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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Экология. Защита окружающей среды (9 класс)

The resources on our planetI'd like to start with the problem of the shortage of natural resources on our planet. In my view it's one of the most dangerous problems of the world of nowadays.For the
If I were the leader of my country…Bryzgunova Nina 9B class. Nizhnevartovsk The resources on our planetI'd like to start with the problem of “Every day, I wake up, get ready and This can be an introduction of a nice Firstly, people could use public transport to commute to Secondly, if people recycled things, there wouldn’t be And last but not the least, if we had All in all, there are
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The resources on our planet
I'd like to start

The resources on our planetI'd like to start with the problem

with the problem of the shortage of natural resources

on our planet. In my view it's one of the most dangerous problems of the world of nowadays.
For the last several years the amount of natural resources that we use every day has grown, as the population of the world is growing year by year. What is more, the modern way of life tells us to buy more and to want more things. For example, nowadays the amount of people driving cars grows day by day. On the one hand, it's clear that people want a comfortable life and cars can give this comfort to them. On the other hand , this becomes the cause of environmental problems. As you probably know, cars need oil. The more cars we produce and buy, the more oil will be taken out from the earth. As the amount of oil in the ground is not endless, one day we're going to face the shortage of it. As a result, our life will never be the same! What are we going to do then, if we are so dependent on it?
My opinion is that this problem is totally the fault of the humanity, because it's the human growing needs that have caused it. However, there are some people, who try to change the situation for the better. Some people prefer walking and cycling to driving a car. Moreover, scientists are trying to invent and use some new kinds of fuels, for example, the power of the sunlight.
And finally I'd like to tell you that it's we who must start thinking about this problem because it's we and our children who are going to live in this world .So, let's hope for the better, but do something now!!!

Слайд 3 “Every day, I wake

“Every day, I wake up, get ready and walk

up, get ready and walk to school. Our town

looks so wonderful and pleasant in the morning. While I am walking I can see a lot of trees with birds chirping delightfully! You can hardly see any car passing by since everyone takes the bus around here”…

Слайд 4 This can be an

This can be an introduction of a nice book,

introduction of a nice book, which unfortunately, is too

good to be true! Today cities face many environmental problems such as air pollution, littering and recycling problems. Unfortunately, 70% of the citizens aren’t aware of these problems and moreover don’t know how to solve them.

Слайд 5 Firstly, people could use public

Firstly, people could use public transport to commute to

transport to commute to work or use bicycles and

as a result cities would be less polluted.

Слайд 6 Secondly, if people recycled

Secondly, if people recycled things, there wouldn’t be so

things, there wouldn’t be so much rubbish in the

streets and even better if the authorities put rubbish bins on every street corner, people wouldn’t drop litter in the streets.

Слайд 7 And last but not the

And last but not the least, if we had

least, if we had more trees, green areas and

parks, we would have more oxygen, cities would come less polluted and children would be able to play safely.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-ekologiya-zashchita-okruzhayushchey-sredy-9-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 177
  • Количество скачиваний: 1