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Презентация на тему 2 к игре Christmas Quest - Рождество. Новый год.

cardSomething you send to say “Merry Christmas” that rhymes with yard.
cardSomething you send to say “Merry Christmas” that rhymes with yard. giftSomething Santa gives you that rhymes with lift. sackSomething Santa holds that rhymes with back. sleighSomething Santa drives that rhymes with day. RudolphA Santa’s reindeer that rhymes with wolf. ElfSomeone who helps Santa that rhymes with shelf. carolSomething people sing at Christmas that rhymes with barrel. treeSomething green you decorate that rhymes with see. starSomething you put on the top of the tree that rhymes with guitar. wreathSomething you put on the door that rhymes with read. hollyA Christmas ornamentthat rhymes with lolly. stockingSomething you hang by the fireplace that rhymes with rocking. candleSomething you light that rhymes with handle. bellSomething Santa rings that rhymes with well. candy caneSomething sweetthat rhymes with lane. lightsSomething people put on the roof that rhymes with rights. Merry Christmas!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 card
Something you send to say “Merry Christmas” that

cardSomething you send to say “Merry Christmas” that rhymes with yard.

rhymes with yard.

Слайд 3 gift
Something Santa gives you that rhymes with lift.

giftSomething Santa gives you that rhymes with lift.

Слайд 4 sack
Something Santa holds
that rhymes with back.

sackSomething Santa holds that rhymes with back.

Слайд 5 sleigh
Something Santa drives that rhymes with day.

sleighSomething Santa drives that rhymes with day.

Слайд 6 Rudolph
A Santa’s reindeer that rhymes with wolf.

RudolphA Santa’s reindeer that rhymes with wolf.

Слайд 7 Elf
Someone who helps Santa that rhymes with shelf.

ElfSomeone who helps Santa that rhymes with shelf.

Слайд 8 carol
Something people sing at Christmas that rhymes with

carolSomething people sing at Christmas that rhymes with barrel.


Слайд 9 tree
Something green you decorate that rhymes with see.

treeSomething green you decorate that rhymes with see.

Слайд 10 star
Something you put on the top
of the

starSomething you put on the top of the tree that rhymes with guitar.

tree that rhymes with guitar.

Слайд 11 wreath
Something you put on the door
that rhymes

wreathSomething you put on the door that rhymes with read.

with read.

Слайд 12 holly
A Christmas ornament
that rhymes with lolly.

hollyA Christmas ornamentthat rhymes with lolly.

Слайд 13 stocking
Something you hang by the fireplace that rhymes

stockingSomething you hang by the fireplace that rhymes with rocking.

with rocking.

Слайд 14 candle
Something you light
that rhymes with handle.

candleSomething you light that rhymes with handle.

Слайд 15 bell
Something Santa rings
that rhymes with well.

bellSomething Santa rings that rhymes with well.

Слайд 16 candy cane
Something sweet
that rhymes with lane.

candy caneSomething sweetthat rhymes with lane.

Слайд 17 lights
Something people put on the roof that rhymes

lightsSomething people put on the roof that rhymes with rights.

with rights.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-2-k-igre-christmas-quest-rozhdestvo-novyy-god.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 192
  • Количество скачиваний: 1