s read the words
personal pronouns — личные местоимения
 singular — единственное число
 plural —

Let’s read the wordspersonal pronouns — личные местоимения singular — единственное число plural — множественное число affirmative — утвердительный negative — отрицательный interrogative — вопросительный

множественное число
 affirmative — утвердительный 
negative — отрицательный
 interrogative — вопросительный

Слайд 15 she


Слайд 16 Let’s read the affirmative and the negative forms

Let’s read the affirmative and the negative forms in the box

in the box

Слайд 17 ‘s


Слайд 18 Let’s read the interrogative forms and the short

Let’s read the interrogative forms and the short answers in the box

answers in the box

Слайд 19 Isn’t
I’m not

Isn’tI’m notAren’tIsn’tAren’t

Слайд 20 Are
they are
I’m not
It is
we aren’t
he isn’t

Arethey areAreI’m notIsIt isAre we aren’tIshe isn’t

Слайд 21 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the

Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the student’s age.

student’s age.

Слайд 22 Is it an eraser?
 Are you twelve?
 Are they pencils?

Is it an eraser? Are you twelve? Are they pencils?Are you in Year seven?

you in Year seven?

Слайд 23 Let’s learn how to make a fact file.

Let’s learn how to make a fact file. It is a

It is a short text in note form giving

basic information about a person. Read the example in Exercise 11

Слайд 24 Answer the questions
What’s the boy’s name? 
What’s his surname?

Answer the questionsWhat’s the boy’s name? What’s his surname?How old is Damien?What

old is Damien?
What class is he in? 
What is his

favourite subject?

  • Имя файла: pervyy-den-v-shkolesnova-v-shkolu-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 159
  • Количество скачиваний: 2