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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Global Village

The phrase the global village refers to the modern world where all countries depend on each other and seem to be closer together because of modern communication and transport systems.
The Global VillageWhat do you think we’re going to speak about in this unit? The phrase the global village refers to the modern world where all eg Life in the global village means it’s as easy to find Unit 5. Global VillageIn this unit, we’re going to read about the Start thinking!What does the word “media” mean to you?How much TV do Sitcoms Soap Operas News Background information ‘The media’ generally includes radio, television, newspapers, the internet  and magazines. Additional task  What was invented in1837? the telegraphWhat invention allowed people to send messages through the air? the radioWho was Justin Tolman? 2 What invention allowed people to send (Philo T. Farnsworth’s teacher What was Farnsworth’s first job after university? repairing radios Exercise 3 Focus on FCE: Reading Part2p. 43 N3 (b) 1 C: ‘For the first time, people’s voices could be sent over Word Box Aim: to introduce new vocabulary Read the definitions; Remember the Do the exercise.Then let’s check! Answers1 turn over2 global3 telecommunications4 images5 broadcast (irregular: broadcast – broadcast – Well done! PassiveDo the task p. 44 N4 (b) and then let’s check it. ‘How is a story put together? Well, to begin with, a call Homework p.32 N1 (w.b.)p.33 N1 (w.b.)Learn the new words by heart
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The phrase the global village refers to the

The phrase the global village refers to the modern world where

modern world where all countries depend on each other and

seem to be closer together because of modern communication and transport systems.

Слайд 3
eg Life in the global village means it’s

eg Life in the global village means it’s as easy to

as easy to find out what’s happening on the

other side of the world as at the end of your street.

Слайд 4 Unit 5. Global Village
In this unit, we’re going

Unit 5. Global VillageIn this unit, we’re going to read about

to read about the history of television, listen to

extracts from different TV programmes, speak about past experiences, write a story and study the passive.

Слайд 5 Start thinking!
What does the word “media” mean to

Start thinking!What does the word “media” mean to you?How much TV

How much TV do you watch?
What kinds of TV

programme do you like?

Слайд 6 Sitcoms


Слайд 7 Soap Operas

Soap Operas

Слайд 9 Background information ‘The media’ generally includes radio, television, newspapers,

Background information ‘The media’ generally includes radio, television, newspapers, the internet and magazines.

the internet and magazines.

Слайд 10 Additional task

What was invented in1837?

Additional task What was invented in1837?

Слайд 11 the telegraph
What invention allowed people to send messages

the telegraphWhat invention allowed people to send messages through the air?

through the air?

Слайд 12 the radio
Who was Justin Tolman?
2 What invention

the radioWho was Justin Tolman? 2 What invention allowed people to

allowed people to send messages through the air?
(the radio)

Who was Justin Tolman? (Philo T. Farnsworth’s teacher)
4 What was Farnsworth’s first job after university? (repairing radios)

Слайд 13 (Philo T. Farnsworth’s teacher
What was Farnsworth’s first job

(Philo T. Farnsworth’s teacher What was Farnsworth’s first job after university?

after university?

Слайд 14 repairing radios

repairing radios

Слайд 15 Exercise 3
Focus on FCE: Reading Part2
p. 43 N3

Exercise 3 Focus on FCE: Reading Part2p. 43 N3 (b)

Слайд 16
1 C: ‘For the first time, people’s voices

1 C: ‘For the first time, people’s voices could be sent

could be sent over long
distances.’ ‘However, wires were needed

to connect people who
wanted to communicate.’

2 F: ‘Although images were sent, they were very basic.’ ‘In order to
develop, television needed to be electronic …’

3 G: ‘… his brain played with the idea of television.’ ‘Gradually, an
Idea formed in his mind.’

4 E: ‘He drew diagrams on the blackboard explaining how it would
work.’ ‘Over the next few weeks, they developed the ideas
together …’

5 B: ‘… he was looking out for the chance to raise money to develop
his world-changing invention.’ ‘It finally came when he got a job
with two rich investors …’

6 A: ‘Television became a part of everyday life, as it still is.’ ‘Billions of
us every day around the world stay up to date with the news

Слайд 17 Word Box Aim: to introduce new vocabulary
Read the definitions;

Word Box Aim: to introduce new vocabulary Read the definitions; Remember

Remember the importance of deciding before you complete the

definitions whether you need to look for a noun;
adjective or verb in the article.

Are there any other words in the article which you don’t know the meaning of?

Слайд 18 Do the exercise.
Then let’s check!

Do the exercise.Then let’s check!

Слайд 19 Answers
1 turn over
2 global
3 telecommunications
4 images
5 broadcast (irregular:

Answers1 turn over2 global3 telecommunications4 images5 broadcast (irregular: broadcast – broadcast

broadcast – broadcast – broadcast) / beam
6 up to

7 headlines

Слайд 20
Well done!

Well done!

Слайд 21 Passive
Do the task p. 44 N4 (b) and

PassiveDo the task p. 44 N4 (b) and then let’s check it.

then let’s check it.

Слайд 22
‘How is a story put together? Well, to

‘How is a story put together? Well, to begin with, a

begin with, a call is received at
the news centre.Then,

one of our reporters is sent to get more
information. Anybody who knows anything about the story is
interviewed and the interviews are recorded by the cameraman.The
facts are also checked with official sources. Back at the studio, the
story is edited ready for the next news bulletin.The news is broadcast
on the hour, 24 hours a day.’

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-global-village.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 174
  • Количество скачиваний: 0