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Презентация на тему по теме Blogging is a hobby or a profession

What is a blog? When did it appear? What does it include?
Is blogging a hobby or a profession? What is a blog? When did it appear?  What does it include?  The topics of blogging. Is blogging a hobby or a profession?70%30% Skills for professional bloggers.1. Content writing skills.2. Photo editing skills3. Marketing and Time management skills. Differences between blogging as a hobby and as profession.1. No pressure to Is blogging a hobby or a profession?HOBBY BUT! https://www.instagram.com/instagram/
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 What is a blog? When did it appear?

What is a blog? When did it appear? What does it include?

What does it include?

Слайд 4  The topics of blogging.

 The topics of blogging.

Слайд 5 Is blogging a hobby or a profession?

Is blogging a hobby or a profession?70%30%

Слайд 6 Skills for professional bloggers.
1. Content writing skills.

2. Photo

Skills for professional bloggers.1. Content writing skills.2. Photo editing skills3. Marketing and Time management skills.

editing skills
3. Marketing and Time management skills.

Слайд 7 Differences between blogging as a hobby and as

Differences between blogging as a hobby and as profession.1. No pressure

1. No pressure to create.
2. You don’t have to

pick a niche.

4. Less work.

3. Engage with other bloggers .

Слайд 8 Is blogging a hobby or a profession?

Is blogging a hobby or a profession?HOBBY

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-blogging-is-a-hobby-or-a-profession.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 155
  • Количество скачиваний: 0