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Презентация на тему по английскому языку для 3 класса .автор учебника Биболетова М. З.

Homework. Your postcards for Tiny.
Tiny invites you to Green School. Homework. Your postcards for Tiny. Послушай и скажи о ком мама рассказывает Эндрю и Роуз.I have... = Please, repeate the words and do exercise 1 page 65 in W.B. Check your answer. Опиши одного из учеников лесной школы. Используй словосочетания: Short/long nose Complete the sentences.Example: A hand has five fingers. 1. A foot has Listen and read: [e]	help, leg, head, bed, forget, tell[ai]	nice, nine, my, eye, Task for Tiny. Опиши одного из героев так , чтобы Тайни узнал 1.Read the text 5 page 101.   2. Look at the Answer the questions. 1. Who lives in a fairytale forest?2. Does Tiny TELL STORY ABOUT TINY . Tiny is...He lives in...He has big...and a…..nose.His Выполни в рабочей тетради упражнение 4 на странице 65.Homework
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Homework. Your postcards for Tiny.

Homework. Your postcards for Tiny.

Слайд 3 Послушай и скажи о ком мама рассказывает Эндрю

Послушай и скажи о ком мама рассказывает Эндрю и Роуз.I have...

и Роуз.
I have... = I have got... (y меня

She/He/It has... = She / He / It has got... (y нee / y нeгo ecть...)
You/We/They have... = You / We / They have got... (y вac (y тeбя) / y нac / y ниx ecть...)

Слайд 4 Please, repeate the words and do exercise 1

Please, repeate the words and do exercise 1 page 65 in W.B.

page 65 in W.B.

Слайд 5 Check your answer.

Check your answer.

Слайд 6 Опиши одного из учеников лесной школы. Используй словосочетания:

Опиши одного из учеников лесной школы. Используй словосочетания: Short/long nose

nose merry/ funny face
Green/brown/blue eyes
Big/small ears

Dark/yellow hair , short/long arms
Начни так : He has……

Слайд 7 Complete the sentences.

Example: A hand has five fingers.

Complete the sentences.Example: A hand has five fingers. 1. A foot

1. A foot has five ... .
2. We

have one head, one ..., one… and one ...
3. We have two eyes, two ..., two.., two …, two.., two ... and two ... .
4.A man has thirty-two ... .

Слайд 8 Listen and read:

[e] help, leg, head, bed, forget, tell

[ai] nice,

Listen and read: [e]	help, leg, head, bed, forget, tell[ai]	nice, nine, my,

nine, my, eye, time

[i:] clean, please, read, teeth, feet, knee

[כֿ] clock,

want, got, box, wash

Слайд 9 Task for Tiny. Опиши одного из героев так ,

Task for Tiny. Опиши одного из героев так , чтобы Тайни

чтобы Тайни узнал о ком ты говоришь.
1) face: round

,long, lovely…..
2) eyes :brown, blue ,big, small, kind…
3) ears: small, big ,clean, pink ,brown…
4) nose: short, long, big, small ,black…
5) hair :blond ,dark, red ,grey….

Слайд 10 1.Read the text 5 page 101.

1.Read the text 5 page 101.  2. Look at the

2. Look at the pictures and read the sentences

from the text.

Слайд 11 Answer the questions.

1. Who lives in a fairytale

Answer the questions. 1. Who lives in a fairytale forest?2. Does

2. Does Tiny like ice cream?
3. What does he

like to do?
4. Is he sad?
a. No, he isn't. He often plays jokes.
b.He likes to ride his scooter.
c.Yes, he does. He has a sweet tooth.
d.Tiny does.


Tiny is...
He lives in...

TELL STORY ABOUT TINY . Tiny is...He lives in...He has big...and

has big...and a…..nose.
His eyes are…..
Tiny has a sweet tooth.

He likes...and jam.
Tiny likes to...

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